'Allendale trip will be long rememhererl: narticinantç By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Ilt was a chance for Allendale residents to spend a tèw days in a quiet resort up north. surrounded by nature and plenty of socializing. The 22 residents, fine day-program members and Allendale staff ventured off to the Stanton House in Port Stanton June 4 for tbree nigbts. "Ilt was just like a vacation," said Ron MacKmnnon, supervisor of resident/outreach services at the long- term- care facility. "People talk about tbis trip for montbs afterwards." Tbe vacationers spent tbeir ime takmng walks, play- mg board games and participating in sing-a-longs, be contmnued, adding Allendale bas organized the annual trip for tbe past 18 years. The cost of tbe trip was split between tbe residents and tbe Alendale Foundation. Mr. MacKinnon said. "Tbe trip provides sometbmng for tbe residents Io look forward to, and tbatïs important for tbeir well being. Tbey look forward to tbe planning and packing of tbe trip. Its a eally positive and valuable experience for the residents wbo go." For Eleanor McKeown, tbe trip provided an oppor- tunity to, get away for a few days and a change of scenery. 1I got to know residents I neyer met before,' she said, adding tbis was the third lime shes gone on the tnp witb Allendale. "Everyone got up and danced. The socializing was my favourite part. It was wonderful." Dorotby Diekie even managed to catch a few tish The Canxtlisn flhamnionFri<120 IJune 14. 2002-15 Malndala resident Dorothy Dickie throws in a Une with the help of staff member Ron MacKinnon. wbile up nortb, but tbrew tbem back, site said. She said site signed up for the trip because site beard fromt others it was fun and tbe food was excellent. In between the good food and activities, Ms Dickie tried ber luck at the slots at Casino Rama. "1 won $80," she said witb a smile. Like Ms McKeown, Ms Dickie enjoyed meeting other residents and spending lime outdoors. "I loved it. 1 would go back tomorrow." -*126-OP 1.8'Itre OMflenfgin ;Ar caditaing : MffM w iflaudi shsteand 4 speakers. Ssiasos eesaicassis. -msy smal drivers sat -0040 iplit f010.9 eat Cetiscosaisarmsast -LAd much, mach moe... NOBYET FOR 0-; YS UT 'S ONLY A GREAT DEAL IF YOU GET A GREAT CAR. 2002 Nisamntra Lease Sentra XE UfITt SALUE OPTION PACKAGE isffly cSI9 Leasa Maima GXE Leas. or Pahtdr Oh2a 'y$ 7 550 d-Il. F-idfa aIn. Sf.. - $2 100 1.aLa-ifafi.. fefa-ha .ffd.L Usft.d. Sa, ral - Admch. m m. 2002 ssii, AIC,, ~ "58T Lasa Altima 2.5S (iis39 seAfy3,160 A.. 2>~ ff t- t h 5 fia Off csua -*AluA55Sf assa aa, C -d. f ifl fet..sdC 2002 NAM-sa Msass 2002 Nissan Pathfinde I-HUR IN ..fISSNSSUMRSLE s ENS e- 610 MARTIN STREET, MILTON 905-878-4137