The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 18, 2002-19 Senior Red Sox win second Mavericks surrender sta~tdBriBetP k Letdown against Welland could prove costly By STEVE L.BLANC The Champion Here's where iings gel ehallenging. Wttb just two weeks left in regular- season play, the Jr. B Mavericks now find tbemselves on the outside looking in - une point remnoved fromn a playoff spot that was scooped up Iis past week- end by Owen Sound. Milton's up-from-the-asbes lacrosse club bas five gaines remaining in wich to reclaim ils pos-season bertb. Probleni is, the nexltbree oppottui- ties corne aganst upper-echelon teains thal aren'l likely 10 offer mucb room for an upset. A trip to Welland Friday nigbt repre- sented the Mavericks' besl shot a wni nuniber seven tbrougb the mnid-stretcb of lune. Unfortunately, Milton eased up a litle down thse stretch - squandering a tlird- period lead on the way te falllng 12-10. Weiland's gaine wimer and insurance nsaker were pottedimngrefinaîltrwo-aiid- a-hlf minutes of play, aburtly afler the uive seçconadsaaut to eveIhe cait. Thse Mavencsiaka heufiu"«rhasd fur much of te Sst bui t Weouild't break away - due in large Pat to hometown stuper Travis Hill, wlso sruck six tines and netted the last two past goaltender Josh Arnold. Welland's victoiy was also fueled by three powerplay goals, By contrast, 1the Mavericks had just five tries with the man-advantage sud were neulralized each lime. Kyle Goertz was once again the play- er of the gaine wilh a goal and tne assista, while Paul Pedula bad a single belper lu go along witb bis pair of mark- ers. Also lallying twice were Steve Chucbmacb sud Mark McComb - argstably the mosi improved Maverick, at least offensively, in recent weeks. Derek Mewhinney, Kyle Jobuston, Drew Petkoff sud Zacb Somer cipped in singles. Maverlck notes: Kyle Goertz repre- senîed Milton at Saturday's OLA Jr. B Mll-Star Gaine sud bad two assista in su 11 -11 stalernate ... Vetersu Maverick Kaegen Sheriiff bas been a no-show since being disciplined for a vîcious cbeck-from-beldin iiHalton Hills une 2 ... Making is scason debut witb the Mavericka Fiday was Mike Novak - a Jr. A Orasgevle draft pick who'd been sidelied since April with a wrist injury sustained in rMp s<scky .T.Ie Mavericks wilboa Sm"iaSatry ut 7 p.m Land close oWut*c week in OnondopSday hmn uiiuplay Uli i IÂt hle-digit win plateau - sometbing tbey've been unable to do in sever- ai years. Unlike during Monday's 3-0 loss in St. Catharines and Friday's 8-5 defea ini Eobicoke, Milton didn'l let mistakes snowhall against Dundas Saîîîrday. According to Moore, thal was the chief reason for the leam's tri- umph. H-e said. -We were ahle tu avoid that une hig <had) inning. We didn't heai ourselves." The lion's share of Milton's pro- duction came in tbe opening frame when lead-uff man Nick Aalhers and Nick Masîru cluhhered hack- îu-hack solo home us -Ihe first twu uf the season - and Ryan Davîsun later cashed in DH Kevin Wilson un a twu-uut sngle. While the Red Sux struggled uffensivcly lhruugh sîretches of the aftemuon- pariicularly in the fourtb when lhey blew a bases loaded and no outs situation - Ian Zettle's crafty pitcbing and a niear- flawless fielding campaign got them through. Middle infielders Kurt Mitchell and MannyMTapar were rock-solid through the laie going while Zettie eamned the victory with a five-hit effort over seven innings. Nathan Tarni picked up his sec- ond straighl save, working the final two innings and delivering a gamne- clinching strikeout with the tying mun in scoring position. Suhbing for injured lead-off man Dwayne Johnson, Aaîbers went 4-for-5 while Dýývison drove in Wilson îwice - the second lime for the winning, jn in the third inning. TMe Red Sox will look to make it three in a row at Brian Best Saturday against Oakville atl:30 p.m. junior Sox continue to shine The Junior Red Sux' supremnacy gues un. in Dundas Sunday, Milton hit double-digits for the fiftb time Ibis season - toppling the Chiefs 10-3. Adamn Ahearn scatlered tbree bits sud a pair of walks over seven innings lu continue a rock-solid spring camnpaigis. Offering short relief was Mike Grabauskas. Offensively, Jeff MacLeod belted ouI bis third home mun in six gaines t0 igbligbt a big fourtb inning whicb put the score out of reacb. Nate Peroot also, launcbed one over the fence - bis second round-tripper in two weeks. Kevin Cooper bad tbree bils sud provided sound defense at first hase. Doing likewise bebind tbe plate was fellow rookie Evan Jeans, wbile rigbt fielder Andrew Coe made a couple of impressive snags to tbwarl potential rallies by Dundas. "We're really clicking on aIl cylinders rigbl now," said manager Glenn Turner, whose juniors are now unheaten in seven gaines. The 9-1 -1 Red SoxrelumIo Brian Best Park Sunday at 1 lu take on Orangeville. Memberships Avaouable N@w! Fa ntastic Women's Only Club -First 100 Womnen Fest Best Membership Ca/i today... Goodà,e-L ife -(905) 876-FIT3 Women's 409 Main Street East, Milton 1 ~(905) 876-FITT Coed By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion George Moore can accept defeat, just nul when it cornes from wilhin. Unfortunately, that's been the case during many a game this year for his Senior Red Sox- who're by far the yuungest of COBA's eight entries, and are quite prone lu the pilfalîs of inexperience. lI'd say six of our nine losses have heen the direct result of us heating ourselves," said the local skipper. "We scîf-destruc ." However, Milton managed tu stave off that trouhling trend ai Brian Besi Park Saturday after- noon- severely limiling ils follies en route tu nipping the Dundas Chiefs 4-3. The viclury was the second straight ai home and fifth overaîl in league play for the Red Sux, who're now un pace Io bit the dou- 1