8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 18, 2002 *Climipion t57487 Laurier Ave. 878-2881.4,1 40 4 Local BMX ra'cing program for challenged youths has been ri*ding high sic icpto Instruction clinic has snowballed, thanks to vo/un teers and sponsors -M By FANNIE SUNSHINE5 The Champion1 When Nicky Pearson started the Riders Ready BMX Program Iast year, ber intention i was to help a handful of individu- ais suffering from varlous disor- ders. Now. il bas tumcd imb an ever-growing event witb 23 riders and numerous volun- teers. "It aIl started wben I saw a young boy wbo bas Autism riding a bike," she recalîed. 1I realized altbougb be couldn't play basebal. he could ride a bike ai bis own speed. 1 tbougbt 'd bring im out 10 the track s0 be could ride there. I saw the big smile on is face and il just took off from there." The riders - wbo sufer from challenges ranging from Autism to Down Syndrome - practice Wednesdays ai Track 2000 from 6 bo 9 p.m. and race Sundays ai noon tbrougbout the summer, Ms Pearson said. "If you bave a bike you can bring it out but it's not necessary," she said, adding a grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation allowed for bbc purchase of 12 BMX bikes and belmets. "Riders bave t0 wear long pants and shirts and a full face belmet." One-on-one instruction The volunteers work one-on-one wiîb the riders until tbey're comfortable t0 ride the track on their own. "The track is 1,100 feet long witb many jumps and tums. Not everyone can ride the entire tbing rigbt away." On racing day. riders compete six ai a ime and al receive trophies and racing shirts, she continued. "The youngest we bave racing is four and the oldest is 17, but we'll take anyone of any age as long as îbcy bave the balance to ride a bike." Ms Pearson, who works ai Spokes 'N' Siopes and operates the only BMX pro- gram for mentally challenged persons in Canada, said she hopes the Riders Ready BMX Program will go provincial next year and national in 2(14. "I flew to Alberta and British Columbia and told the BMX Association about the program I1 mn and they were interested in it,- she said. adding local companues Spokes 'N' Sopes. Brancier Jeweller- Gemologist mc. and Robert Lee Insurance sponsor the program. 1 hope tbis really takes off nation wide because the kids achieve 50 much.- In order for the riders to race year long, Ms Pearson is currently looking for a struc- ture 10 bhouse an indoor track. -We need 10,000 square fcet for an indoor track. If anyone has an nId barn they want te, lease or donate, please contact me." Dianne H-illier, whose son Matthew inspired the Riders Ready BMX Program, told The Champion the I 2-year-old bas always been interested in bike riding. "He trcd team sports but couldn't keep up. 'Mis programn allows him 10 ride ai bis own speed. He absolutely loves 10 race." Ms H-illier, who watches every practice and race, said she secs tiret hand the suc- cens and accomplishmcnt the riders achieve. "Everyone cheers and clape and brings SO much encouragement. Il really brings tears 10 your eyes." To volunteer or for more information, caîl Nicky Pearson ai (905) 876-7676 or e- mail t1, bmxmum@stn.net.i Matthew Hiler la one of two dozen youngsters wlth varlous disorders who are currently partlcpatlng In the local Riders Ready BMX Program. The program le now In ts second year and la enjoying strong support from vol- unteers and sponsors. Photo by GRA4HAM PAINE kepingNorh Haftn ùtumed 79û;n 5pm,6 l"pvt3î COEC<~O 14 Proerammineg Schedule - June 19th - 24th, 2002. .. .. i -. . . . .~. Ph,1ei.LaIeWevee~toa Plug196 Iii LaIeWeeEb96on eî~eaîe-baeyweaNE96on 9099v 65>0996 10119v l1u0999i~-1ai>v~i~v, ni SoelyWeeIrS9Oee & 1258wn 1hv Pke n Lt o M 65996eay R@M n90 5p0 609&9:0p Tu9day Re Pqed ln! -a6y Wee9bnim twm Ta& (Lvl îO09av &7 0p 17m 5381n www.cogSco.Ca 3 m -' TV .%p O*O OM (i") m 17 NORTH HALTON STUDIO HOM Hos I Aw.81cun 81r&2e2 9aak() 1% Laurier Plaza 9 O ~ I OeçM Wb 0ond 500 LarierAvenue m»jtan lUts 200 Milton, ON L9T 4R3 ko 9v;.fN Ke.plnig North Hai by 9eay d ni- Laie W99>9 ffi 9996 1199 I Nmobtna 7,M0 %w n Cii 9,2D hým Snaes 5hvea June 17,2002 1 syv&OOp 5p, pm& 9n p 5ýen pkqgedin -Ea ýWee Ed9ee M<9 Good T9ve Fm Th A s- 9.009n SplsZONE Oaa mton Tumed ON! PIWABd Ir wolkmdi Pk«M Il vu" W, Nqhbw .à- 17 Il Il