The Canadian Champion, Fniday June 14, 2002-9 Twi*ss Rd. residence broken into for $1,700 loss Commremnoritixe coin,; ,tV and VCR weer sîrlen hoin. tTo s The suspects gaioed entry into the home sometiine between Il arn. and 4 p.m. by smashing the basement window. The items taken were vaiued at $1 ,700. Cars stolen A white 1999 Cadillac, four-door, was stolen from a King Street residence Sunday hetween 3 and 7:45 ar. The car is valued at $40000. The licence plate number is ALRD 603. The following day, a red 1995 Neon. four door, was taken some- Orne ovemîght whle parked on Bing Court. Combined police unit addressing organized crime ln an effort bu continue cornbating crime effectively, the RCMP launched a second teamt of investigators- including officers from Haiton Regionai Police - as part of the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit (CFSEU). The mandate of the new CFSEU, as with the CFSEU teams in Toronto and Comwall, is to expose. investigate, dismantle and prosecute organized crime groups. The new CFSEU, which was launched May 30, alto consists of officers from the Bratford Police Service. Hlamilton Police Service, Niagara Regional Police Service. Ontario Provincial Police. Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Criminal Intelligence Service Ontario and the RCMP. "Typically, organized crime groups spin a web of interconneet- ed cririnal acivity to make a prof»it," said RCMP Inspector Gary Francois. 'They have feelers in niany communities 10 take advantage of any opportunity that comes their way. Esablishing a Combined Forces Special Enforcernent Unit 10 address organized crime activities gives us an integrated front-line and hands-on ailiîy 10 disrupt these criminal enterpnises." 'Me car is valued at $3,000. The licence plate number is 946 XYR. Police dont believe the two incidents are related. Window smashed The window of the medical building at 69 Main St. was smashed overnight June 6. Suspects failed to gain accent into the building. Damage to the window is estimated at $600. Dinner set taken A dinner set valued at $500 was stolen from a unit at Carefree Mini Storage on McGeachie Drive between June 4 and 6. 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Notice of Liquor Licence Application Onaro The following establishments have applied to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for a liquor licence under the Liquor Licence Act: Application for a Sale Licence Croatian Club Karlovac 5556 Third Line Miltion îoutdoor only) Opera Emporium Café and Smokehouse Restaurant 6 Main Street Campbcttvilte lincludîng outdoor ares) Pasqualino's Café & Bistro 248 Main Street East. Milton Application for Additional Facilities Brunello Ristorante 395 Main Street East Milton louidoor area) Any resident of the munîcipaliiy may mnake a wrîtien submission as t0 whether the issuance of the licence is in the public inîerest having regard 10 the needs and wishes of the residents. Submissions must be received no laier ihan July 12, 2002. Please include your namne. address and telephonte number. If a petition is submiiied to the Commission. please ideniify the designated contact person. Note: 'The AGCO gises the applicant detaits of any objections. Subrnissions to be sent 10: Licensing and Registration Department Alcobol and Gaming Commission of Ontario 20 Dundas St. W., 7"~ Floor Toronto, ON M5G 2N6 Fax: 416-326-5555 E-mail: Saturday & Sunday 1 - 4 p.m. CHURCHILL ESTATES - BROOK VILLE GUELPH LINE (5 MIN. N. 0F 401) $449900 ALL 1 112 ACRE LOTS GARY THOMAS in atendance Relmax Blue Springs 905-878-7777 15 LOTS STILL AVAILABLE -50 HOUSES SOLD Sunday, June 165 2 - 4 p.m. 1506 EVANS TERRACE 4TH LUNE N. 0F DERRY TO MARWOOD, RIGHT ON SWAN CRES.) $1t99,900 SHERYL GRAY in attendance Re/max Blue Springs 905-878-7777 l i aetlenuacecmbb ra-teisu8lSC m Nobody Plans on GettinigSik! When you are healthy, you don't worry about where the money wiII corne from to cover off the hidden costs of a critiCal or long term illness. Did you know that for every stroke and heart attaCk death... 3 people now survive.., but sufer neurological after effeCts. 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