6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 18, 2002 SCOMMENT Water flot something we expect to fret over Don't worry, we 're safe. Following media reports Wednesday that MIDS Laboratory Services - which tests water for 60 Ontario municîpalities - hadn't metN A O S T Ministry of Environment guidelînes, Halton Region officiais are reas- WIA0RE44~ I N suning the public that tearea's water is aé R TA E5 L IG JO Halton Region operates its own accredited laboratory wîth qualified I G testîng staff and doesn't use MDS Laboratory Services. Water resuits are also tested at Ministry of Health and Long-Termn Care laboratonies F R in Hamilton. It seems lately there's just been one water scare after another. It's something we don't expeet to have to wony about in this rich, indus- trialized country of ours. It's good to know that, according to Regional Chair Joyce Savoline, Halton Region is taking its responsibility to provide dlean, safe water - "very seriously." She says the Region "has and continues to make sig- nificant investments in water treatment and distribution systems. ' ' That may be so, but it sure seemed like a long time before the Region got to the bottom of Milton's brown water problem. O UR READERS WRITE Mr. Ganton is right to be concerned about aduit video store: reader Dear Editor: I totally agree witb RiAs~d Gantons recent letter conceming Exxxotica. 1 lived above Iis sbop and 1 believe it sbould be placed elsewbere because of the detrimen- tal effeet it will bave on our young people. This business bas upset a great deal of people, the existmng businesses Ibat caler only to ladies, and to the area, wicb is res- idential and bas a number of older people. One councillor bad no problem with the explicit signage but I'm sure a big noise would be made if this business were below wbere is family lived. 1 understand tbe owner basn't been cbarged, the Town is in an awkward posi- tion and in legal terms, the taxpayers will Box 248, 191 Man St. E., Mlton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Associate Publisher JUil Davis Editor-in-Chief Karen Smith Editor Wendy MeNab Adverfising Manager Steve Crozier Circulation Manager Teri Casas Office Manager Tim Cotes Production Manager have to pay to figbt Iis if it ends Up in the courts. Summer is almosi here and already some people have been causing mischief. 'm sure tbe police know Iis. SmalI business- es are plagued with vandalism. Lasi Saturday's newspapers were destroyed and tantpered with. Over the years ibis bas been upsetting to the companies, the delivery people and the stores tbemselves. People bere are afraid of a curfew because of the individual freedom of our young people, wbo are on the wbole good students. However, group mentality often sets in and things get out of band. The Canadian Champion, pablisteit snsry Tsesday and Frday ai 191 Mais St.E, Missn, Ont., [ST 4N9 (tox 248), s aon ai The Mersard Printinrg, Pulsting & Dsritatrg [id. gofs staurtas campasies wict inclaites. AaxPickering News sdvertssr, Atissus HraiCsarier, taris Aiiaascs, tarrys Bay Tits Wsek, talles Enterprise, Brampton Suardian, iariingtsn Pos, tarliogioShopping tNs, City Parent, Ciy oiYork Gsariias, CllignssdNriasaga Coseuio, Easitsrks Mirror, Iris Advcaislçsusiry Roules, Itoticoke Gaardiao, iiamtsrsugtPost, Freaer Yosng, Gergeowno IoiepenretOstoFrePress, -alolsoiness Tmes, Hrsnia Bussiness Tmes, KngsoTis Weeis, Lidsay This Week, Mariîtam Economrisi & Sas, MdasîiPeeagisteei Mrror, Milan Shopping News, Mississauga Basiness Tmes, Missssauga News, Napanee Guide, Nassagaweya News, Nwroarie/SArara Ira-tasser. Nrtumberlanid News, North Yars Mrro, Satîville teaver, Osînîie Stopping tNs, Gdtîmers Hockey NesOinitia Today, stana/Witiiy/liarisgion/ortnnPerry Tis Week, Peerorough Tis Week, Picon oCnoy Sauie, Ricmond HilITtarntiliraghanLiterai, Scartraagt Mrrar. SiaattilieUxbridge Triure. Aderlsiag is accspled an the canitioino tatin the evert ai a typo- gratitical error, tiai portarnifte aderisrg space ncuapied 5y the erra- nons item, tageter wit a easnatie aiiawaore for sgnature, wiul ot te ctargeii for, bti tetalance otite adasnisemeoi wii te paîd ton aliase appli- catie raie. Ttesitster reserves te right ta caegarize advsoisemens o itecinie The Mîsaon Canadiao Chamopiono s a Recyciatie PaHuai Most parents know wbere tbeir cbildren Ail we bave to do is ask tbe police. Tbey are, but we corne once again to a problem know and the people wbo operate sbops in Ibis town tbat tbere's no safe environ- until the early morning see tbe problems. ment wbere our cildren can play pool, watcb movies and jusi bang out i wtb tber M. Talla frends. Court Street Teen Iivid over Mr. Ganton's Exxxotica letter Dear Editor: Ricbard Gantons recent letter about the evils of Exxxotica made me furious, and as 1 read on 1 became absolutely livid. l'm a 16-year-old female and wbile 1 don't agree wiIb pomograpby, 1 don't dis- agree witb it ejiber. 1 feel tbat if someone wants to watcb it, it really will do no barm. If you don't wisb to partake in Ibis activity, you aren't forced to. Mr. Ganton made nuinerous references to types of individuals sucb as single moth- ers, step parents and teenage girls and boys. Being a teenager wbose moIber is single and wbose fatber is remarried, 1 can tell you tbat bis idea of wbat occurs wiIb tbese types of people are incorrect. My mother doesn't live in poverty, sbe doesn't sufer violence from a boyfriend and she doesnt engage in criminal activity. Drugs, alcobol and sex were around long before pornograpby canne into play. Do you really tbink Ibat Ibis is the reason for aIl young people baving sex? A teenager cbooses to bave sex because of wbo tbey are and wbat Ibey believe. I myself amn still a virgin and alIbougb I1 don't believe Ibat anyone mny age sbould engage in tex I don't look down upon Ibemn and judge as to wby Ibey may bave done so. I've read and re-read Mr. Gantons letter and find it insulting and ignorant. You can not find one person, stick Ibemn into a group and Iben stereotype everyone else. Paul Bemnardo is a sick individual - but be's an individual. Not everyone wbo watcbes or engages in sexual acts will becomne twisted murderous beings. Heather O'Keefe Commercial Street Got an opinion on a local issue? If so, fax us your letters to the editor to (905) 878- 4943. Pud by Steve Nease THE CANADIA4N CHALMPION