30-The Canadian Champion, Friday, dune 14, 2002 GREEN - Jt and Kelly Anne are Ihrilledd b announce the brlh of heir frsi child, Alexis Melissa, born May 22, 2002. Proud irst-time grandpsrents are Ted and Salue Moore and sec- ond-ime grandiparenls are Terry and Sue Green. Welcomed by AunI Shelly, Uncle Derek, Cousin Matthew (May 2) and Uncle Garlh. McGUIGAN - Jim, Amy and big broîher Chrstophr are pleased to announce the arrivai oEml Elaine. Born May 26 weighing 7lbs, 3oz. Proud Grandparents are Ross and Elaine McGuigan of Milton. A special hanka 10 Dr. Sharma and the OTMH staff. StagL & Doe Tammwy Newman &r Mi e % o c M ilton Seniors Activily Centre 500 Childs Dr. Milton dJne 22, 2002' J( 8:00pm -12:30amV Saturday, June 15, 2002 1:Oam to i :OOpm 21 Third Side Road Diaasne Vandenbosch Independent Kitchen Consultant Pampered Chef Canada presem OPEN £HO 01USE Sce QUALITY ITCHEN TOOLS De.,.n.teated Door Prize Drawa Iiach Haif Hour You coutd win the MYSTERY HOST DRAW and receive I-ost Benefits, which include free producrs and more! Bng a Friene14 or Two, or Thre... For more information, please catI 905-878-8966 I look forward to meeting you! Country Adventure . ChiIdrens Day August 12th 15th Regîster Date: \ June 22, 9 -11 For more info Cal 905-878-0206 - Fax 905-816-0473 GEAR, Susan Folowsg a lengthy ilnes, a Milon District Hospital on Thursday, June 13, 20)02, Susan Gear ot Campbeltvitle in her 65th year. Loving wite of Bil. Predeceased by her par- ents Lewis and Edith Davies. Frienda will be received aI the J. Scott Earty Funeral Home, 21 James St., Milaon on Tuesday, June 1 8th rom 12:30 PM until the ime o? the FuseraI Service at 1:30 PM held ram the Funeral Home Chapel. Interment to follow t St. Judes Cemetery, Oakvilte. "Memories are gifla we're given in lite that no one can take away f rom us. âe Qe juà awjcïi yo'- Brando FAGGION Sunday, June 17, 2001 Our lhoughs and Prayers are with you. We love you. We miss you. Forever in Dur Hearts. Sempre Son Nostro Coeur. The Faggion FamIIy PETER JAGER For my Daddy on Father's Day Daddy, the irsi word I ever opoke and the last you ever heard I wonider how to say thank you for my life, how f0 change my teass lto words how 10 hold olo you, aven aller youre gone As ime drilla onward, s doas lite il dwindles and fades, yel vos neyer will I know that torgeting y00 10 a tear l'il neyer have ta face In my soul there la nothîng stronger than your love unfailing andi true as il always was. Yoa le, bt yo're neyer really gare memories of the beautiful person y00 were of your radiant eyes shinîng wilh adoration have taught me how tv hope llroagh thle rain and how 10o mle through the tears. Daddy, love you with everylhing I am, now and forever Angela Jager NOliICTO KELJITi US AND OTHERS Alil clinon againss the estate of Dean Ja'sper Hawke. late- of he TouwnofutHattîno Hilîs. Ontario, whun died inn ur about the 28ub lyofnu Fehruary, 21.X)2. must he fled wiîh the under- sîgned persona] represettative on ur helore the ti day ofnulJey, 2(X)2 aller whuch date the esiate will he distitued having regard uuly Inn the laims of whuch the Essaie Truste ihen shaît have notice. DATED ai Miltoun, thîs Ird day nof Jonc 2002. Constance Audrey Hawke Estate Trustee without a Wtil Nichols and Servos Harristers and Soliciors 207 Mary Sreet, Box 249 Milton, Onaaio L9T 4N9 Noigned n it eb inth theda of aneee2002 ofMlny Massn, S co iary FAVCArE aalabnTe n my hoe 25,200a 9 Mea3s pmfroie Noe Mfay eeiopmenRep905- ad iaCAR ing saeenvi fronhent wuth nutitiou Dmeas boeor p, wa01, lcraond neipoa.r90o - QUAITYdcre avaîlatrbie uneshomeftee RELIABEOye avaula l abl oe. Wilson -oodwar Maes pleased.cawtI 905-876-4978. t.905 Dedicated o meetingyvour needs snce 1953 Doug Kocher Carvlinse Kvcher Andrew Kvcher * 24 Hour Service * Pre-arrangment Options * Grief Counseling Services * Cremation Services 1114 Main St. Milton 878-44521 20sq.ll. hardwood looring. 4" maple finished, 3/4" thick. Various lengtha, select grade. Asking $350 square. 905-693-9839. APARTMENT washei and dryer, 2 years old. Lke new. Beat offer, 905-693-1091. BUY/SELL stair lifts, wheelchar lils, hosptal beda, scooters, etc. Colt Silver Cross 905-847-5504 CARPET 1 have several 1,000 yrds. of new Stain- master & 100%' nylon carpet. Wiii do ivingroom & hall for $349. Includes carpet, perd & instalatiton (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 FOR Sale: Doors, 80" high, colonial style, white, teofured finish, 28", 30' and 32", and bfoida 18,15' and 12. Excellent condition, $20 each. 905-854- 5046. GARDENING manure triple mus - cow, sheep and goat. Picked Up or delivered- bago or yards. Teg- g at Farma, Steeles Ave., W. af Winston Churchill ivd (905)826-1408 Toi free 1877-218-2448. HARDTOP lent traiter, 1973 Lonel, $500. 905-876- 2708. NEED a Computer ... Don't have cash? The Oriinal IBM PC, aust $1 a day. ...no money downf The Buck A Day Company, cail 1-800-772-8617 www.bucka- day.com SPAS ..Spas ... Spas... Broken partnership forces sale. Over 30 spas stillin wrapper. Muat be sold a1 coaf or beiow. 905-567-9459. STANDING Hay for Sale: 15 acres - easy accesa close to Miton, 905-878-9541. STEP 2 Pîsyhause, Paid $900, asking $375 or beat offer. Cail 41-464-5242. TREES - Cedars - Gve me a cati if yoa need a hedge. Suppty or plant. Cail Fred. (519)853-5694 EARLY BI"D FATHERS DAY SPECIAL SALE! t6x30OD. Kaak LU MBER Pools with dck ROUGH CUT ancd fence, limnited JMMe 15, 98,-2pàm quassfîty, from * 1 AY ONLY * $4,995.00, maplo, cheury oak. 25 ycar warrany. 1156 Spoors Rd. 416»798-7"0 Katarurnber.cam 1-800-668-7564 905-339-0011 WvANTED AilChiïna, Silser, Crystal, sewung ma- chines .DouIton, Mcorcroll, Ouilla, Glass, Watches, camera/ audio equipment, doils, paintinga, coilectu- bies, estates. John! Tracy 905-331 -2477 oeI Garage Sales on Page 32 Find a deal of the century this wcckend! en - W1 Ca»" 905 875 3300 Gaaesaler L:Al e urnitune. andi Acceosories *m tlà, il m af.pM 1~~ LavJLfJ~2O1 2004 CAROLINE ST, BURLI1NOTO N ON (5 blocks Norh of Lakeohore, corner of BravI St.î Shafer Avtions Gallery bas been instructed to oeil Iis taocioating fine up of furniture, art, accessories, gîllo, and designer accents by action. This io a great opportunity for aoyone returnîshîng a room, completing a home, or just tp dating you decor. Partial List: Many ý3pc sots sets (ncl leather), 5 and 7pc dining room sauffts, reproduction secretary desk. Lawyers book case, bedroom outits and Meican Pine Furnîtare. AMAZING SALE. FABULOUS OUALITY FROM START TO FINISH. Cash, Visa, MC., Interso, 5% Buyers Premîum AMPLE PARKING, DELIVERY SHAFER AUCT0N GALLERY 905-634-630 Io vîew samples see: www.auctonsfind.com/shafer FREE: Firewood. Caîl 905-693-9136. FREE: 2 cals to lovng home. 2 /12 years old. Fixed, declawed, affectionate. 416-925-2417. 1994 Aerostar 7 pasa. fulty eqpt. No ruat. 4WD, new tires, 140,000k. Mint inside and out, $6500. 905-878-9541. 1997 Taurus LX. Very good condition. Certiied. Ani-locks, chrome wheels, keyless entry, air, mounted snows, $9500. 905-878-7188. 1999 Jeep TJ Sport, 57,OOkms, 2 topo, A/C, ps., anit-lock brakes, crise control, AM/FM cassette and speaker bar. Asking $22.500. 905-693-9589, 905-691-0128. Need A Car? Credit Challenges? ,ý&PL[WOOD Can HelpI LEASE a new or pre-owned CAR or TRUCK with the RESPECT and PEACE af mmnd you deserve? -No credit - Slow credit - Bankrupt - Dealer tum clowns? Caii Bob Kanary in Miton @ 905-693-9017 or oeil.: 416524-2127 Give us 48 hours and start drivingl Pacific CoasaI Motorcycle - Rare 550d and cover, ready fonrde, $3300. 905- on the next flagg FRESH faces needed. Kîdo, teens, adults 20- 65 years needed for catalogue work, lash- ion/hair shows, T.V. $15-90 per hour. 905- 336-5455 FLASHING persan e- cquired. Union rates. Full lime work. Please cal 905-642-3515. FULL-Tume ECE. ne- ý red for Safe & Sound hildreni's Centre. Cali Sheila aI 905-875-1955. NOW hiring full and part time, aIl shifts. Counter help. Apply aI Coftee lime Martin and Steeles. WANTED AZ driver fa haul gravali n 4 axaI hopper in Milton-Kitch- ener ares. Backing up is a must. Fax resumne and abstract ta 519-229- 8611. SUMMER WORK $18-051Basa/Appt: " Sdbolarsbîps avaîl. " Fuît training provîded " Cool sales/service " Conditions apply Cali New! Caîl 905-842-145 wonilorstudnrts.cam/on General HeIp Wanted ada are continued on the next page! President and CEO Seeks an EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT This is a choiienging management position, based in Burtîngton. Wentworth Technologies is a global company wth 18 operations in 5 countriesit s acknowiedged as one 0f Canadas 50 Beot Managed Companies, and on Pro its liot of 100 Fasteot Growing Companies. The applicant witl have pont secondary education, strong inter- personal abilities, excellent presentation and analytical okilîs, be self motivated, strîving in foot paced business environment of entrepreneurial foot growing company. Remuneration includes an attractive salary and benetit package. Send resume 10: Wentworth Technologies Co. Mt. 400 Traders BIvd. E. Mississauga, ON M4Z1M Fax: (905) 502-9025 E-mail: rhaque@amhil.com fiLiN1W Would you like to work in a cIgan environnst? Climate cootrolied, year round? Well-estabtished, growing Burlington companv requtres ~Fulîtime, Permanent Positions >, With menefios Please phone for interview, or forward vour application or resume via fax or e-mail: Mantis Automotive, Sport and Marine 5051 North Service Rd., Burlingion, ON L7L 5H6 Tel: 905-332-5511 - Fax: 905-332-5588 E-mail: sates@mantisauto.com URL wwwmantisauto.com 487 Lamier Ave., Miton 878-2881 ifru