22-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 18, 2002 CYCLING Buddies- focking for peope wno mouia ýi. hP week diirnq '!hr day Ap- Jim Strain 190 Ontario St., Milton 878-8522 Monuments Markers - Bronze Markers Cemetery Lettering OSBOURNE, Athea Rose Ann Peacefully at her home in Milton on Friday, Jane l4th 2002. Athea Osbourne at the age of 40, belceed ite of Robert. Loming mother of Rachel, Richard and Robyn. Sadly misaed by her mother Merdean and brother Keth. Predeceased by her father Rupert. Family and frends may viit at the McKerie-Kocher Fanerai Home 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 from 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm on Frday. The fanerai service wiii be held at Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. Mlton on Saturday, June 22nd, 2002 at 1000 am. Infrment ta follow at the Milton Eeergreen Cemetery. Memorial donations ta the Canadian Cancer Society or the Canadian Red Crasa in Atheas memory would be greatly apprecîated by the famly ROFFEY, Vera May At the Lapoînt-Fisher Nursng Home, Guelph on Thursday, June t3, 2002. Vers May (Clement) Rotey af the age cof 100 yesrs. Wife of the sate William H. Rffey (1987). Beloved mother of Ken and hîs wife Geraldine of Guelph. Dear grandmother of Jane Anne Roffey and her husband Gary Hil, William Roffey and hs ite Sandra, Gregory Roffey and hîs ite Beverley, Martha and ber husband Robert Cutting . Sadly missed by her great grandchîldren Kendra, Wesley, Oivîs, James, Trevor and Scott. Laved sister of Ellen Hannant and sîster-în-lam Edythe bath of Mlton. Vera will be mssed by many nieces and nephewa. Predeceased by her sster Ethyl Gifford; brother William (Boyneî, Albert (Babe), Kenneth (Dick). Fanerai Services ere held at the Gichrîst Chapel - Mclntyre & Wikîe Fanerai Home, One Delhi Street. Guelph an Frîday, Jane 14 at 3 Opm Interment Mlton Evergreen Cemetery. Memaorial contributions ta the Heari and Stroke houndalion of Ontario or the Canadian Diabetes Association mauld be apprecîated. BRADING, Scott le iovîng memory 0f aur dear nephew wha passed away June 20, 1998. Forever oved and always remembered Brian, David & Sharyn MAZZORATO, Betty n lovîng memory of a Beautîfuli Wite & Mther who passed away June 17, 2000 The best & moat beautiful thînga in the world cannaI be seen or touched. They must be teit by the heart. Sadly rissed & aiways rernembered. Love, Luch, Nichotas & Katlyn DAticA shREbyvalbe n tmy hoe 8:3ameetinmg Mes pvded NeMM )w atamy eeldat. 905- 203-7056 n uedy ue 5,202a CARPET i hase several 1,000 yrds. of new Stain- master & 100'o nylon carpet. iîli do lvngroom & hall for $349. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-839-2902 FOR Sale: Doors, 80" hîgh, colonial style, white, testured finish, 28". 30" and 32", and bitolds 18",, 15" and t12". Excellent condition, $20 eacb. 905-854- 5046. GARDENING masure triple mis cow, sheep and goat. Pcked up or delîvered - bags or yards. Teg- gert Farms, Steeles Ave. Wof Wînston Churchill Blvd. (905826-1408 Toli f ree 1-877-218-2448. NEED a Computer ... Dcn't have cash' The Original IBM PC, îust $1 a day.. na maney down! The Bock A Day Company, celi t1-800-772-8617 wmw.bucka- day.com SPAS ... Spas..Spas... Broken partnershîp forces sale. Over 30 spas stîlli n wrapper. Must be sold t cosf or below. 905-567-9459. TREES - Cedars - Give me a caîl if you need a hedge. Supply or plant. Cail Fred. (519)853-5694. Wbat'US black&gwhiîte and read ail over? section, of course! Caîl 905-875-3300 today to place your classified ad! Or fax us at 905-876-2364 ~I Need Some Extra Cash? Then seli some of your unwanted goods! Call lEbt (bamUpion -Classifieds today to place your ad! 905-878-2341 Garage Sais U:Sko MULTI-UNIT GARAGE SALE 371 Bronte St. S. Saturday. June 22 900 AM - 1:00 PM GARAGE SALE Saturdsy June 22 525 Mooretanda Cres. 8am - lpm Prîced ta sel' Hausehald items, mens golf club/baga, tools, mens & ladies 1 0-speed bikes, books, 4 winfer wheels 14" VIN GARAGE SALE Saturday June 22 9em - lpm Raîndate: Sunday 399 Bell St. Household items, books, rug, china, clothing, pîctures and much more Please no eariy birds. HUGE GARAGE SALE 10501 - 5th Line (Nassagaweya> (15 Sîderoad) Single waterbed, large area ruga, head- boards/toothoards, baby cloihes. baby items, toys, maternity clothes. bîke racks, CD player. indoor BBO, whipper anîppers and much, much more Saturday Jane 22nd 800 - 400 'B3LUE HERON WOODWORKS" FURNITURE LAWN SALE RAIN OR SHINE SAT. JUNE lSth. 9 AM - 3 PM 11998 Winston Churchill Blvd. Georgetown 1 1/2 Miles N. of Mayield Rd/River Dr., Georgetownl Nem reaiiy ta tinsh hanrîcrated Grniture. Plant stands, pantries, jell cabinets, booi- cases, dressers. nîght tabes, armoires. mardrobes, TV armoire, china cabinet, Har- vest table, cottea & end tables , deacon banches, hutch & buffet, corner cabinets, TV vîdeo cabinet, sofa tables, jar cap- board, bienket boxes, desks, dry sink, quit racks, curto cabinet, hail mirror cabinet, magazine racks, dressing vanîty, mrrors. magazine tables and much mach more. BTI5aTRUCK and sale.liG with yodl Odm awelcouna. GARAGE SALE 8-1 Sat. June 22 838 Merritt Drive Furnîture, doors. mîrrars, hardware . househald items, craht supplies, antiques. fashion jewelry. 2 nem baratools. Ikea glass cabinet, enterisioment unit wîth bar and mach mare' Please no early bîrdai ANNUAL YARD SALE Country Depot 28 Bronte Street North Saturday, June 22 8:00 a.m. - 2 p.m. (rais or shine) No early bîrds please. Clearance items, lots 0f bargaîns, samnethîng for everyone!!! Hot Dog & Pop $1.00 (11:00 a.m.-1.OOp.m.) Cash Only!li GARAGE SALE Set. June 22 8AM CHARITY GARAGE SALE fAil proceeda ta: Attendant Outreach and Deborah's Home Supporting Aduits wîth physcal disab ltes. Date: Jane 22 and 23 (West 0f Tremaîne luat east of Gth Line) Donation of Items are greatîy appreciated. Cali (905)878-3088 or (905>878-7338 GARAGE SALE 788 & 792 Graham Bell Court Saturday June 22 8 -12 Multi tamily, great deals! GARAGE SALE Sat. June 22 t ~8:30OAM 415 Broadway St. Fishing rods & tackf e, westerns, housebold goods & more. 1997i aurus L.r~.uyy guar.c. in.uein Anti-ocks chrome wheels keyless entry air Make it RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE To lease or purchase your car or truck Hwy 25 S. at Derry Rd. 878-2393 CGORRUDf oÇýý SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE - BUY - SELL - LEASE LARGEST SELECTION 0F USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 905-875-2277 LWfSJYLE General Manager Lifestye Retrement Communîtes, Canadas premier operator ot lusury retrement residences, requîtes a qualîtîed and commit- ted pratessional ta osersee ail aspects cf the management cf Beechwood Retîrement Residence in Mssssauga, Ontario Wîth a cammiment 10 custamer service, genuise empathy for seniors and a drive ta sscceed. yau aiso have expertise in the areas cf budgetîng, casi contrai, team bu:ldng and labour relations. Senior management esperi- ence sn a club. hotel, retîrement or healtb care îndustry is essentiel. Energetîc and self- mtîvated, yoo posseas proves interpersonal, diplomatic, communication and problem- soling akîlîs wth an ability to motivaIs a high- y profîcient ieam. We offer a competîtive salary, escellent benetîts and performance bonus plan. Please apply in wrtng to: Debbie Doherfy, Director of Operattons Fax: (905) 270-9331 Email: debbie.doherty@Irc.ca We appreciate ail applications, however, on(y those chosen for an interview wl( be contacted. 7SALES I MARKETING PROFESSIONAL $35,500 POTENTIAL Up For the righf individus>, car company opportunify is rated second ta none (n tht areas of productfine, customer satisfaction, rapid management and sfrong financial returns. Desire three -years business esperi- ence or college. For confidentiai interview, Fax resume f0: Mr. B. Bisson 905-662-0015 Seareles/ng oa ein g a t assistnt f SoekisgassiasBralesMahesaget ft on/rligol gprsing Msugasice. MCstpuflexilege Spm. Dfieshitinclud nsweîsg phnes, fakngsao Sen ssitnfordSasfn aioaMe anagerfoa mlbu market panning for 2 locations and overseelsg sales & marketing fat bath locations. Planning annual cam- pany semisars & training sessions. Pieusefaxeume : 905-60-485 or mmli: rebe@comp.cS Newspapers have been arournU for 300 years, because newspaper advertising works! Advertise in Canabian champion! AMR&"A/ CLERK P/to tpossible t,? We reqeire an indîvîdual wuh uap. n Accoarts Receioabie & Acceunis Payable. MUST HAVE ACCPAC + FOR DOS experience & Eocel, Sirro analylical skîlis, abiiiiy te moiti-task and team player. FAX RESUME. 905-319-3690, EMAIL: vcamp@iibrecaot cvm No phine cala oleave. ABSOLUTELY Free snf0 anlie. Wark irom boe Eamn $25-75 per bour part-time/tull-tîme. wmw,1 23fakecon- trol.cam or 1-888-246- 9624 AS Seen on TVl Make up f0 54.99/rnsTatkîng on your phone!! Unhe- lievable! Get Paid Daîty! Cati free 1-800-880- 6432. CAR-DETAILING & rusfproating person needed immediately. Esperience preterred or wilt train. Cati 905-878- 8883. FLASHING persan te- quîred. Union rates. Fuît time work. Pleese cati 905-642-3515. FULL-Time E.CE. re- quîred for Sate & Sound Children's Centre, Cai Sheila t 905-8751955. WANTED AZ driver f0 haut gravet in 4 asel bopper in Mlfan-Ktch- ener ares. Backisg ap is a must. Fax resume and abstract f0 St19-229- 8611. HAIRSTYLISTS WANTED MILTON *TvPpapy gaarantoed Slarlîrg @ $9.25/ht rcvMmm & berasçs *Fur pace iv wsrk j Excellent Serefîls package - *Paîd icense ea .Advaeced updafiag *Equipmneit pîsvîded eNs clientele recfuited Caf I 905-308-6118!