24- C a Champ»o day, June 14, 2002 lWh; ooeslt. HEATIN9 & COOLIr LTD. (905)878. Serving Milton & Area for Sover 40 years W * ÇNMPLEO W SALES - INSTALLATION - REPAIRS S High-Efficiency Furnaces, G Air Conditioners, Gas Fireplaces ý-4821 103 Steeles Ave., Unit #7, Milton 905a875a4991 Quality W.rkman /îîp St, t p t/he Halton ra AIR :UCT CLE£Ag NIl N[ TOPOU ALUMIUM / INDOS Specializing in CustomtItted DELREX Wi ndoLoeand Also Vngi SWding, Soffit, Fascia mnd À0151Keus Alumin aunTuh l 8 775383 between 9am & 9pm 5 YEAR WRFll'N WARRANTY ON WORMNSHIP *sHROS/KTHN Pr Ktchens, Bths and Beyond Inc. New Showroom Supply e Design *Installation Complets Lino of ProdluctsW 18 Thompson Road, Milton (Coru of Man/hompson) 9.4O05-878-6666 www.patinumhomeimprovements.coml Residential IIA1ýUèand CAPE kN c.ôpg Commercial MÈÉ,t%* eDecks e Jences Dan Nadalin Milton, ON * esýqn Layouts 905467-808-4 R&R Garage Doors - Electne Openerx Sales, Service and Installation Wndouw, Entrane Doons, Storm Doorw, Patio Doors TrEL: _519853-2114 (AcTrON> RE O * eO *Basement Living Areas *Bathrooms ID Complete Additions *Hardwood Flooring .tN ~Fui/y Insured - * References Stan Nowak Available Upon ..,(905) 691-5757 Requesi RNV IONS Ceraic TMes a Hardwood Flooriag Roc Rooms a Steel Studs a Docks Bathroom Reiooes a Orop Ceiings (905) 876-4023 &tan 1 ROO INse Over 50 ears Eýxperience Commercial & Residential -HARDIMAN ROOFING CO. LTD. Tel: (905) 876-0958 4252 Henderson Road Res: (905) 878-3447 R.R. No. 1, Mlton Faxi (905) 876-0936 LOT 2X5 Fre 0: 1-877-667-4958 1sC srR CLEAN CUT HOME IMPROVEMENTS Licensed General Contracter Free Estimates Ail Work Guaranteed Additions - Basement Upgrades - Bathroom Upgrades Custom Homes - Decks -'Drywalls - Electrical - Fences Framing - Hardwood Floors - Kitchen Upgrades Plumbing - Renovations -Roofing Please Cali Jason - Cli # (416) 818-5920 e *'ACOR p&B MILLj Custom Carpentry Ltd. COMPLETE RENOVATIONS ADDITIONS - REC ROOMS Dave Miller Tel.: 905-878-2552 Oeil: 905-691-2272 5e~ ~"9"~ ConicetCaineti 1~50n i n m& VatfyCaà'nto RE AcWwiCbnI e YU' Acesorios Stm FbtUree w/Oh a 00W kitchon cutom i moltss, 7185 Main . Eat, Unit #3 878-9177 LOOKING GOOD LANDSCAPING Interlock Patios, Walkways, Steps, Retarning Walls, S Armour Stone, Ponds, Waterfalls, Lawn ' fl Maintenance, Tree 4 Tnimming and more. Serving Mlton Dave Cook & Surroundng Area 905-330-1330 Business without advertising is like winking in the dark- Yoi know what youi're deung but nobody tise dots! Te advertise in, this setihi, piems eaU Diane ut N5-878-2341 Ext. 227 SEPTC TNPUMPING RoErT CTNoble Ltd. -180 ft of hose for crossing Iawns 3 radio dispatched trucks to serve you Don't watt for trouble - Pump b.foets too Intel (Should pump at teast every 3 years) Neyer use coloured or double ply toi paper (519) 853-0500 Acs. Answering Service 878-6869 OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE! 9ar'sWell i flgC Pump Service 7 *.WeII lRehabilitation " WeII Ceaning " Fow Rates " Water Treatment " Reverse Osmosis Dninkmng Water Systems " UV Sterilization Systems Telepboe (905) 878-4515 (Ask for Rod or Jerry) 264 Bronte St. S., Unit 10, Milton ONj YOU CANDEUIN THIS FEATURE FOR»21.95 CALL DIANE 905-878-2341 EXT. 227 AIR DUCT CLEANING tN "FOR A BREATH 0F FRESH AIR" 19 95 Hook up For a job weii ilone-Cai the experts: charge 1%&& )» ~~OPar vent Burington.Oakvitte (905) 6396772 + Surrounding areas cai Includes FREE Disnfectng toit ree 1800-943-3828 & Deodorizing_ RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL N OEM MINTENANCE SERVICES Plumbing & Electrical Repairs Reasonable Rates seniors' Cali Pat >, Discount 903-875-9427 ILJUPOELSS & RRO FOR FA«T SERCE CALL 707L MPUO Uro" 905-878-542, COMME CBIERCALSET . 1,11t, ýiiýt - 0 L࣠"si ï - -VW, - 1- -vvvv" - 1 -na 1 r r- l 1 1 -i