The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 25, 2002 -11 1 1I 1i T - I 1 1 1 1 1 1 '~L ~' I F~1 I i I I I îi Goodli*fe opening new gym for women only By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Goodlife Fitness Clubs is expndig in town witha gym exclusively for women. The Goodlife Fitness Club for Women will open its doors by early fail, said the gyms gen- eral manager Ken Van de Haar. "We are taking membership now," Mr. Van de Haar said. "We have some cardio equipmente now for show and the weight machines are com- ing." The 10,000-square-foot club, to be located at ' the former Wallace Pontiac car dealership at 409 Main St., will offer stationary bikes and tread- milis, a cardio theatre with TVs on the walls and a weight room, he continued. There are women who arent interested in joining a co-ed gym," Mr. Van de Haar said. "Some women dont feel comfortable working out in front of men. This gym caters strictly to women." He said although a few femnale members of Goodlifes co-ed location on Steeles Avenue might switch to the new gym, most of the mem- berships for the women's gym will come from elsewhere. "So far we have about 50 members for the ncw club. We can accommodate at least 1,000. A very smail percentage from the co-ed gym will switch to the women's.' Although the new club is about 7,000 feet smaller than the current one, the women's gym will offer the same equipment and workout pro- grams except for the indoor cycling instruction, Mr. Van de Haar said. "You would have to go to the co-ed gymn for that. Basically the bicycles are set up in a semni- circle and an instructor would Iead you throug a pretty intense workout. We arn't going to offer that program as the women's gymn because the participants in that particular prograrn are usual- ly advanced cyclists and we dont think we would get enough people to offer the program at the new club." Mr. Van de Haar said he believes there's roomn in Milton for the women's-only workout facility. "The more options there are for fitness, the more people participate. People need to be healthy and live a healthy lifestyle. With the Poob RHMP women's club, it might attract more women toPhtbyGHAI work out then before because of the al-female Goodilfe Fliness Club for Women owner Gennifer Van de Haur rides a LfeFtness exorcise machine In the membershlp showrc atmosphere." of the fleW gym, whlch la se to open In the fait. Neyer too far to go for GREAT DEALS!? -999FOR 199 HE -99e.'G 68,00k, 4 dt, 6 cyl, autoa, bise ss/gtey 85,008km, kcil, 4dr auto, white s/grey 68800km. 6 cyl, 4d6, auto, sand /beige 95,500kms, 4cyl, 2d6, speed, wshite 90,000km, 4cyl, 4dt aiuto, ait, white w/ 4dr, Supercatt 85,<158kmt6cyia4 or, 5 nt.,pwr steeringpm bakes, am/ftt< ît, pwrsteeringpwr btakesam/fm int., pwrsteetmng, pwr btakes, driversside /black/red it, pmsteeritg, pw gteyîtt., pwrsteering. pwtbrakes, am/fm speedredmw/grevîttt.,pwrsteemt<gpwt stereti cassette, airt ««ed gIass, tilt, radial stereo, cassette, airt nted glass, tilt, tadial pwr seat, amt«im stereo, cassette, airt knted brakes, arrfte stemeo, cassette, cd playet, steieo cassette, tinted glass, tilt steeriitg. brakesý CD, aitsfm stere, cassette, tittted tes, heel coepwtlicks, quad seatistt tires wheel covers pwrtlocks, sxtitier glass, tilt steering,tradial tires, wheel cov tinted glass, tilt steering, radial tires wheel tadial tire, ,heel covcers,pwrtttrk glass, tilt steetingradial tires, heel cvr espwmloks, pr trunk ciesers, oer trunk $ f9 l f $1 6,595 $1 8,495 $365$0,9 Allcar cetifed& E-tested - 7 Month warranty included, frnancing available. 4lgt ot HAYDEN'S ABERFOYLE GAAE INC.Bmadn REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES a AND USED CAR SALES a FAST SERVICE Graic H41M/o R.R. 3., GUELPH, ONTARIO (519) 763-1233 ______ 1 -_1I _-J 1 L 199 OR PAINE TOOM 1999 F-50 dom i à E à a m 3 à 'l 999 FORD RANGER XLT 1 L-A 1 à 1 1 1 m 1