Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jun 2002, p. 7

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Rev. P. T. Mîgnot resigns the încumbency of St. Stephen's separated fromJ Tîme Capsules'are gems of information« extracted from past issues of The Champion and other publications to pro- vide a window into Milton's past. Explanatory comment is sometimes pro- vided to place the situation in context. November 1896 Rev. PT. Mignot has, witb the approval of Bishop Dumoulin, resigned the incum- bency of St. Stephen's Churcb in Hornby, which will now be separated from Milton and Omagh and perhaps joined to Norval. Robert Harrison bas now erected on his barn one of the Canadian Air Motor Wind Mills for grinding, pulping roots, cutting straw, sawmng wood and pumping water. The day it was erected il grnund at thse rate of 28 bushels of peas and oats per bour, or nearly 300 bushels per day. Mr. Harrison purcbased the of rill from Wm. Peacock, Milton. The county council bas adopted a rec- ommuendation of the county buildings com- mittee that the tender of the Milton Electric Ligbt and Power Co., for supplying elec- tric ligbts, be accepted. The jail, jailers residence. courtroorn and halls will be lighted under the contract by 23 incandescent lights, costing $42 per year. December 1896 James Hume, wbo left Milton for California last spring, returned last week for his wife and family. He has bought a bay farm near Pomona and wil go back in about a month. The Milton nink bas been leased to an enterpnsmig syndicate of young men who are putting it in a first clasa condition. Tbe foundation on the soutbwest side, which had partially given way bas been repaired and tbe wall straigbtened. A dressing room bhas been prepared in the soutb corner and bas been lined witb tongued and groove lumber, making it more comfortable than tbe old one in thc west corner, in wbicb it is intended that thc curlersi stones and brooms will be kept in future. A water pipe bas been put in, men are busy preparing ice and if thc cold weatber The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 14, 2002-7 SOUR READERS WRITE Milton., Omagh Mr. Ganton's comments regardîng aduit o ~ video store are rîdîculous, says reader IVI Mon Time Capsules lasts a hittle longer curlers and skaters cati commence shortly. On Wednesday, December 19, the new St. George's Church was opened for Divine service. Througbout the summer, on a beautiful site in front of the old church, stone was laid upon stone until a stately edifice on gothic lunes, the design of Mr. CiJ. Gibson, architect of Toronto, lifted its head above the surrounding country. The spacious chancel gives ample room for the excellent choir, who, aided by the members of St. John's choir, Nassagaweya, helped materi- ally in the bright and joyous services on the occasion. The services, ini spite of their being held on a weekday, and the terrible condition of the roads, were well-attended, many com- ing from a considerable distance. The new St. Georges church with a seat- ing capaciîy of 225, will cost about $3,500 which sum, however, would have consid- erably increased had it not been for the noble efforts of the building commiùttee who, aided by the congregation, placed the stone and sand upon the ground free of charge, except for quarrying. The basement and tower are unfmîisbed for lack of the necessary fonds at present. Mr. Martin bas the rest of the creek througb Milton deepened SO that it camres off the tait water from the mill within 18 inches of what the tait race did wben it was al clear from obstructions. The result is satisfactory to the operating of the mill. About $ 100 more of labor expended will deepen the creek to carry off the tail water to the full depth of the old tailrace. The second water wbeel has arrived from Meaford for the milI, whicb is to be used to drive the chopping stones. This material is assembled on behaif of the Milton Historie ai Societv bv Jim Dilîs, chair of research, who cati e reached by e-mail at jdills@idire(ct.c-om. Dear Editor: Over Uie past little wbile I've seen the pros and cons of Exxxotica flow tbrougb letters to Uic editor in TMe Champion. Usualy it passes for amusement, but what I read in Richard Ganton's letter last Friday was dis- gusting and morally reprehensible. Honestly, drawing a parallel between someone wbo watcbes pomography and Paul Bemardo? 1 admit, Ive rented a few movies from Exxxotica (for the articles, of course) and 1 can honestly say Uiat I've neyer fetUic urge to kidnap, maim or kilI young girls. I almost feel like demanding an apology. The problems discussed in Mr. Gantons letter are bardly going to be solved by the closing of an adult viden store in a small town. Besides, let's take a minute and Uink like Uiose teenage boys of wbom Mr. Ganton speaks Sbould we blow $6 and countless bours bugging someone 10 rent us an adult video?, or sbould we tumn on MuchMusic and watcb Uie new Britney Spears video?' Should wc demand that Cogeco stop offering it? 1 watcbed as a US. judgc agreed wiUi Bill Clinton tbat fellatio isn't considered sex. 1 watcbed in a theatre as Marlon Wayans got is bead impaled on a buge penis during Scary Movie. I watcb as the clothes in Zellers and Walmart get tigbter and smaller. Sex is becoming mainstream, and it can't be stopped. The "love evetybody" generation is striving to be sexy forever. They put fake bodies in maga- zines and late-20-sometbing teenagers on TV tbat make Uie Intemet generatbon want to be sexy now. Naturally, Uie answcr to Uic STD issue is education. The message in elcmentary and high sehools is Uiat sex education needs to be cbanged from 'Good God, dont do i', to 'If you decide 10 do this, bere is wbat you sbould do.' 1 realize this wiil offend some obviously biblical morays, but in a closed mmid, religion is the antithe- sis of education. Denial on thc part of parents and Uic ever-widening gap between thc acceptable scbool society and real socicty are the real culprits (and wben 1 tbink of Uic second rate education 1 got, I'm amazed more people dont complain), so wby sbould we take it out on tomne poor guy wbo opened a vidco store in bopes of finding the (North) American dream? As Milton travels alnng it's irre- versible course toward urban sprawl, it will be impossible to maintain Uie mantra of a rigbt-wing small town. If this bothers you, Mr Ganton, 1 would suggcst you move. Jason Powell Roseheath Drive Reader believes headlînes regarding Hydro One board members have been misleading Dear ÀUoe Some of the headlines in ncwspapcrs imply tisaI die board member of Hydro Qne were recciving huge salaries. 1 don't believe Iis is nrue. Mw1 board voted infavour of giving senior exec- ulives in Hydr OnQe huge salaries. Now tbat the board bas resigned, a new oe wiJI be putlin place and Ihey'il be the deciding factor on newly-establisbed salaries for the senior execu- tivea. One musI retuenber dmatthe origina board mm bers were appointed by the sanie goverument dta led 10 their resignatiaus. They'il also be appoining the uew bard memibers. Wbcn 1the former Ontario Hydro was in exis- tence, the president/CEO earned a salary of cs dma $400,000 a year and 1e was responsible for ail gencrating, transmission and distribution assets. ibis is in Une witb what CEOs ai otbe publicly- owncd utilities in Canada are currently making. Only after Onario Hydro was split into OPO and Hydro One, and the companies movcd along the road toward privatizalion, did the executive pay- aifs grow into the millions. ibis fiasco only proves that when an essential service operates on a for-profit basis, people sre going to gel greedy. A ptnvmly-owned utiIity opatngin a onpeti- live msrket will only enssire pncesgo up, soeIi groups gel special deals, and senior nmnmnlsheholdrsm n 1e utilty sectewill gel nich. 111e reent events at Hydro One and OPO prove Ilis lobe truc. Ibis governiment sbould stop playmg around with Ibi essential service. They need 10, kecp ownership of the provincial cîectric utility fOPG and Hydro One), ensurc power is dclivered at a fair price ("power aI cost" basis), maînlain better control over utility corporate expen- ditures, and appoint board members tIsat are in Uine with Ibis tlsnking. This net only makes sense. le's wbat thc people of Ibis province waîst. Jim Ferguson maton Oakville Conference & Banquet Centre - 2515 Wyecroft Road, Oakville Mr. David MacKinnon, President & CEO, Ontario Hospital Association "Healthcare in the 2lst Century"y Long Service recognition awards will be prcsentcd tb HHS staff and physicians. Audited Fmnancial Statements will be available aI Uhc meeting. Picase cal thc Public Relations Office at 905-815-5 100 for additional information. Oakville-Trafalgar Memtorioal Hospital & Milton District Hospital

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