Former Milton surgeon loses licence to practice in Ontario Dr. Kenneth Bradley had three hearings, but licence wasn't revoked until now By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Monday's decision by the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons stripping a former Milton surgeon of his licence to practice medicine in Ontario came too lilule, too ate for Susan McGowen. Ms McGowen's father, Fernando Carlo, 68, died in 1993 two days afrer Dr. Kenneth Bradley operated on hm lu remnove part of is colon at Georgetown Memoriai and District Hospital. "Uitimateiy, il dues bring ciosure and bas raised public awareness about the medicai system," Ms McGowen said. In a 1995 disciplinary hearing probing Mr. Canlot death, Mr. Calot famniiy calied for revocation of Dr. Bradiey's licence. But the coliege chose tu place restrictions on is licence, inciuding supervi- sion when deaiing with patients until he underwent a 12-munth retraining prugramn as a resident in surgery. But at Monday's hearing in Toronto, is licence was taken lin 10 womnen The risk increas- Penium es with age. The 128 MB Ram Ontario Breast 6A 1TTSr Screeniflg DVDROM Program provides 56 md breast examina- ion and a mam- mogram at no cost ta womnena who are 50 years of age or over. Make your appointment today!, C7-Ifer a/f..i For the centre nearest you cali: i 4tN'I689304 monitor nît The Onaro Breas Scetin Program is a pro- Sr9: gram ot Te Onrio cancer l 93 irealment andResarc un 2 nordatnn away afier Dr. Bradley pieaded nu contest 10 charges of professionai misconduet and failing 10 maintain the standard of practice of the pro- fession reiated to the 1993 death of a 64-year-oid woman. The patient, whose name is pro- tected under a publication ban, dted of cardiac arrest after a bowei oper- ation Dr. Bradley performed at the Georgetown District and Memoriai Hospital. The patients biood pressure dropped significantly afier surgery and she alto experienced internai bleedmng. Foilowing her death, doctors found a large biood dlot on the sur- face of ber bowei measuring 17 cm and weighing 360 grams. Dr. Bradley - who had hospitai priviieges in Georgetown since 1978 but mainiy focused is prac- tice and surgeries in Milton Monday signed a written undertak- ing stating be wouid neyer appiy for a licence reinstatement in Ontario. Doctors who are stnipped of their licence tu practice mcdi- cine can normaiiy appiy for rein- statement after a year. "Hopefuiiy peuple wiii 00W come forward with complaints, Ms McGowen said. 1 dont know how many people know ail it takes is writing a letter to the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons in order for them 10 act on a complaint. Liii glad t0 see the cultege finally did the right thing.' Foluwing the hearing Dr. Bradley, who is retired and spends most of lus ime overseas, said he 00W feels closure. "It happened back in 1993, you know. You've got to move on with your life." This was the third disciplinary case invoiving Dr. Bradley heard by the college in Ontario. In his first hearing in 1987, he was found guilty of failing t0 maintain the standard of practice in a case involvmng the death of a patient fol- lowing a Iung lesion operation that featured an "indefensihie proce- dure." Before is second hearing was held for the death of Mr. Carlo, Dr. Bradley fled the province and obtained a licence in Virgmnia 10 continue practicing there as a sur- geon. In 1993, Dr. Bradley set up a practice in the town of Stuart in the southem state. According lu a story in tbe The Toronto Star Tuesday, by 1996 four of is patients had died as a resuit of substandard care and another see CHAMPION on page 20 'OR TUE GRADUATE1 en Pentium Il-2OMHz 133TFT Sueen CD-ROM 56KModem '20 GigHardhDie .'CD-ROM 48x *AC97v2.2Audio - 11 (80Ethmet AdWindows 98 il ncluded ~ ~ -Keyboard, Mouse, Speakers AdidwX -~~ou iersoIeI I 8443o-StoreNJTO 30- II~ 0-5 bujlingtfll@ ompueplus.c L~ W b~1 ~ ~Cu **v The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 14, 2002-5 The » ~ H - ~ r 14 r-' '--J i~ o CONSTRUCTION UPDATE The poured concrete sidewalks are nearly completed on the north side and ready for the decorative brick pavers to be laid. Work is about to start on sidewalks on the south side and on completion of cross- walks. l)ees, plants and flow- ers won't be far behind. Throughout the Main Street reconstruction projeci, the Milton Downtown Business Improvement Association (UBIA) wili keep you inlormed about access, sales and pro- motion events- every Friday page 5 of the Champion. THE COUNTDOWV CONTINUES!! MARK YOUR CALENDARS Saturday, July 6 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. DOWNTOWN MAIN STREET GRAND RE-OPENING STREET PARTY (Reggoe/Caribbean, Jazz, Childrn's & more) MAGIC & ENTERTAINMENT HUGE SIDEWALK SALE!! FANTASTIC RESTAURANT PASSPORT PROGRAM (see next week's ad for details) AMSAL 0o% OFF ApdI's Regubr Pnoe . fs $9,99... Was $1 199.99 .. 25 CD-R - Spmndle -80 minute *32x Certfed Situr Recording Surface