Thse Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 18, 2002-3 Preferred ontion to double By RICHARD VIVIAN expected to reacis 25,000 vehiCles - in whiCb direction will tise road The Champion per day. lie expanded? Traffic congestion along Following a review of comments Four options have been prepared1/ Derry Road may see some gathered during tise public session and are currently under considera- at Mfilton District Higis Scisool, tion. Tise work will citiser be 79 relief wth the proposed Regionai staff will fmalize thetr expanded equally on tise nonsh and* hetween Fifth and Ninth council. Tise report is slated for nrt.h oie- 'onle-rpIv on thesioutisS E I L FI A C A E fines. As an enviromnental asseosment for tise section of road winds down, Regional staff presentec tise road widtis doubling as tieir preferred alternative for road improvements during an open boute isat Tuesday. "We've ieard lots of good feeci- back. People are teling us tisey want to see thit project go ahead," commenteci Nick Zervous, project manager for Halton Region. Studies show between 8,200 and 10,700 veiies use tise road cacis day - with 80 per cent of trafftc ieadmng east in tise moming and west intise evenrng. By 2016, trafflc volumes are presentation to counicil in September. Should counicil approve tise rec- ornmendation and allocate appro- priate fundmng in future budget years, the section of road wil1 see improvements made between 2005 and 2006. «We'll probably be looking at two construction semsont. Mott of tise work will be complete during one season and tise folowing year we'1l be looking athtie final ift of asphait and landscapmng," said Mr. Zervous. But before a recommendation is taken to council, tbere's stili one outstanding issue to be considered side or varying distances on eitiser side. "If we do unequal widening on botis sides, it reduces tise impact for a lot of tise concemed property owners," transportation engineer Rick Gritter said, explaining tise preferred option mncludes varying distance on eitiser side. A previously conducted ensý iron- mental assessment for Derry Road, between Bronte Street and Fiflis Line, resulted in plans to double that section of road. Detailed design is currently underway and construction is expecteci to begin in 2004. yPatii Sept 2002 OA C ?1reBBq wlth vsry moi vohiclo Take home a quality Optimum Used Vehicle and a NEW BBQ. Get the steaks ready! Over l million dollers linvet~ 111111 i M1~Be Sold Bauer gets millennium scholarship Mfiltonian Megan Bauer was one of 383 Ontario students to receive a grant tiis year from tise Canada Millennium Scholarsisip Foundation. Tise E.C. Drury Higis Scisool stu- dent received a one-time bursary of $4000 from tise foundation to be used toward post-secondary educa- are handeci out annually. tion. During ber iigis scisool years, Ms Candidates are selecteci on tise Bauer was president of tise scisools basis of tieir academic excellence, student govemment, creator of tise commitment to tise community, scisool newspaper and wrote proven leadership qualities and columans for ise Champion and interest and innovation. Acroso tise played on tise scisool tennis, hock- country, 900 scholarship awards ey andi basketball teamts. croise, ioadd arn/fm m teretideiay I 111971 îer. p.los 12m4 lu 16. 9. 81 9 . k 11585055 loadeil. $9.922. 2dr autoar 2001 Oldsrnobile 2001 Oldsiiobile 2001 Pontiac 2000 Pontiac Alero Intrigue GX Grand AM SEI Sunifirti GT 4dr. auto, air, pw, Pi, tilt, , 5 spd, air, pw, pi, tilt, cd, croise, Ica di, cd. moonroot, ioaded. #P2003 r.#P2035A ,i6.987. 819,976. s2I,955. $13,982. 2000 Buick 20001 Prntiat 1999 Buick 1198 Fordr LeSabre Ltd Grand Pris (TP Regal LS Explorer sport 4dr auto, air, pw, pi, tilt, 1! l, ' , t 4dr. auto. air, V6, pw, pi, tilt. ',Ii 4 pr ý!- cloth, loadeilri. craixe. pwr seat, loaded r #P2037 ,'.#P1969A $25,976. 323.984. $18,974. -S15922. 1999 f,(herrilet 1999 Buick 19<19 Piotiat 1999 Buick Malibu t S Lesabre Custonm (randi Prix SE Regal LS 1,1 ![I dr V6, pw, tilt, crise , 1M. 4dr, p , pi, tit, crise, air, loaded , V6 ,htd leattier, xunroot, #246671A iouded. l1<2018A 413.946. $19,976. -415.825. $18,982. 1999) Cadillac 1 9<19 (,adili 1999 Pontiac 1999 Buick Seville SLS «,ville' STS Sunfire I eSabre (ustoiin 4dr V8. utio, pw pitilt, 4r dr, auta, i crise, td t l oadeil r ,air, 1t #P2020A - îrrîr 11A&<2.C2) $35,862. $38,865. $e1986. -314,983. 1999 Pontiac 1999 Pontiac 1999 Pontiac 1999 Oldarnobile Grand Prix (<TP Grand Prix GT (,rand Amn SE Nlero Ili iI l 4dr, auto, air, V6, pw. pi, tit, iCiC ,C r 4dr, auto, air, pw, pi, tilt, CD, rc l CD. pm, ettr hrm, . case, p. mirrar, chrome irox ,,C #1 204ed#P2042 ..#Pr012047 $99.RzI *16987l<SqRIA $14982e 1998 Buick 1997 Buick 1997 Pontiac 1996 Pontiai Century Custonm 1 eSabre Custiîrn Grand Amn (randi Arn 4du, V6, pw, pi, tit, croise, IC n1c ' ! : dr, auto,. lIr I !ý loadeil. V6, airr #214997A r# 253060A 812,987. I1.982. 88,946. s8.937. 1995 Pontiac 2000 Lincon 2(1001 Ponttac 1999 GMC G-rand AM Navigator 4x4 Miotana Safari 4, 4itr, V8, acta, air, leather, p r r r r. p,,p pw, pi, tit, croise, 8 paxx, affiamaanrot, loadeil. . ,e . detachabie daer, louded. n 3 / 12A271784A ni# PlOStA $8.922. 846,986. $19,967. 8696 jimny SLT (aravan Tahoe LS41 4dr, 4x4, auto, air, pw Pi Iý ,ýIý 'l 4drV8, pw Pititt tilt, leather pw rotiaded. j r j i, pc seat, runninq i 112t24A 11<0 #2039 $23,864. _16.973. #27,98C *Finnce on1998&ilnewirvehicle mnimu~mtfinc o$12500 4x4 CD, casx, bourds. 6. Yukuon SLT 4x4 'ý29.762. lu à