The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 18, 2002-25 Oraraduatien Nmesage UraVisNaC3m: ID ix[ Cs rdisa:No I x r Dat $3 .9 -1Iv' 27 eaSO» IN \WIerU OUTA:' BALL T Garage Ssle Yard SaileGAddress ( tdamp 11 _____ Mond at f la.m. f or tuasday Thursdlayatl'la-m f or Friday Holiday weekands: Frday at 11a. m. for Tuesday Ples note - Whon p,,g bPr i crd gpi r»» rr,c t, nr r and err rr ry dat <Ail IZL -C Lb»P-Odln (HANDA travel HANDAsince 1976 /-7.. e'e 'ls e.1<ao Is pleased to announce our 21 st location is now open in MILTON! 75 Nippissing Rd. (inside Loblaws) Weekdays: 9am - 5pm Saturday: 9am - lpm milton@I 905-875-9988 Sav'inas Main EventI 1 1 Iti %,ai lat TOM KELLY EARL BILODEAU 329 Red, per o Grey Int., V6, Auto, FuIIy Equipped 1999 GRAND AM S per Mo GTa nt.i Low km Fufly reconditoned 1999 HYUNDAI ACCENT '349 Med. Blue, [per moBlue Int.. TAKE A PAYMENT 0 payme unt-il Labour Day as low as $999.00 dovvnO.A.C.