14The Canadiarl Champion, Fniday, June 21, 2002 Police officers' gut instincts net two suspects in house breakm Sometimes i's about being in the right place at thc right tinte. Halton Regional Police quickly arrested twa Toronto women an break and enter charges after officers saw a suspiciaus vehicle driving slowîy on Maplewaod Crescent Tuesday. Shortly after 12:30 p.m., twa afficers watched as one of thc occupants of Uic vehicle entered a home through Uic un- locked front door while Uic elderly female owner worked in Uic side gar- den. The quick-thinking officers deter- mincd thc owner didnt know the woman who had gone into Uic haute. They arrested ber when she exited Uic home and seized jcwelry and oUier items. Police alto arrested Uic driver of the car. "We were fortunate we got a lucky break," said Det. Sgt. Don Cousent. "The officers' instincts kickcd in and told Uiem Uic situation juat was- nIt right." Two womcn, aged 49 and 53, werc each charged with break and enter and thefs. TMe 49-year-old was also chargcd with possession of break-in instru- ments. They wcrc ta appear for a bail hearing today in Ontario Court (provin- cial division) in Milton. Halton Regional Police want ta remind residents ta ttay alcrt and ensure Uieir property is secure at al l imes - even if individuals are working in Uieir yards --ta eliminate Uic postibility of intruders entering through unîockcd doors. People who witncss suspiciaus vehi- cIes or persans in their neighbourhood are asked ta caîl police aI (905) 878- 5511. &--onunity FNnd Cash is "approved A poetion of Ilie lttwa'&prf- its from thte Mohawk Slota r=cntly made its way to 20 cmuni ygtoups. Town coussel approved a motion Monday that saw tise distibitto of $173,229 frorn the Comufit Fund. Each year, $5W0,000 from slots profits is allocated to the fund for community groups ta apply. - ingthe St et are the Haltats Agricultural Society ($28,500), thse Associaton of Mon Volunteer Firefigiters ($25, 6M), UÀteracy Nortish Fton ($25,000), Meals on Wbeels ($19, 055) and thse First Campbellville Scouts ($1 1,417). RELIGION AND DEVELOPMENT The aim of any develapment process is flot j ust to help people change their physical environtimeni, but alto ta, change themscîves. From a religious per- spective, one might speak of a spiritual process of becoming - of maving from where people are ta where they want ta be. Then, from the samne per- spective, one might ask whetbcr meaningful devel- opmeni is possible unless spiritual prtnciples appli- cable ta the development process are articulated and addressed during that process. Sec for yourself the differences hetween religious and non-religiaus develapment projets, when Canadian values are applied ta deveîapment work araund the world, in a series of baîf-hour TV programmes entitled 'Global Villagers" being rebroadcasî on Vision TV fram June 7th through August 3Oîh. This series explored why same Canadians dedi- cate themacîves ta, development - rying ta farm partnerships with the world's pour, and it dcscrbcs the impact Canadian culture has on several social development projecîs. Each week portrays a projeci sponsared by a different group încluding: the Canadian Bahai Community, the Canadian Council for International Co-operation, the Canadian Council for International Co-operation, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the Canadian University Service Overseas (CUSO), the Chrtian Reformed Cburcb World Relief Commîttee, the Development and Peace arganizatton. the International Deneloprnent and Relief Foundation. Jesuits International. the Mennonite Central Commiîtee, Onfam, the Salvation Armny. Scarboro Missions. Vision TV. and SenIor Pastor ftev. Don Rogue wI Oîlren Warshtp Vouth ý_ Mr*. INatello Roug0e0 Mrs. Esther Kestier Mr. Tim telvens World Vision. Albert Nakes, Dîrectar of Independent Production ai Vision TV said: "Global Villagers puis a Canadian face on the issues - help- ing us sec more clcarly the great tenacîty and com- passion of those involved". On Saturday, June 22nd & Friday Augusi 9th, the programme cntitild "Developing Capabilities- focuses on the Bahati sponsored Foundation for the Application and Teaching ai Sciences in Colambia. which bas been acknowlcdged as anc of the irne succssstortcs in the international develupment field over the last îwo decades. Il's impact, invoîn- ing a ncw approach ta universal education in Colombias rural cammunties, bas hlped local econonries and become a viable niodel for the dcvlopîng world. (For more information, access the websîte: www.villagersmedia.com)t Another projeci which typifies the Baa) per- spective thai development projecîs must incorpo- rate spritual principles in order ta be successful. is the New Era Development Institute in Panchgani, India. This instîtute attempîs ta apply the spiritual princîples of non-partisan partîcîpaîary consulta- tion and gender equalîîy ai ail lencîs wthin iheir denelopment programmes. Consultation is a par- tîcular challenge wbcn people are tlîterate. Vllagers wbo partîcîpate in the Instîtute are asked ta portray ibeir lite on paper wben îbey arrive. Tbey draw lirai ibeir sillage is lîke and are asked ta draw i as ibey would lîke ilita Ie. h s a simîple but effective approacîrdtacould s'ark ,lnîsî any- wbere in the îsarld. Many of tIre drawings are sîrikingly similar - donc wîtb childisb case, show- îng litîle regard for perspective or symmetry - depicting relaîîvcly baphazard arrangements of bouses and sîreets filled witb animais, cbldren and men and wamen gatbered for the mosu part sepa- rately or by communal TV sets. Drawings of a future ideal village usually dcpîct bigger bouses wîîb TVs, straîgbt raads witb lots of vehîcle traffîc, tracîsîrs in tbe fields, and cammunîîy buildings like scbaals and a bospîtal. People are oten mîssîng tram ibese drawîngs bawener. Inîuîîîvely. villages feel tbcy mîgbt not *fit' inta the new surroundings. This confirms ibat developmcnt is not just bringing change ta people, but bringîng people ta change. People dont automaîically change witb their envi- ranmenî. Real change means that 'Spiritual' issues like attitudes. co-aperation. gender raIes, etc. nced ta be addressed sa that the social enviranmcnt can --ý nýj Millon Bo estlChurých 900 Nipissing Rd. (905) 875-1626 10 arn Worship Service Ail are welcome! Sermon Tille: "Heavenly Father, Creator & King" toîîowing service Church picnic & BBO Rev. Greg Macaulay - B.A., M.Div. change with the physical surraundings. Invartably, people need a model ta inspire them ta, change. The scriptures of the great warld religions have been a source of sucb inspiration - portrayîng the ideal of buman betterment, divine sanction and guidance ta achieve îî. In botb the develapîng and tbe dcveloped world. in Panchganî or in Milton, mcaningful development requtres a renewal of faîîb as well as a reîîewal of ennîranmeni. Find out bow religion cauld affect your own personal develop- ment. Contact the religiaus communities of Milton. Ad.aped tronicondensed amd rvodcd isions on development n Oner Countrý. .an onliînemagazineof tihe taha«i iiinmatiîona Comnunît MILTON SEVENTH-DAY A5VNIST CHURCH Inie o uor eckhlc b,îlh r, cc a Hugh Foster HaIt, 43 Brown Si. Milton 5a. r9:31>à m.r-Sabbhlrrîhoo>,,l 5cr If 1 1:00a.m - l) icrc Scrvcr FREE BIBLE SCHOOL 1or> fRU t B lîLtlsSýONS rt, 'O. Boxr23012 55 Ontcrcro ..\fîlrccrc rfOnt- 19 1 514 On dcr IN IIRNI Ir1r c.,fr anrr d r r ii.ii gf.ictr.crg/hrhlcr. hrol/chccclrc cm s PAS5FO: CIro>,0.(fRouktn, ,416-821î-4610 SOUTHSIDE COMMUNIITCHUCH MILTON GOSPEL HALL A A of The Chrîsian & Mssonary Alliance 306 Ontario St. N. a 878-3873 _________ (formerly known as Mte. Alliance Church)* 2850 DERRY RD. 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper WEEKLV INFORMAI DISCUSSION *Phone 878-5664 - Fax 878-6676 11:45 arn. - Sunday School "Baha'i Faith and ls Teochings" Senior Pastor: Greg McCombs 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Ail Welcome Pastor of Youth Ministries: jack Ninaber Wednesday 7:30 oM. INFO: 905-693-0688 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY MIORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Prayer and Bible ft-udy LOVE lf.mankind lwerel fa inhale fthe fragrance of fellowship and & "ADVENTURELtND" for kids 3 - Gr. 6 love, every undersfanding hearf would apprehend fhe meaning (Nursery care provided up to age 2) Christ was once offered of true liberfy, and dscover thre secret of undisfurbed peace Formor ifo n ur em.arweedyta bear the sin of many. and absalufe composre. Fo or '- n u rglr ekl ebes .8from fhe Wnfngs of Bafa'u'llah ministries, please cali the church office. Herws9281i-8 -3-2U www.>ahal.org Grace Anglican Church We welcorne you to.. 7 ÇRACEWAY'CBAPnIST CHURCH 317 Main St. E., MiltoniûMainSre the Church on the Hili ST. PAU L'S 13 arinStee Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 U TDC UR H X !958812 www.gracehurchnlton.com 12 anS.EMlo ~ 4Pso atrH sa Rev. Dr. Mark MeDermoti 2 anS.EMlonPso atrH sa SUNDAY SERVICES Saa ue2,1:0am 9:50 a.m. - Family Bible Hour 80am-HolyComnn CELEBRATION 0F BAPTISM 11:00 a.m. - Morning Service 10:00 arn - Sung Eucharist Stat of Camp Churchapalooza - Nursery 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Church School & Coffee Hour THURSDAY Vacation Bible Camp - July 15 - 19, 9-11:30 arn. Thursday 10:00 arn Holy Communion Rev. John Benham & Rev. Gerry Hofstetter 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer ¶ Judy Hunter, Director of Music ý2rWheelehair AccesThrough Parking Lot Daart 5 Church office: (905) 87"-895 "You'II always find a friend at Graceway" ww.stpaulsmilton.org 9 amn - Early Worahip Service 9:30 amn - Sunday School for ail agea 10:-45 amn - Second Worship Service "SOCIETY AT RISK" Sermon Seriea .Imam ,0..9k