Hiring for Re-Opening Pick up application at thet or fax a resumne to 905-878- CONTRACTý DRIVERS Required to deliver our newspapers & flyers to Our carriers in Milton - Tuesdays and Fridays. Must be available between 7 arn - 2pm Must have a full size van & celi phone Cail Steve or Charlene: 905-337-5553 or ernail: sc rozier@haltonsearch.coml Spm a iashrnday-Thrsd1 PTAre otaler ei esn PT Housekedeng WeeknendW r Appy n r etlh W ce TrukappSiop 40 ChoDrlon Dur Communhty Needs Bus Drivers Do you enoy dnnving? Jin sur feam etf protesaîoflals cho proide schooi bus transportation for sur sohools. Train now fr Suplember. .Free training.Competiin Wages+Fiexibifit Cali us today 905.877.4448 www iidlawncitndbun nom ZI VERS Requîred by Mlton Distribution Company. Fast paced environment. Top wages. Benefît program. Fax resume ta 905-878-9010 Att. LGuy Ramsay or apply in persan 2705 Durante Way, Milton. fEUG R E E N H0U S ES Required immediately for summer fuil-time emplayment: Pond Staff *Nursery Staff Greenhouse Staff Showroom Sales Staff Please fax your resumre ta Human Resources at 1-905-876482 traider -2452.j $20-$25 PER HOUR National company wilh lots ut woîk ooking for: INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS REMODELLERS REND VATORS Muni hase owo vehîcle and fools. Cai Mi Arhur 905-578-4405 EARN EXTRA Rua ysuî 5wn business wiih early msrnîng delîvery of newspapers n Brlingion. Esc. commissions. 7-days/wk. Reliabte nehîcle reqaired. Caitlino, 905-33"-940 We currenify hase an immediate ontry level opefifl for a sof-molîuaied person for our REFURBISHINO BENCH oescicoonpackaging of feephone caion skîtîs reqired $8,/hr benefîfs afer probalîonary petînd. Appicaions by fax o 1 905-338-5m4 *$9-$10IIR. P/T Driver/Deîivery Persan Wed or Thurs., 4 hours; Fri. 8 heurs To deirner indinîdual nemopapero and pick-opsasa regirea Mot be reliable with so vehîcie and val id drivera lîcenne. Contact Charlene Hall, Circulation Manager Tel: 905-337-5573 Fax: 905-337-5557 The Milton Canadian Champion Gooks * Cashiers * Cleaners Ail Shifts Available e Full & Part-fine Mornings e Afternaons * Midnights Free unitorm , Training providied Benetits available STIJDENTS WELCOME TO APPLY. Hurry and Apply..Ail resumes to the attention of Paul Taîvitie at WENDY'S, 80 Market Dr., Milton Fax: 905-693-0775 Tel: 905-693-0657 SEAMSTRESSITAILORI CUSTOMER SERVICE Par-i lmo seamnstross/ faîtor posîftion, required for an allerafions business tocalei in Milton Mali, Milton, ON. Eîpnrîoîîce on men's andi womnen's allerafions ne poired Must ho prepared ru work atl shifts nI day. evenînp and coohond Souss Cufies incluSe conshdesk and cusîsmner service To apply caîl Crystal af 905-875-0286 We are un eqoat opportonify employer P/T Driver/Delivery Persan Mon. 4 hours; Tues, 8 hours; Wed or Thurs., 4 hours; Fr1. 8 hours To delîner îndînîduai nemopapero and pîck-upa as reqaîred. Muni be reliabie with ewn nehîcle and nalîd driver's f ceose. Contact Charlene Hall, Circulation Manager Tel: 905-337-5573 Fax: 905-337-5557 The Milton Canadian Champion A progressive, entrepreneurial company, iocated in Oakville and specializing in environmental industriai products, cur- rentiy requires fuiltimne: General Manufacturing Labourers If you are interested in becoming part of our teamn plusse FAX resume to the atten- tion of Steve Miller at 905-847-7175 CONTRACT DRIVERS repuired 10 delîser ont newnpapors & ftynts 10 our carrietsin Burlinaton & akîie, Wednenday, Frîday anS Safutday. Muni be aoaiable belween 7am-2pm. Muni hase a loti sîze son & ceti phone! Cali Steve: 905-337-555 ounail: scrozIor@haItonsearci.com The Burlington Post The Oakville Beaver AUTOPREF person for IIs shop. Top wages, ux- perienoe prefrred. Cal 905-878-883. CLASS A Techninian or apprentice required for Highpoint Autopro. Caîl John at 905-878-5265. Currentiy seekiog: Licensed TrucklTrailer Mechanics Advanced Apprentices Reefer experience n.ooid be an asset. Da & Roslnc.t s aneqai opportutity employer oifertng convpetittve nuages and an excellent henefit package. David McNejl, Manager - Staffing Phone: 1-800-561-0013 ext. 5469 Fax 1-877-329-7677 E-mail: dreecruit@dayandeossinc.ca j 1 ww.dayrossgroup.com Týransmnissi on Techn ician jJ ~ jj~ n transmission repaîr. Traning specîfîc fo Ford products available. We offer an ente)-i lent working environment, more than com- petitive wages, benef ifs and a pension plan. Fax resumre to Ron Ratclifte at 905-542-1187 or Tel: 905-542-3613 TORONTO AUTO AUCTIONç .à- ... Customer Service/ Arbitrator FULL-lime Cusiomer Service Repreountatise ru- quired for a fao-poced ond growing compony. Muni hase knowiedge in Windows ond excellent commu- nication skif f. Bifngual in French on onnet. Pi enne remit yoar reoume tnt R.A.M. Lîghfing-300 Bronie Street, Miton, ON L9T 2X6 Fax: (905)878-3642. Oniy conidered applîcanto wiif bu contacteni. Busy and fat-puced environene. Negstiuting ukili required. Muste erjoy interaction with custsmerv and be able to handie difficuif situtions. Working knowtedge of automobiles un auset. Please cail Brad or Alain at (905)875-2915 or fax reaumne te (905)875-2980 NO CALLS ON TUESDAY PLEASE! Career Opportunityl Sheridan Nurseries, is actively searching for an organized and reliable teamn player Sheridan t o in us in Georgetown as: Nýeert ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT This position is responsible for the coordination, organiza- tion and handling of various administrative duties under the direction of the Garden Centre Office Adminstrator. The ideal candidate has experience in an administrative capacity, is detail oriented and has excellent organizational and communication skills. A working knowledge of the Microsoft Office suite is required, and experience with the MAC platform an asset. Some evenigs, weekends and holidays may be required. lnterested candidates are invited f0 apply in writing f0: SHERIDAN NURSERIES 12302 1lOth Lino, RR#4 Georgetown, ON L7G 4S7 Fax: 905-873-2478 Attention: Charlene Vantai E-mail: cvantaI@sheridannurseries.COm Thank you for your interest in Sherida We kindly note that only those candîdàa interview wi)) be contactec STAFF ACCOUNTANT Bateinn Mackay Chartered Accountants s an established, grnwfh onienied, iax iucused public accountiog irm ocaled in Burlingion. We reqaire an accounlani who han a desire lu speciai- ne in comptes ian issues, Minimum enrutimenti n 41h enel of recngnized accoonting program pre- ierred. Prior experience working wih amallto i d- ize crportions an assel. Adanced Microsoft Word and Excel skitis a muni. Muni be flexible, personable, a ieam player, and hune a gond sense ni humour Fax yaur resume: Attn: Kmbrley Snyder, 905-639-2285 EXTRA ... EXTRA.. CLASSIFIED VALUE! OFFICE ASSISTANT: F/T DAYS: Entry level position. General office dattes. Must have good telephone manner, computer skilis, coliege dipiomna. Hourly plus benefits. SENO RESUMES TO: ControîChem Canada Ltd Fax: 905-319-0438 Email: kherreli@controlchem.com No catis plusse. Osly psatfied cnddtes w/fi be csnlocfed. THE RIGHT OPPGRTUNITY A.IGHT NOW! Wen ofer lemporary assîgnmenis wth encllent puy & benefs, AI Offceieam, a greai new opportuniiy is avoulable NOW EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT BIUNUUAL ADMIN. ASST. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT RECEPTIONIST Ail candidates mus! have 1+ yeors uf experi encn F'7- - . --l0 The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 18, 2002-23 s Sales Staff PT/ET If you are personable, artistic, enthusiastic and ambitious with sales experience in home furnishings, we would like f0 hear from you. Fax resume Io: 905-873-7336 EXPERIENCED MEDICAL SF.CRETARY ian Nurseries! I required for busy es selected for an Burlington J doctors office. Dicta-typing reqoired. Please fao resumes f0: DENTAL Recepttonisf- Fal-fîmu, experienced, re- qaired for a basy, tamil y orienfed denfal office. Abel nomputer experenoe an asset. Dr. Paula Cassin, 106 Wakefield Rd. #1 Mlton, ON, L9T 2L8 Fax905- 878-0557. MOVINGI Panking. Domesfin/ International. Fre wardrobe for ail moning lobs. Urgent jobs welcome. 905-829-1282, 1(866)666-f1313. SELF storage, secunity vident, narous sinus, 1 0n20', low monthiy rates, near "Go. 905-866-7464. Con't from Page 21 New Home For Sale This bautiful four Bedroom, 2200 sq.fr homne ts locaeed on corner lot. Peatures double garage located on side of home, hardwood floors and ceratsic elles through sut, upgraded carpeting in bedrooms, walk io closets, upgraded kitchen cup- 1boards, upgraded oak stuir case, 2 1/2 hathrtto m, Jacuzul tub in ensuite batheoom. $319,900. For appointiment please cal1 905-875-0238. Contact un foday for more Seiaias P905-331-04-56 e Fn 905-319-209M A-r I burllnton@efflcoeam.com a p a t. 5575 Noth Service Rd., Burtînglon, ON L 6 Mi p eli Vsit us @offlcetoam.com WWW1miftoncanadiancham ion.0Ofl Fu« #Ott~ 1 1 1