The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, June 25, 2002-19 ru 1 H CNDINCHMIN US YUN2,20 Mavericks turil it on late to deliver high-scoring tie By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Few local leainsin receni memory have worked harder for a single point Ihan the Jr. B Mavericks did ai John Tondul Sports Centre Saiurday nighi. Fueled by hopes of posi-season play and a cluich scoring surge hy Derek Blanchard, Milton delivered hy far ils most impressive effort since reiurning 10 the league - erasing four separate laie-gaine deficils, including one in overlime, 10 ie the upper-echelon Saria Pacers 18-18. The marathon showdown would end in hearihreak, however, as the visiiors noiched the final equalizer wiih a measly îwo seconds remnaining in the extra ses- sion. Blanchard sunk the poiential gaine winner a few minutes earlier to follow up on an explosive four-goal ihird period - which was capped wiîh a rehound deposil with jusi eighl seconds lefi in regulalion lime. Overaîl, he collecied eighi points 10 lead the leam's highesi single-game scoring total of the year. While the local juniors couldolt quile clinch iheir sevenlh season viciory, the point secured for a ie pushed ihem wilhin a game of Owen Sound for the fourth and final playoff spot ini the OLA's Mid-West Division. Wiih regular season-ending tilts againsi lowly Wallacehurg and winless Brantford ihis weekend, Milton sands an excellent shol ai hridging the gap - and would win the head-io-head tiebreaker, having heaien Owen Sound hoih imes ihis year. T'he Mavericks' laie chargc helped them overcome a thoroughly miserable powerplay performance for mosi of the nighl. Nol only did lhey fail 10 capitalize on most man-advanlage opporiunilies, but gave up seven short- handed goals- including ihree on one firsi-period stiil wiih ihe extra aitacker. Bult ome key saves by Josh Arnold and a sirong oui- ing by Malt Decaire, who was effective ai the point, helped counler Miiton's powerplay pilfails. Decaire and ion Sweetland also scored in overtiiie, which ended wiih Arnold being penalized for an illegal stick and relumning starter Jordan Lumb surrendering the lying ially. Overail, 10 shorihanded goals were scored in a raiher chippy affair. Sweeiland fmiàshed the nighl with ihree goals while caplain Kyle Hagel, Rick Gallmnger and Drew Peikof each tallied îwice. Sunday aftemoon's gainein Onondaga was can- celled ai the lasi minute when the referees were refused enlry across the border by US. Immigration. 'his marks the second ime in a few years ihal ibis bas happened, and needless 10 say now comes ai greal expense and frustration for the Mavericks. Ai press lime yesîerday, il was not known when the gaine would be re-scheduled. Maverick notes: Kaegan Sherriff bas been traded to Sparlan for future consideralions ... The Mavericks hegin the tati week of the regular season lomorrow nighl in Elora. Saiurday lhey hosi Wallacehurg ai 7 p.m. hefore closing things oui Sunday aftemoon in Brantford. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE ý-Touchdown! Milton Marauder Malt MacPhail gels holsted Up by a pair Of teammaes tollowing his interception and touchdown run against Markham Saturday afternoon et Bishop Reding. Milton lost the game 37-7. For full resuits, see page 21. -Jr. A club changing its name The Merchanis era is over. 1wesmnraos Milion's Jr. A hockey club has officially dropped why we're doing ibis, the Merchani moniker and is now looking te the but te most impor- community te belp re-namne botb the local juniors tn st nert and miner rep teams.miehokywt lemove ta an effort te help bidge te gap wJ.Acuseta betweo the two organizations. and accoDâng te ev o ehce newly.ekledMMHAUPeUidelt Mchle Dumfordunti Ùm sdco is "a win-wln situaim." Acont will bceheldeover owwi Kn Chose wheot the suramer, wiih er cah or a prize bemg qedg thse m4mng prjC. '11Mti heub awre etewneSou anren efmd help bsilda goM ddntity for dise bids. 1I kthe before thec tart of the 2002/03 acason, thse hockey Seomssity wilbe stongefor iL" Mtacbusnts will siuly b. tclled the MolnesJr. A S isoscm us#t to le420 Mfan&t.E. hockey club.mie66 fhnOnaoM53 - ~. _ A 250 Bronite St. S. 905-8784747 JuIy 15-JuIy 26 JuIy 29-Aug. 9 Aug. 12-Aug. 23 a CTORS NEEDED or Sep7ten ngs "IN TRU ber, 2002 Eveni S 0 Dropofr s & Saturdays TOP WAGES rop off reestime at above address ILOL.O& çp