2-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday,_June 18, 2002 We wish to draw your attention to the following in our current "Canadian Tire" Flyer PAGE 3- STORM 16" BMX- STYLE KIDS'BIKE. 71-147X Copy reads: REG 99.99 SALE 79.99 SAVE 20.00 Should red: 79.99 We sincerely regret an>' incooveoieflce we may have caused you. Cnoie D325-02 Ail Zones Since 1978 If you witness breaking please contact The Champion newsroom a t (905) 878-2341, ext. 234. Thank you in advance. Region holding off on making fi imwr e 0aJliQf Planning committee wants environmental information before making decision By ANGELA BLACKBURN Special to The Champion Halton Region won't make a final decision until the fali on Dufferin Aggregates' plan to expand its quarry in Milton and Halton His. The Region wants furiber information about four enviroomental areas withîn the proposed expanded quarry- areas Dufferin offi- rncýry 'FI ",CANADA'S MATTRESS SUPERSTORE" The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) has yet to file an opinion on the areas in question, and water management issues must also be ironed out. After hearing from half a dozen delegations Wednesday, coun- cillors on I-lton's planning and public works committee agreed t0 numerous stipulations upon wbich they'1 base their final decision in the faîl. Tbey also agreed that the decision, expected in September, will be made at an evening meeting so members of the public can more easîly attend. In January 2001, Dufferin applied to amend Halton Region's Officiai Plan so that zoning of agricultural rural, escarpment rural and greenîands could be changed to mineraI resource extraction area in some areas to allow for an expanded quarry. Duffenin wants to extend the quarry 82.5 hectares (205 acres) to the north - 35.5 hectares in Milton (the West Extension) and 47 hectares in Halton Hilîs (the East Extension). 0f the nearly 83 hectares, 7(0 hectares would be used for extraction. Beside tbe Region, Dufferin also needs approval from tbe towns of Milton and Halton H-ills, as well as tbe MNR and the Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC). Council addressing matter At press time yesterday aftemoon. the Dufferin plan was to be considered by the two town counicils last night. Conservation Halton's board of directors will address the plan at its meeting Thursday night. No NEC date bas yet been set. The Region wants to look at a few more issues before signing off on Dufferin's request. It wants to formally hear from the MNR. It also wants to furtber study several envirorental areas witbin the expansion site and il wants to give Conservation Halton time to iron out an "in perpetuity" plan to manage the area's water sys- temr. By 2063, Dufferin envisions excavation work will bave created a series of lakes that will be refiîled with water and could ulti- mately be used by tbe public as an environruental site. T1hai's not new to Dufferin, wbich currently encourages public, enviroomental use of the lands surrounding its quarry operation. Dufferin bas been in business in Milton since 1962, but its cor- rent 468-hectare excavation operation will be exbausted witbin five years. Duffenin officiais said its quarry provides the best quality aggre- gate in the province - froru the best GTA transportation - and the cnmpany is eager to continue its work. However. the site is surrounded by provincially-sigiificant wei- lands and life science areas tbat will require a water management plan. 'Me expanded site also includes a quartet of what Regional plan- ner Ho Wong called "significant natural features" that the Region says should be kept out of excavation. They include two wetlands, a habitat to the nationally tbreatened Jefferson Salamnander species as well as a life science area. GTA needs aggregate At the same time, a Province of Ontario policy statement recog- nizes the GTA's need for 60 million tonnes of aggregate annually for the next 25 years as the GTA population expands by 2.2 mil- lion people (or 46 per cent). Dufferin bopes t0 extract 26 million tonnes of stone froru the Milton extension between 2007 and 2013; and another 35 million tonnes ftom the Halton Hilîs extension between 2013 and 2020. "At the end of the day, it il a decision balancing the importance of aggregate resources and Halton's obligation to sopply such against the protection of the natural enviroomnent," stated a report ftom Halton Planning and Public Works Commissioner Patrick Murphy. Wbile Dufferin continues to colleet evidence as 10 wby the four natural features should be included in the excavation site, the k Region says it will only contider backing away from protecting tbemr based on word from the NR. I the meantime, the sommer will be used 10 further iron 0u1 agreements witb Dufferin on the issues of water management and enviroomental protection. Open house at q-uarry A Aday of po ride,hks andfood. Duffermn Aggregates wtll host an open house and breakfas at its MiloS Quarry on Dublin Une Satut'day froru 8 arin. to noon. Kids will be able to enjoy pony rides, air brushing, birds of * prey demosaihofs, Bruce Trail ikes and quaify tours. For more information, cail (905) 878-6051. -..-à