Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jun 2002, p. 8

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8-The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 14, 2002 Most driving schools cxisl hecauîse people waîii lu pass driving lests. YOUNG l)RIVERS' exisîs ici îeach the secrets and skills of lifetime Collisionfree!' driving. So we dnt stop when you've learned 10 pass a test. In fact, thats ubere uee start. Teaching over 750,00)0 Canadians how to, predict and prevent collisions has mnade YD the mosi celebraied course ini North America. ,AiI -A ltU i -.'A Ç"Qt1 i iepauiti Besides coiision avoidance, you'li get C ail us for frec vidco brochurc. And bo)ok a scat " leavy îraffic, highway/freeway training. " Hcad-on collision avoidance and 8 other emergency manieuvers. " Annually reîrained and re-certifled inLstructors. " Pick Up and drop off at home or school ici sîudents within residential boundaries. " In car honme pick up pa.-:a,-ge avalable lu students who reside oulside the residenlial 4Day Course, July 2, 3, 4, 5, Tuesday - Friday, (9:30 arn - 4:15 pm) 4WkCorse, July 23, Tuesday & Thursday Evenings, (6:00 prn - 9:15 prn) Collisionfï,eef owi liusîiintr S YOUNG DRI VERSof Canada SYour licence to survive. IL 9001 www.youngdrivers.com «S 905-875-0480 7BISROP REDINO H108 SCHOOL MarkRya n Laframboise Pyne Royal Report By Mark Laframbose and Ryan Pyne Last week, Grade il and 12 students went 10 the polis to eleet their Representatives for next year's Student Government. Adrian Jewelt wiii once again join Megan Mutcheson as Grade 12 and OAC Reps respectfully. This past weekend, five members of the Bishop Reding Track and Field Team travelled to Belleville t0 compete ai the Ontario Federation of Schoois Athieiic Association (O.F.S.A.A.) Championship. In the Midget Boys' 400 meters, Ian Butcher broke a ten year-old O.F.S.A.A. record while claiming the gold medai in an amazing lime of 49.82 seconds. The Midgel Boys' 4x100 meler relay foursome of Ian Butcher, Darren Izumi, Mike McGill and Mike Rubîno placed seventh with a lime of 47.02 sec- onds. Chris Kargel completed his successful season wiîh an elevenlh place finish in Senior Javelin and twelfth in Senior High Jump. The Senior Girls' Sofibaili eam, who tied for the "Teamn of the Year" ai last week's Aîhleîic Banquet, saw the end 10 a very successful season on Monday. The team played sîrong but could nol defeat the powerful îeam fronî Georgetown in semi- final action. Mr. Shurge and Mr. Bertin wouid like to îhank ail players for their ouistanding effort and congralulate them on a successful season. Congratulations once again 10 Kate Kelly who scored the highest mark aI Bishop Reding in the OAC "Sir Isaac Newton" conlest from the University of Waerloo. She finished in the top 10% of the 4500 sîudents across Canada who participai- ed. .,You see things; and sa -y 'Whv?' But 1 drearn things that never wvere: antd I saY 'Why not?' - George Bernard Shaw, Jeuf Vandevalk HoIIy Cambruzzi EmîIy Wlloughby MILTON DISTRICT HiGHl SCHOOL As exams approach in the week ahead, bittersweet emno- tons t il the hallways. Nervous students study, juniors cele- b raie the end of the school year, wbile others are seriously ianticipaiing the summer that awaiis them. For many siudents, like we the Messengers, it's a time for retiection. Reflection on the lite we have created oser the five years we attended Ibis school. As we graduate and move on to bigger, better things, we stili look back and remnember what this school has been and always wilI be to us. This article is dedicated to ail of Ibis years grads here at M.D.H.S. "I ii/Ineter jorgertte entre .îeme.itec)f Ms. Atkins grade twe/'e nmark.eting i/as Evrvda ' wa.s an event. T/iereee 't/îu .îand.î af i/eeîs aij>paper wasîed and Ms. Aîkîn. a/miist /ast an ee. Aa/î memaîries." Graemue ONeil I wi// remnember /iaw Mr Butsse /îe/ped nme /eep mY redits in grade e/eî'en, ater reî acerîng fiont an î//nes.î.1 î iulîn't /have dîme tl wit/taîm hint and the' wornen ol«Guidance... T/tanks again - Abra Buton 'I iv/i ,teîer tirgel MD. 1/hav'enmadle nes i frends andl nîenîa' uies t/ati1 wi// ,emî'mlbei farcier'" Tanimv Stok/es. "if* vti dont cenh'm/ieî il. il dtdn'l happen"- Greg v'an Esî "I wi.î/î1 was in grade nîne again i'd do il ail oter again. Brad Finkheîner "Whe,î Ifiîst staried grade 9 I ea/h' didn't wanrt ti goî w MD. I waîiîed ta go ta Geargetow-n DHS - sîmp/y becaiîse ihai's where all/n> fi'îends were gaing. But tht thaug/tt saan c/îanged once I gai ta know a// other ather kids and teachers ai MD. Nois I woilddî't change an vthing... i 1 cou/d lite my five years over ai MD agaîn I woîddn't change anvîhing. I have nmade grear friend.î /ere anîd I iotî/dn't thank the teachers li'e had î/îraug/îîut the vears enoîg/î, siîch as Mr. Hamiton, Miss Mi/ler, Ms. Cii/we//, Ms. Gra/tanit ic naine a few. You guv s are great! And tank you îfor ca// f yîîur sup- port. l'// miss voii!" - Donna MPhai/ 14When Ifirsi came ta MD, 1Ivnas worrîed t/ti1Iwoit/dn't nîeeî any new, and înîeresîing peop/e. Five" vears /01er and manY new, people, I haie found oui who niî-v frîends are, and w/to the 'neap/e are w/îo are not wvorih knowing. If î/ey eai/Y care about you as a persan and îlot wthat ),are. a e, îv are a trtîe friend. " - Jenniy "Mi/tonî District luis heen stth a major /part ai nty lite tai I ant aftaid ta /eaî'e. The niasti reaisuingfàtit is ftati n-sv teaihers anîd fiiends haie prepared me.flc t/te future. I watt/l/have it ni) at/tel îaY. " -C/tris Passniare Please corne back next week for mitre grad memories. lncluding ours, the Mustang Messengers. DATE161NE DRURY Megan Bouer Lyndsey Jones Rob Parker With the' end ot the year too rapidly approachtng, we thought it would be a good idca to reminisce about al of the reasons why we are going tii miss E.C. Drury as we leave our memories (and our engraved names un the railtng> behtud thîs Monday for the lirst tîme. For starters. theres a certain energy wîthin our infamous locker bay. that makes even the shyest grade nîne jump up and dunk themselves in a pooi of Jell o, or dump flour over iheir best friends if it means they'l1 wîn the Survivor challenge competition. Our schuol has gtven btrth t0 outstanding athletes over the years, and enabled our musically gifted Spartans 10 showcase their talents ail over town. Our teachers are unlîke any others for countless reasons: They*ll dye their haîr, dress up for pep rallies, dance at dances. or make you laugh when you felt it wa.s impos- sible to do so. Our Spartan Spirit is equally unique and incapable of betng duplîcated. Long after the three of us graduate, we will forever remember the enthustasm and spirit contatned within the walls of hîs wonderftil hîgh school (tear*). Although ail of you faithful readers May not miss us as much as we wîll miss ail of the times we shared ai Drury, ail of the characteristies whtch make our sehool so unique and incredt- hie will forever linger in our memories. Some evidence of our musical talent was seen on Tuesday nîght at the annual Musical Arts Extravaganza, "Thats Entertaînment!" Drury sta- dents played and sang their harps out tu a delîghted audience, as well as provtded spectators with counîless dramatîr presentations and outstand- îng pieces of work. Conductors Mtss MacRae and Mr. Featherstone. as well as the music counicîl did a tremendous amount of work puttîng ihis ntght together. and for that, the studenîs and communîîy are very thank fui. Hey! Speaking of fun and excîtement. do you ltke pienies? Weil, the Mustc Councîl is hostîng the annual end of the year party very, vcr'. soon! For details. please check the music room or speak 10 someone on Music Council. And to anyone who took any part in last week's column rmn in a spirit of sarcasttc humour -pIeuse he assured that no harmi was tntended. (Do you like goodhyes? We sure dont!) As we close our final Datelîne Omury, wed like 10 say that it has heen an ahsolute pleasure to serve the Milton community wîîh this report. On another note: You may think yuu're rid of us ... But think again! lu the near future, you'll sce Megan on your nightly news, Lyndsey as Prime Minîster and Rob lurking in your hushes and muttering incoherently. Thanks for faithfully reading ns ail year folks... lt has heen an ahsolute pleasure to have this upportunîtv tu write for you. and ail those who came up 10 us in the street. asktng the samne question. "Are you goîng 10 seek prufessional help?" In due lime friends... In due ime... But we ceave Datelîne Drury now wtth lîeavy hearts ... It îruly will be une of the thitîgs about Drury we wîll mtss the most. THANK YOU ALL FOR AN EXCITING AND FUN-FILLED YEAR!! YOUNG DRIVERS':What every driving course should be! a] Or Nillion. ASK Mr uclaill).

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