4-The Canadian Champion, Friday June 14, 2002 Drumquin Park master plan gets initial approval ý5O,000,000 M SRP~ 14,420 MSRP 517300 MSRP ( P î . i i, rî linot3i ft It 4e Superbuilcl ltntling is appuis cd foi thee tirst phsase of tihe park re-construction set to begin in September or October. Sbould Supcrbuild Funding frora the federal goveroment be denied. a luxther report to tbe committee oilI be submitted sug- gcstmng alernative fundîng solutions. Phase ()ne essciti.illy revoîf es arouî th te refuîcotitoîf T-rack 2(1(00 111vig tihe acifity tromttihe cen3tre oftbe p0îrk toI a more sîîuiberi ocîatioin -andthie drivewav reafîgonent. Etîiher park reconîstructiois siatedf fîî nexi vear. penifng 2(1(3 budcget apprîvl o ThOicîuîls nntei u se îi otbe partshbi tue ((akvilic Mîîdei Ff vine Cflub vs ctrrentfs biîîi em-oliaed, ibere wii be a tînîe wben ils acdil îles îî if corme 1i3 couiîlict c, li t bter park acili îles. saint Mr 2002 Toyota Fl LEASE FOR s694,469<"'ý PER MONT"909FOR 48 10004985 0(90$5000.000 OOWN Toyota V10901"9c(X0 120 0(1 e 09 M90 9 ti0Mare9li ( lect(onics - MichelinPilot(1000 2002 Toyota Echo LEASE FOR '189"' " PER MOT O 609205MONTHS 42240 M PER Y06 FOR AN DDI0(9(00 ÇIS. 0 PER O918 00391 050AUT0MATiC TRANSMISSION01 A - ollîOoloo Il, (94 s",ke . .1 5((Lt( 1623(, 10 I, 009001n,0,9(9 2 pfed 2 O ( 22 I O I l (1031 t I ALL NEW 2003 Toyota Corolla CE LEASE FOR 3'22990 ER MONH FOR 48M0590SRiOO$2790 00803 2 49--,06MSRP 2002 fToi A yi.I - oa-1 hcam ry LEht ,,. LEASE FOR $339""~ IPER MONH FOR 48 MONTHS WI9O $3810 OOWN AMl09130013 C wit 6 SPei3î'6018110 Wi (1i9 -I -- 4-29,335 MSRP2002 Toyota Sienna Cýj PER MONTHFOR 48MO039MS fil $4995 DOWN - gý,D- ii9i 53 019minivan Mr tMte(00 y3th101J .H A-3.0 ite V, 210 HP VV 00 .(11030901 'L 400 Steeles Avenue next f0 Gorrud's Auto Group) 905 875-1700 gwww.miltontoyto.com Jl 3.202- cea or c200?2 ch9 003 Cofo1ia2002 Camry,2002 Senna Leasing 1fnancinplans frntToyota Credit Canad4a 0ACo Oro,5431d o e2002 &203 models 10450d or prchsed yJOll * 0(219-.oEco I(ModIl BT123MA or 8T123PA) B03500on 48 mos wa42lkawa leae ata rae of89 9% ,d 3.9% 9dan 3d 1- o orle,9mySn(mortes BR05 32EMB & 8E32EPB. BE32KPA ZF9CSB (Inc1230 $f1, 00000(4503553allocation o( 4(99 ($ 27(si(0$t95033 9o00of19(0 oo(y0 $ (275 or 300, $400, $35007n Cor113 t7391(y 3andSenne (0$9001(o0ly. Fsl pay91023and ot odopsl dueon d(9 iver0 Total110350obligation of$11 340 0, $12300, $13702 0,$14A70, $20.082 $19,347 and purchase option (1(20 of85335.40918 57054$.$8099600or $9.51600.$11,90400. -$13200 750450429on a maximum o g90000 (MS and120000 KMS f1 or So Adit(290 KM charge 01 S07 ,07. 10. 102if ppicable MSA R Pf(1(44209or 01£,420, 17,3009or21800, $24.820. $29.335.m Einance xemple120,0003(t0 9./2,9. par9909109000 $563 30i580 74201919125 (for3691915 onts . $ 278.80/$906 64 for a total 1(4052 ol$20 .278 80/$20.90664 Otordn o the$o00î5009reg- sec",40211(0dp2(92T023M1(dp4(912(099~99îî3î(do,9 01coy3(934d2 2,10(2051îO(2 oI19 97 021910(1302 ",aon -w 2019 r e-nna9 a l 91$ > t,,s', î h e "ia 9 i' 710(9150i T'he restructuring of Drumquin Park in south Milton moved closer to fruition last week, with the Milton community services committee giving the green light to a new master plan. -We reafis o atirease tihe mîserafil caels c i I Lsemî01(1C park witl3 ibis (noasier plan)," said Jefi Frasci, proîJeet isiatager fol the Town. Wiib plaîn appitîvaf. tlhe park is slaied 809 scec sgllitidaichtanges tn tbe diînii ca .incftinigthec îcfîcatioO oiftt hTaek 20()1 BMX ClUil f'aCiliN ti restenot0iýi9g((f1551 s îill3'sîtf3ail ia-i, monds. Futrî iîprovîemieils ýiîli sec the doinseiîay up-radced, >3(15 ground ni cfif3 iOîlO îst,îf et>andi aî scîs raits ilemo oit(Street ROYAL LEPAGE mm" muuw(90, A sign Asvî Proud to be "Business Wa STUNNING - $354,900 This 5-level side aplit hesL been totally updeted thru-out. 4 new bths, meple flnoring n LR & DR. ceramice, 2 ire- places, sparkling inground pool,' sunpnrch & decke. This home shows a 12". Beautiful baCksplit on quiet crescent. I QUIET CRESCENTI A very nicely updated 3 bedroorn sie split set on a gorgeous treed lot. Featret a 2-tîered deck set amnong the mapies, updated win- dows, ntora( oas & central air, a tininshed lower twist for added space, plus hardwood in LR & DR. A great boy t $242900. A PIECE 0F HEAVEN Th0s$ b drm 2 031$ bungalow s54$ high on 3 uorgeou$ ireed acres. eeautiîiully updated insîde & o ut i Fnîsd roc run wih a woodstooe. & walkout io Iower patio. Wrap atound dock, perennal gar- dons, plus a master bdm walkoui. The sze oi surprise you. $2788900. lain St. E., Milton 5878-8101 ,ature you can cousit on ýard wtinner since 1986 7moan of the Year" 2001. OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKIN tg LoSOLO This more 1h08 epeci nue home s a bergain for those who like a project. There 1$ 01$0 a 23'x$11 '1 et home office space, teen auite or workshop set in the noides Only $198.900. Ther s onu terra poiential conflicts with other park users in land ltbcy use(Ç lti-tke (11 , ad liïl îao o tl IK iï'ýý, considerable." But the club would much rather stay than leave, responded vice- president Brian Anderson. The club has used the park - located on Trafalgar Road. north of Britannia Road -flor 35 yeers and bas groomned the area l'or its purpose. as well as conducted uipkeep activities in other park areas. If aliowed to siay, the club is willing to adopitbe future trails network - -We bave nlo problemrs adopting the nrails. We'i( send out our students with garbage bags to coileci garhagc aind stîch,-Mr. Andterson said. adding tbatif the club is eventualis kîcked (oui oi Drumc>um t will rieed the lownos betp nt inding a new location. Towno counicit lias yet III address the master plan. but is expected to look aitihe issue Monday. vHire a Student Week Its lime to i bre a student. Tbe Mîion Hurman Resiorce Centre of Canada l'or Students (HRCC-Sî oxli host is annual 'Hire a Student Week' nexi week. "Hire a Student Week is a region-oxide initiative for HRCC-S." said Anne-Marie Cbttes. supervisor oît tbe centre n Miltoîn. 'Sînce 1968, vîîung people basve cdîme 1Io tîs or belp n tîndîn, *.nmreirplîvrneit. Hire a Studi Voil\eck s a c a\ b bîfin, ih tfhe importance et'gettîng tbat t irso îoh fol oc iLiîudent>. or tond- îioc career-relaied cîrk expet eniýe for tliers. i ast 'ocarthte M ilton HIRCC- S. l(îcated in Traalgar Square oîý Miain Street. fît crf more tbian 350 jobs , lbsecit frsaînd 131 s seciîntars stutetîts. Tbe cenotre i nk s îth adantin t.îd prîîs de peîple it ob pîîstings. inierviec\ ad\ice. resumie buîtldîi(- nd nob serch str.îtcgîes fouîr fee Tî beip ktck îoffthie ce.the (Jeorgetllc nrianc ilton centres ciii hosi a cbarity barbecue Wcdncsday ai Guelpbs'îec, Square. 232 Guelph St., nin Gccrgetosn frora 1l ani. to 2 p.m. For more information, cai 905)878-8418, ext. 214. Il Toyota Racinq Days are here. - - 1 - -