The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 18, 2002-11 You can make a difference between life and death unre wli contac îihe ienties t responi For example. ifthe L Calling 911 is one ni the most critîcal links in the chiato M" Rccognizing a medical problem early and calling for help (911), followed by carly CPR. early defibrillation and early advanccd life support arc ail links of this critîcal chain. The quicker you identi- fy a medical emergency situation or problem and caîl 911, the greater the chance of survival for that person. What you should know before you cail 911 If you need to caîl 911, use a regular cord style phone if it's close at hand and is as convenient tu use as a cellular phone (a cordlests phone s okay). Usiiig a regular phone will instantly provide the 911 operator and the ambulance communications centre with the callers address information and phone number as soon as they answer your exIl - most ccll phones don't offer this. Remain calm1 The 911 operator will answer your call by asking if you need police, fire or ambulance. You must indicate which agency you require. For any situation where a person is ill or injured, you should request an ambulance. At this point, you will be transferred to the ambulance communications centre operator. Giving vital information The ambulance communications centre operator will ask you a series of questions to confu-m the address and location of the per- son requiring tic ambulance. For rural areas bave your emcrgency g1 locator code number posted by your phone. (Ibis is the number on the green sigo at thc end of your driveway). It's alto a good idea to have your address written down near thc phone for visitors who may have to cail 911. 'Me operator will alto ask for a phone num- ber where you can be reached. You will immediately be asked some very specific questions about Uic emergency and Uic patients present condition which meclude: " le the patient conscious (awake)? " Is there any difficulty breathing? " Is there any blecding'? (If Uere is bleeding, is it controlled?) The answers to these important questions will hlp the operator to quickly determine Uic sevcrity of the patients condition. While the operator is asking additional questions about Uic patients con- dition he will immediately tend the information lectronically to an ambulance communications dispatcher who will notify and dis- patch Uic closeet paramedic crew to the caîl. The operator will con- tinue to spcak with the caller while the paramedies are on their Notes way. Your goal should bc to answer ail the questions as directly and promptly as possible. If other emergency agencies arc required at the scene, teo assist the patient or attend to hazards, the ambulance communications Protein Vs. Garbohyrates %item s a popular msconcepion dhat unlea a del contins subsiantiat amounts ofcabehydirOes, Oet iinviioblyirest iln liid and islesi peupe uhe have ne "zipj erenervgy %i eynicl nmong us trd tu elievedihai -ah n-rasmgloriginale fanaca- nies niho um incapable of pocadacing Ith* qualily prueti b indacis lu in u veeny dafcul i n ram am idexpune tuapu&=)ne, bunmquile capabl ofalt- mng deafent abydnk alm (mmab (amzy ltufonmmmd alvry dn nio Evetycti bat k lmi anc Munifbd aem e " hanun d oogy"W nmuly mdu ba dy usesgbaow C Ç- agu) for enemgy. sid! dm du major uamm i dial c badnnemunitlueeuaaued if ao nei oféet ameetic! ljniinnluung dia way dur body hmdls fnad, anddie ic nineaisdiey coniain, un beponinifalu n iweigb dacien Pond, (whedmr censentionai or specia dieloiy prducis) mun onavoUlable lt u body as such and ainsi ire bonbon daren. %lirestievve presses orcaur mai51> nn due siomach anrsiserai itestne, orsi are bmought about by enzyms whicb break dowrt proteur (totuanrme, actds). carbohy- drttos tto simple sugats such as glucose. actds, giporrel, mono aid tigiycerrdes). Illn salivaiy ezynescon bceakdaen nionel, bel fond is net maay chneed long nonagli for dis te niake a major contriha- tion. Esienl alal due i-prduclu et dgenuonieun ownuti n wuln b eh ahnailud ftin due intesin aid bha he Thn aluripuan etdm une e na "ine mqimm wmlc and dunefi o or enrg. flanby ddm tnpurnmaimbd hmbav em âatmsed, pavue ahuuly A wrdnle alniethe rgy ndni. AtSjoadydundditu mm laml hady amm Ce~minie) an a ow coric dit un 126 gMMnof Palciper kit> grun et hady saigbt per day. Tiey ala rpotil dmd de uffi - ba itane inpusnnd ielajakmuailuail duiàR*ahiMt wlnn ocepud te n etfinn an a Iow poeci, lhientohydelcalorie die- lin priein coneniniaktheduginniir conrihation te inaiioaing du abdihi ni pefene pbysrcai reriron (korps thdu ip" inid theidivrdual and eehaece reeight reduesion. hidjurduis un tdu brgh prlent diet had sigrtrtcoorly es huger, ad wre aise eucb tocs pre-occupird wtb footi. A luriber corsouence of drots ru wlircb cao- înjuîcd ini a toi r icie collision. ltIiiy s laiso cr Lcta 11 i Lc and police su rcspond. Other helpful actions - Tell the operator which entrance paramcdics should use at the site and havc somcone meet thcm at the entrance. - If a security code is nccdcd to enter the building, provide the code to the operator. Hea/t/t Notes is prepared bY staff of the Ha/ton Region Hea/th Departnîent. MARlON HEALY Registered Nutritional Consulting Practîtioner 550 Ontario St. S., Unit #18 (905) 875-2889 bebydrale lias boeued ta repace pratii cduthepoeieiioerpasing uses t teurlul oflosothan body nass(muascle). 0Ofee dul main rid ismorIlldu orpanilanOf wc* ug eito s ds uldu dici mustprn- ure e thkhabdy mass (Le. muscie) by aaiag m un hon u niien balnce i pruilie. han diarreenl n Oer tniPMUe msclelinmeni an Mdthlammda an adequaae iniake et poron. Paimmnnin ihcunitytAM etur ne causel of Musclmmdomn, binn of mm LeaiT dé,mwweaulaBid dwt a dit duuelyligh inliprl nr triamincie dm i n wM ou f . mnemm e e fon esrumcemueta- Mariols tinisla rngtbWNfnn Mionai Cninuftng ac0awhncrMdlioint 15 Yoarswniuperlcn mli eehflmoNs n nutrition. She ta C/i#i ecctor of BcirtrfrH/ils Wegbf Manrnnfandi Nutitin Centreie Mltoan & Ctr*sonn Vilage, Misissaega. Fr more intor- maten contact Monioe at 905-875- 2889 Wee eve«ythtn you ,cd to, 1rt4Ckyow ï oqt! --- tIlýr NobodyPlans. on Gettingsieki When you are healthy, you don't worry about where the money will corne from to cover off the hidden costs of a critical or long term illness. Did you know that for every stroke and heart attack death - 3 people now survive.., but suifer neurological ater eftects. Let us inform you ot a new financial product, CRITICAL ILLNESS INSURANCE that will pay a TAX FREE lump sum benefit directly to you if you are diagnosed with a life altering illness. Ilnesses that are covered incude: Heart Attack, Stroke, Alzheimer's Disease, MVS, Cancer and Parkinson's Disease and many others. Let us explain how CI can be the solution that let's you focus on getting healthy instead of worrying about the bills. Robert Lee Insurance Agency 245 Commercial St, Milton, Ontario. L9T 4N2 (905) 878-5786 Fax: (905) 878-3692 bob@roberteeilsuraflce.comn