i -The Canladian Champion, Friday June 14, 2002 Health costs of smog becoming more clearg: forum By KIM ARNOTT Shoulcd a town bylaw bce nactcd to ban the use of Christmas lights prnor to December 15? Should tax credits be given to employers who organize car pools, or to individuals who can show they've used public transit as their primary form of transportation? Should licencing fees be based on the weight and size of the car being licenced? Those are just a few of the suggestions generated by about 60 local citizens who gathered recently in Oakville for a smog forum. The goal of the evening was to inspire public suggestions to be taken to the 3rd annual GTA Smog Summit ini Toronto June 21. The ideas will be presented to politicians from aIl three level of govemment. People are becoming increasingly con- cemed about poor air quality, participants heard front Dr Keith Stess art ofit hrý vehicles, cltira i il rr ti lrit l'lie inks between n iog and fiealth and environmental problcms are becoming increasingly clear, as are the costs of smog. he added. Poor air quality is estimated to be responsible for 55 premature deaths in Halton every year, along with 400 hospital admissions and 1,425 emergency roomn visits. Provmnce-wide, smog costs Uic health care systemn about $580 million eacb year. "This is not just an urban phenomena," said Dr. Stewart. "Its ail over Uic province now. If you go up to Uic cottage, youre flot necessarily getting away from Uis stuff.' He added that health problems escalate on high smog days, but Uiat even healthy adults are harmed by moderately poor air quality. "There is no safe level for air pollutants," said Dr. Stewart. The main smog-causing cuiprits are hioning systenm. Electric generating plants atone are responsible for 20 per cent of emissions in the province, so energy conservation efforts can have a significant impact on towening smog. To significantly improve air quality ini Ontario, Dr. Stewart suggested the need for a four-pronged action plan. Firstly, urban sprawl must stop, and city design must accommodate other modes of transportation besides automobiles. As well, we must invest in public transit. "Right now, we're designing communi- ties for cars, flot for people," said Dr. Stewart. "And without a public transit sys- temn that works, you force people into cars., As well, he suggested phasing out ail coal-fîred electricat generating plants and increasing home, factory and transporta- tion energy efficiency. Have you driven a Ford... Iately'> TEST-U uE Ovr 5 millilon in prizes available to b. won!5 Wl. la, Wl. $1,0.. in Ford Dealer Gîft Certîfîcates arirabp Ai fe vit e VIie V1"Vthl V r. i t r, -r-VrrrP) eýfý 3(1aVIrrrrr1a1u a *tV6V2V00? iqto onSu-,VtiirriitiVrrtsst r,,on ltrrr- VVV!pr5sG ,iaViOtiVVVititt'V Va F eV e ai ' ioe5 arVV5 Va i 3G a 2 arr Vooore Aar tir a, , tabe ne ra , Sil,' 002j, arai Vr lCar5r a,, irrto r rrrartVrV 'rrrrr,, r- L,W Xu V Tr Vltâ rç SViiViri Ua aawQ a 5Hi, rtaoioomnti iP i rrV r rira ,rVVai 'a rrrrrrV'a', a' art arrrroci , rr ebel 3aurraîr ,Vi, Vlrw, o riVVied *0'rtVIcase -taVar- t Ir Ve' Il r pp ej-r. ý U C, r ucldt r e, tii! trail rP, oo'I Ir c V ,1 o1 rÂ' taJa nq rr , 4M licol-- Ga'L, r "" , el a iVV RE'a'11sVln itrar' V~r r't-,,'a'V V --rIV, it One the main smog-causing culprits are vehicles, like these here backed up on Hwy. 401. lQuick Ontario unerryTIips1 Ontanio Red Tant Cherries teto deti-coteslaw. They*li add cotour and deticinus flavour. - Cherry Btossom Rire Satad: Toss a few Ontario Red Tant Cherries into a purchased or homemade nice satad prepared wtth a soy sauce-based dress- ing. The tant chemres enhance the satad's naturat sweet-sour flavour profile. - Deticious Cherry Foot: Fotd l" 9'u together equal parts et sweet- ened whîpped cream, plain yogunt and Ontario Red Tant Cherres. Spoon toto tait dessert giasses and garnîsh with mini teaves. -Add the taste and coinur of summer year-round to fruit sat- ads: Stir Ontario Red Tant or Black Sweet Cherries into your favounite apple, pear or other tender fruit salad. (NC) Tin Cup lune l5th Gordon Depp lune 20 S On The Patio every Sunday Paul Stephens 2-6pm New menu starting next week. *1kndBQ.Wahh11erIttn p KFC 15 pc. bucket, 2 large salads, Mega Fries, large gravy *280,99 or 15 pcs. for $1 5.99 41 EL 76MainSt. 1905) 878-41 71J lt's as my as 1-2-3 Step One: Coma la fer a tant drive Step Two: Recelve a Scratch a Win card Step Three: Scratch 3 cevered argus fer jour chance ta Win