Red Cross Society seeks volunteers for programs Tise North Halton branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society is looking for drivers as well as volunteers for its new Personal Disaster Assistance Program (PDAP). Volunteers with the PDAP will assise emergency services personnel in dealing witb individuals and families coping wtb smal-scale emergencies. SA DIÀ1 * ~1 '1 The PDAP will provide 24 bours assis- tance in the Milton and Halton HuIs com- munities. Volunteers will receive extensive train- ing and must be prepared to be available j for several iours every six to esgbt weeks. Drivers are also needed to transport clients to medical appointmen*s Monday to Friday. Drivers will have the option of driving the Red Cross bus or use their own vebsele. Expenses will be reimbursed. The Red Cross is also seeking and archivist to organize the historledi memo- rabilia. For more information, cal 905) t975- 1459. SpechCentre Communication is Vital " Language e Stuttering " Articulation e Swallowing " Voice e Reading " Stroke Rehabilitation e Tutoring - Accent Improvement Providing therapy to children and aduits in Halton, Peel and Wellington Counties Evening and Saturday appointments available Ph: 90-873-8400 Fax: 905-873-7291 Onl Northview Centre 15 minutes to 2 11 Guelph St., Suite 5 Georgetown Georgetown /For a good cause Elght-ye mr-l McLapaf, ,who hmas lcysifbros, faces ff aginsti"e Infmu Henon Brohhr f movw bu fum &1«Sh &du- mng tue Zei les Ofrendo0ff li F.lya"ven glftownumantat %U"-looace PointgofMClubWe&sea. Tii. undral Sarclcs ImremhonM300000for %-cysloMroes tnMwg tmui eena. Tobacco control campaigli in the works across Halton I an effort no iselp combat tobacco use among youth, tise Halton Region Healtis Department will implement tise region- wide 'Non to Kidu' tobacco control cans- paign. 'Not to Kidu', wiich originated in Toronto, is a comprehenuive program tiat aims to decrease youtis access to tobacco by belping tobacco retailers and tise com- munity understand tise Tobacco Control Act (TCA). Tise bealtis department will work witb tise scisool boards Io educate staff, students and parents about thse TCA as it relates to selling and supplying tobacco to minors. "Alongside enforcement. reducing youtis access to tobacco is one effective compo- nent of a srategy to reduce youtis smoking IiAiIf1lILIJi The Board of Directors of Halton ilualthoars services Corporation invites Yom te attend tihe Thursday, June 2Oth, 2002 7:30 p.m. rates in Halton," said Dr. Bob Nosal, thse region's medical officer of isealth. Au part of the program, wiich is funded by Healtis Canada and Nunavut Region, tobacco retailers will receive resources and an operations manual, wisicis includes information about tise TCA, operator responsibilities, signage and tipu for spot- tmng false identification cardu. "Macs is deligbted to participate in tise expansion of tisis succesuful prograns," said Brian Edwards, training and recruitment manager of Macs Convenience Stores Ine. "As a responuible retailer, we are inter- ested in working witis'Not to Kids'to edu- cate consumers about tise Tobacco Control Act and belping no make a difference in tise community." Halton Healthcare Oakville Conference & Banquet Centre - 2515 Wyecroft Road, Oakville Mr. David MacKinnon, President & CEO, Ontario Hospital Association "Healthcare in the 2lst Centuîy" Long Service recognition awards will be presented to HHS staff and physicians. Audited Financial Statements will be available at the meeting. Please eall the Public Relations Office at 905-815-5100 for addîtional information. Oakville-Trafalgar Memoria Hospital & Milton District Hospital LEARNING TO LIVE WITH DENTURES Leaming ta liîstw6thdentutres ohte requires a penaod a ad1ustment Tist me con be shrtend if ýe patient adapti a goad mental atitde and is patient and dletermind ta wear hi r he dentures t daes't motter haie mach diffh- cuty aone euperienoes at fist, as yae wifI gmaally eam ta use fase teet. A few denture werers dent assuretefi right mental atitude, and withat givitg teir e teeth a foir trial, begin ta tink thir ca s e sees. These ew *11 eiIne« eem ta wear dentures unles th make =a i id ocnuer their diff'iculty.lemerber, it takes t ortmslorta master a a bredenture Mthon a Asa, It s rmprtat ta renembertatt tnt always the pesan wi t B smallest quantity af gam or ridIg'es tats the hrest ta it,aond wha ipparentfy wald have h trst prolem. 1sepeole sualyrelize tat case s When they ahedet ures, nfd tht denture wear- insin't as rdas hyferd.Mny peape have aocept- echallengeaofwearirsg dentures, and wan. Vas can tua! Dnt hesitatu ta call aur fice fr informatian yau Mih need regardiug yuur dentures. Cansultatiarns re always free! Yas da rt need ai referral; simply cail!aur ofhice direct. WE CARE AMOUIR SMLE! MITON D!1M ~M Gary Trenton, Denturist I159 Main St., Milton I905-876-2q00 Jb" 2002