The Canadian Champion, Fniday, June 21, 2002-13 Summer reading programs benefit children 's literacy Summer is here at long last. For many of us i's the perfect ime to relax on the deck with a good book. Encourage your chil- dren to join you. Research gives a great dcal of support to summer reading reading to the child and by the child. Milton Public Library's annual summer reading club helps children mamîtain îheii reading skills sshile out of school. Studies ot reading competency demonstrate over and over again, the importance oif reading ai home lhroughout the summer months. Students participating in a summer reading progran are more likely to read at their grade level or above than their non-participaling peers. Those reading above grade level are more likely 10 retain those skills mbt the next sehool year. B ut as important as reading ev- els are, reading for- pleasure must be encouraged. theo your children to choose tir own books. Noîhing beats gelling 'lost' tn a good book, be il an advenîure, a mystery or a book ot jokes and rid- dles. Cover It1 coverL1 J Milton Public Library contirtues a summer tradition otf providing great reading incentives lor chul dren otf al ages. This year the lîbrary is participai. tng in the Ontario-wide Toronto Dominion summer reading pro- gram- Read Around the World. Check out our Web site or stop by the Informnation Desk al the library 10 gel information about registra- lion, reading booklets, prizes, activilies and special theme days for sommer of reading fun. The book club launch is sel for Wednesday, July 10,. so hurry in 10 the library and register. The launch will take the form otf a multicultur- aI caravan with games. crafîs and food trom around the world. Participants in the launch must be members otf the book club. Summer reading activities are planned for younger and older sib- lngs as well. rhrecc 10 lve-ycar- olds are invited to participate in our Junior Travelers club. Register your preschooler ai the library and pick up a bookiet and sticker Parents and older sibhings rcad Io the cbjîdren, record the tities read and. when the bookiet ts full, col- ledt the prize and your invitation to thc Teddy Bears' Pienic August 27. Children aged 1l years aund up rnay take part in the *Passport' challenge. For evcry book rcad a ballot may be cntered in the draw for weekly prizes sucb as video rentais, food vouchers and CD cersîficates. Winncrs of' the grand prizes of a camera, backpack or f anny pack will be drawn at the pizza lunch August 29. In addition to the summer read- ing programs. other programs are being offered including a Dr. Seuss celebratton, a 6th birthday party tor Curious George and our third annual sîcepover. For details on any of these pro- gramns, call the Milton Public Library at (90)5) 875-2665. Cover to <01er is pr'pu,î'cIbs staffofaiteMilton Public Lihranr. P40m!Â0IOIi i