14-Tho Çanadîan Champion, Friday, Juns 14, 2002 j'Competitive Report 7 Se, Koth Famly Practace 4 Pal Vaotor Insraoco i 56 The trst game beeen Isese tou tuons oas a out clouer cotesa OSaI the score indcaes. Piuyîog Sto ait5 minimum numbers tSe "Greer Doctors" acre Bol etrî strorg iS e trst soit Krstîna Lce oas o e spcrkpiug for et teom crîrg tte ard assustng ongasbyMelussa T noson and ebeccu Tu Slae. ahg a as te resat of strong Pi passîng and a sotabla reaard for Sueit Srd aork. Witotla osusbttutors 1he greer tean al ailAi tsey cauld hodie in 1e secord Soit agonul a sk lenactous aner lsurarce teon led 5y Alexis DraSe, Victora SoemnbotiSh Pantuca and Jua Hnter The energetut goltendîng by Sarah0 0, Medrros ut Snler kept She store close ard Oe Pi' Koeth tram urg or for the aur pi Potntocb 2 Pr MilioJaycoos 3 sa Ir a aell-piayed frsl gorne o the season. PaîntecO St feul 10 the Mlton Jaycees te a ftîgil game. ourng 3- N 2 PontecS goales Kelly Wliusher ad Georgia p Smith deended Ieir net ilSenvor, aloaung St oniy Stepsanue lakeochu 2) ad Candce Soies 10 eacS score for te Jaycees. Paîtech s Sana Nth Loeprtt5 and Onu Canning aralrObatk ilO t P goarchl PainrecO s Caies Roberon ana Jessy N taIrs pisea o be ors aisable n Oe nuafueidm S Painiech 5 oi Wrigh's CSorsRestarnol 1i e) Paioech goalies Rachel Harris and Georgua Smith go onre hont un 0e0 gansi Wright s Corners. On Oe 0c field, Rachel enurch open eOpinhe scorîng eiryori n Oe gane for Painech Wrght s Corners qutk- y ansueed Sce unS Oosuan O sonnor I storung Oae upressusn goal for er h ean Pantech plyers 0010 Cannîng andA Samnao LeprcS eftng 2 goals acO loer n Oe gane uSue rin COrako assstea on beo nI 1e goals n hs, et inaugurai soccer seasor. caienged Oe Retaorateurs' Onelin Mndoy Alxadraa Sllais.ana Caîlyn Clnts otadea 001 detensise sironogniOs Milton Jayoess The ans sau otsrun4ung goal tenOurg y Jessica 1 Walace 400 Lsu ChrsOnas for Jags aod SiepSanue lakeochu and Candco Biey foi Oe Milton Jayces s the Mlon J050005 Oiyeo hst on 1e Jags teon 10e Jags ooere ot on tOe scoreboaro 000 2 oel piOtOO 000ls 0< Lasîs Buoroluiugs Moaie Cousins payed a strong eteî dolonse vcrie eann'aIOOAoex nra Pnhnîro piye3 ombO OgO 000101 Tro Milon Joýcoos ostO Oe store boardO ih o al 001ron Mchana Boles and Kayee kearnsoiS Jasnmi n oa 000 leanor Lesnon cotriutung a pour acO Ion Mion Joycns tcouset strong Olors se nays ran Lynso; inles Robin ectcatndaoaMeaOan MicholBobO eans ployeO umbo onssasn Rainbow Groop 2 Koth Family Pracico 2 lîrea mOfle legs oeoo tho gane 010001 as Oe amnbou <loup and Or Angelîkia Koeth ore pithe fieldd The trsi hal belongea tOn ambou Oroar as bhey stotie oiteoe y Ceyene Oies and Oe ober bs Caris Palerton. Great ean detensmue pays and toalleodînt by Soarno Oasdsor ept Se r KoutS boom off the scorebourd, 1e ueato- r coolea oon drîng Oe secord Soif as Sae r Koet5 boom eatod up InfiSns haf KrstnaoLceoten Oe Dr Kueth's tban neOted beo goals and 1e entre KoolS boom omaed oser Oe Ranou Sîoap Greatook girls'm Miton Jayceos 4 Vanter insroco O Orer irsorooce eteîoeO soird goal mnnong lon Atous Krochak-Drake n Oe tînsl alI ana Kathleen sSeroff in the second.Jua Hunier andamsanda Oit prosrded ecellent bll andîng, holding Oe bal toIShe oroards creabng good rush oppoOounî tus for Vaier Isurance, Kaylee Kears Beurrle yoy ana Esther Gomes plased a srnng delensuse gine for te Mlon Jaytees tatotng Dck 1e Sanler mosurante aatis. learor Lesman ana StopSanie akeocSu gardea She Mlton Jacees goal oel ot oilooung nylhung n 00Dm ecatcS, Jasmin Gonde, Emma Pye ana Steooantie akeocSu eacS conlobtea a goal in gise Inn Miton Jyceou the uin Beys Umr il SGuthsiow Deotal Clinic 2 Toroto Sar. 0 TSe gane as playeOon ers oîoay ogt oIS botS sdes guung tSir alinuth1e ir a g o e season. BobS booms playng ogeSet for the Oust lune pt 0040104 a splay of gril ana Oternîna- lion. Toere 0010 lues woSnertruSe bo ol4 e camped ouin Oe other goal aea and oly sone frailut efeoaung stopped Oe scorrng, Sut Soathuea errai Chit dîd score and ut oas a gret tdîsduai eforty Sewart Slmour uSo sipped by IWO ackes and soted Oe ali hume n the left corner o Oe net. Toronto Star repied wutî greal pressure botonly sone de ard defondng stoppe4 Ien lon scorung SocOun OSto ceated sonne oondertoi spoco for SîmiseO but oas LIC ~ 1 e /Vewddte' ý tt dz otsace ame HiçghIîghts - May 21 - June 7 bOIIGR iscky rot 10 score ailI ngSl Sean Fergusonofo ýothumeu bontal oas OSe nain reason Toronto ;r did not score Se oas lîke a Rock ai1the back. cora Sali, again il oos end to end, batutlan îarams o5o neoei stupped runnu ail nîight îluid She gune tue Sostnoîeo oit another greot lu effort.Maltheo Porneitand Phil ip Bron Sad tstanamng games for Southumeu ohîle Danns okes oas lîrelesu on Sîs effortutorloronto Star miSh teamu if bey keep piaymrg wat lois kîrd of ea4t ui hiave sery eniosabi e seasurs, Weli dune roos t Star1 Prcision ShephordS 2 tn enteOtatnirg gama pioyed snaer threalening tes! The Toronto Star startea oeliardaucuerd e openînt goal un o penalty kick 5y Zoosots îilot Brandor 20mai made sune linesaoes 10 resemae the ieaa antîf the Poacîsmon SSepherdo 'essed laIe to score to gack goals and take a 2- lead or the Soif. The second Soif oas eueniy ayad airS butS teans deterdîng oeill 1Te Star is ed io th e Soifbut the Preciston eped Cody Mubbs mode o number ot moue oures b prasemvethe utctony. Great aork by The tor s Mal Muilkuski an deterse ard by toroards Ngel Whitmon and tours Stokes. Jason Shao ioayaa a utrong fîrst Soit mn the Precmumoo Saepherds goal Great game euat500etm ou-loch Rocruilors 2 Procieriof Shoppards O lu-lec's Benjamio Seguin and Taylor Burgess cored goals.,oie feiioa leannote Kort Lîron mnoed the ret, Ployers desermng speciai mon- or are Markos Green and Ooeg MacDonala or the excelleot detenumue gane tSar bhey piayed. lois oame oas eactng lrin begînrng 10 end Players mn botS eans playeo banbastmc Great goal teramno o botSn sîaes FiOth Wheoi 2 Ilakolool toc: 3 i sery eecîbmng gane bolueen two eeniy nalooed eans tSar oas Oecîaed by a lobe goal Robbie Watson (2) ana Jordan Dias scored for the wuro ters urlh Adan Borrelli und ardoo BadaSarepiy- ng no FiOS WSeei Oerrdmic goaikoepmng by Cric <carRfe of FPrOS WSeei presente0 a nucO SîgOur score by Maksîrel wouse fotoards oure auesomne Nu-Tech Rocruitors 2 Scotia Capital Sharto Great onO borena acloaoBobO goalmos uero boîtas- tic Alou aispiaye0 01000 p4ssOo abmiityana ni scorno îlefi rsit 000 San1ay s pneetidi icr sippnt sy the ooaiuoonei 400d Oc sccroO îhe sac on goal Great soooO ana laocy loolunrk by dOl dîroat elon o, Orfchanwco oae 005qone hOr oicr beso Efforti hano cr0andWster mlon, cnrsa pmayeO ouosonI couts & tiievsieg, iso dnOiii5 Tho Toronto Star¶ F100h WhoolO Ar euctîng oame proyoo in perfect soccer uoatO orl fr10 00001 Ina 5y SisaltSoen aod Jeffon Newton, cano octtiyrrig ana Oad ra snr 5i chances 10inth si Sall heSoono Stars oanreu Bacon nade o nonber of good av00tc eeep Sîs 0000 ni OSte gane Laie mnin eall TOE Star s Zacoory Mîliat score0 onuaoeil picea shO Io gmue OSe Star a 1-0 fea0 OShe second alSoifS4 10e Stat on tOn aiucklea by Sun Sanaoeref MaOSheo Positon ana Oonoy Scoortont Fr5ft WSeei s unareo Scarffe made sone rnîce stops t{ g ise Sîs lean a chance, but OSe Star s Cliii Latontaîne siathOe 0c0oti ale irthe hali 10 gise hS bean o 0004 earoed sictors Oreateffort by i piayertm Makslool 5 ScStia Capital Shartas 2 il oas a greol oame, bol despîle excellent goý lendmng lion solS lSeo Villeneuveana Ouai Cross ni Maksleei IShe Scoma Canital SSaoSs wou able luoîo S te gane SouimeWeslon GOut, nI th Scoma Capital SSorks piayed a giet agme. lOtir inorly too goals scorea by Brandon Hagîci an David Bi mIS or anassîsl by Jordan bis Caneton Cotreli Soane Waller lrnmy Sîncor and Ouo by Ryan Brown score0 goals for rf Sharks. Sanoel Santon ara Stanko Polîca Maksbeei pot oui excellent delensîse play One game boys'm Girls Under 13 Nassagawoya Vol Lob 2 Casadian Tire0 BolS beans piayed a great Oefensmse gane Sur flîkoimoS ana Laura Frank voeeOSe goal scorersi Nassagoueyo lois uas o tunlostmc seasonOPE Canadian Tire Tint Horions An eecmlrog gane OSaI erdea uiS a 1-1 a e bouen Canadman lire ana lin Horion e Canadian lire opened OSe scooîng oIS a noiSer if Salerte Burke Kuyio Maltais and Soierie Bt asiae gooltenduog duntes for the ted simOs o ron goalies Terra Pye and Allie Sarcumb plu) fl strong games, Jîlitanre Posasad notcSed h game-tyîng goal unS mmiuoes remaînung n ig gamne On eacmbmng gane Se botS beans is Jk Pools & Patio Vanter insorooce 2 A fast paced gone wutî lots o hstie lion bobO ta aontretInsrancu manaa taolo on to Soeir 21 a for 1e entre second hSoif SaraS alonde ard Konta DeonO scorea aners goals. ohite rooke Harper pstad the lone goal for 3K Pools ara Poio JK Pools & Patio prssed Srd ta lie n Oe final moments, aIS gret eRu rt by Ncole Kopera. bt Sanler lsuronce goalue Moly Partis stopped ail oltempîs VantertnsrOflce 3 Nansagaweya Vt Lob 1 Oe raîry Moys atOur came tooahallbiosl intfirme for te second seooon sooocdoon bebweeer alet insarance and Nssagaeyo el Lb. Oe plyers uorited ard aIS strong kckrrg and passîng. gnu' îng SolhfiS nulali goalies a Ilsterng oork ouI. Oglghte by a srung kck by Dantelle Clark o Vantee, onîcO oas stopped cood jst eloen iches from the rt by Cntly Bgo The secord aIt saa Voner tomne on strurg avida goals lion Kosta Ormut Arel Setedoaod Sleur Kot TSe foai minutas o play ao Cula Wilson, of fss. et Lob. rrrolyslaai Brook Hrric'sshtot a oiS o ara Sick tbat larded st rrsode the pos Speciai mention asu goeu 0 tra Poî Fegusun and Annie Mrras rn deeose for Nassagaaeyo et LaS Chirokickors 2 Tii Horions 2 TSe tst gome othe0 season awas a cSlly one, bt despte She coid te gtrios iayee haro Chrrokuckens satea Oe frsi a ithiSa goal Sy CooOtnoy Couombe on in Hoîtnos goatendor boru lielemans. Il auso't ntl Oe second alit lin ymrlons caugt up oiS bck-to-bck goals y lonu lueemons and Jmlianne Pnsaaaon CSnokckes aoOuorking g004110 Natayua Scouten WOO S5 minores leS un n tegame asino Kelly for COrokkes bnteO innOrfnai goal on inn Hoons goatendno Kim Baker tOnle the gane Scott Bteochuk 3 Dairy CoRon 5 hese tbans payeO o lerrmfuc seasol openor O4iîî Oeenloo0k an early 3-goal oeaa n thofinst halo Scont Boerchok cane bck o ser op some grot passiog pays Chis Memoor(2) Gnons Gddes Mark <110<y and Tsler Seen scoren goals fnor D David Rrcelien;Poce and Scot Goner sc orliBaOocnuk C a oi nci Siot' Bdoooncand Osrw Col o DO cm aot00 mU posecorance orIci eilrspecivee 00010 Two-Slage InnSoaion Brio's Auto 7 il oas O rosi; Fr00; seasor ne but 0000 ban fuioOon the ealaiorai n citing gaqa Tso-<age lunnoaton sconabie Nischoob<ole wooieonard or ni 5iln' whie Kle Fcr k ail sn ton liera scorg eailyi<n thematchO Roia rv Auroa due JosO 000te kepi oarn aoetenO.oq o's 'Q net 50hie Koîric vasd Mage and Mark Thomson s scoe ogals taco and Ncomas Roao scnni le shon ana seeneO ta 0cesnvryoonro ail n0000 ut CongratulosiOt O oSbo ootems and uebIl 500 yos lw hopetuiiy uarmec 0010te lield lt Indosirial Light and Eecrit 5 ls Ts Stage Inovation 7 ai Cxcelent effor tby olS beansTRon Sagi inovation scred 7 goals, 2 goals each for Ky PuiS 00 Mouan and MaO Colo uOS t goalfi, Kyle Bond Ccelent play by WaOe OcGnrs c eence ara toruard. and grelt unrk y Adan Da Posaad on nuafueba Great teamoork by ILS ut ai played sSnor-SanOe4 Mat Seoeil scorea a ha uue trcS and Stoohen Jackson pub in goals oIS ar ne work by John gallutk Cxcllent goal endng I 10 Nchoaas Colo and Quinn Wrd for Ouo Star ro Innovaion aid Huner Taie for ILS !t Lindsay McLaren Rosas G One Indstrial Light and Elcric 2 ni Scoono ot Lndsay McLaren Remauere leodt lt Mchael iloingoaadJoso solonchuler oth 2 piece and Daoid Harnga, Scont Oommsiy. StophE Habbso Bran ee ard Nchols Teimns eo( noicSed one. Scorrnt for irdustrmal Lghb or Cectouc vieil aS SchoiO and Siesen Jacksm Solîeo Ion Rema ere Colin Berdurd ar Ncoas belmans G oabe on Inaustiai Lgt a Siecbrmc oas Hunier lare nsoh Two Stage Innovaation 2 ;for Scott Battonchoh 8 un ooStage Innovations' Ncoas Colo uorl SarO mnng te roi gansi sone sers det nuned goal kckero Kylo Bond and Kylo huS kbc scnred n tertseond match o 1e seasonT uhole boom s comurg logaiheroISh Brad SOa au ara Pierre Bannan SotSSanog an eccepîmoi ins nght Way to go goysm Scot BaOtencSa goal tr y Jol Okns and Oet Brooks ept Soeir net n( inSu contînt. MuObed Jonathan Rdnt sud a gi, linm ngStm Koop oroye oui for Sun bree goals .yea under Sctt Soers bell omIS sngles going ho acars saut Jonathan Rdng. grog Brooks, I ie Seben and Jeremy Pice. Congratulctions oseryone 1 Mione Colisio5 Secood game of Oe season. and soppea mouîng, bo as lke a ginr fN0 sonnerwooald Mltoones goa saue Shelail ana kck il back iip etman andODailLeaardoaskî ouer seuetai players Andrea Mcil and Tyler Steens strengthered ol made excelent saues ard passaý players. Thomas Kelly ot Mltouni tîonîng pays ut DOs CbrtsMaîdeli and mukes a tremenduus kck lu of Mltoone spread bîs 3 goalu uut g ua 5y Dû's Keir loucalues Groom no Mltoane contrnued tut on the fid, lylert Solis out 1 ard goaltender Ardreo Cro11 Mul Mltoaoe contînued the scorîng a goal ot Sîs ean. Lindsay McLaroeRmax La RosR BakRry Brians AuIo MiIOowRR Collisio Ohs game oas toue soccer ailst ued tremerdous ootoork ana piayrng the game Matit Ihot slate dtonrgs off early airS aj anothet trun eammale Nchlar Cooper lyler Steueos andanOdre' a suiîd deense for Miftoare a nouîng coon field Ic0 support 00e Bossel scorea Sgh lot Mltue Auo Kein bwasa-Mage arda the bail nosîng ao unOil 15 Mîfoones goale Andrew Locke conotoeO o nake sonne ano orhy 000 eaoed bail by Mais 10i 010 for Brion s ASoo espîle dunie Sngielo n Case el Mloones Mal ORussell scorea reoaan Crnin 0000 coosoantly 100 0e baillfot Mlouno et came earyinOthe season Dairy Oooe La Rose0 Bakery The lrsi hall o lis gane as Rose akery s goluneper Lc onOeî of fanlaslîc sases Lu P 00g0al eaO 000 OShe houf 0100a400 La Rose plnOahoa3 inOSe sec( b, Mutoe 0atai e12oan despîte the genait onîeOeoînO <oi Gncaivs e ors 5î440i o ais Ocoor socsul asa 5e 400d0 co ScSlt Balorchok Liadsay McLaron Remtat lOc' 30000000 lamiOO's v serîn; noe e Rut ne n J olzsion , oi 04 2000000000 Ki 00Ol er to 400 Jni O 2i 1 p or aeurir.ciMichueli'rrr id r OIo tsel0 d mnOir geat c21 Beîdararo onBrion ee o Renuu is o Scon Blenchsk uere keo oni il gioal 00000 (54<4 wtth Dawn Williamsj P2002 Il he bail neuer Miltone JayCeeS 2 or pîri game A e gerD lsh took an early lead ith a goal aite geoy Pice by M=ngueLioro tollooed by taco goals from p"iay,s Adam Laura Stratto lu end tSe Sait. The Jaycee tean ickeO t up a na srouggied sack otrh a goal from Jessica Sanley lruy ot Mirone Sand one from ebecca lunlînsor BRebecca gol a e deense ard rIsai t5org up the gane but the bail frit the psrs es tu their othe thos eodîog rhe gane oîrh A Desgrers Touch oto- r oas busy tout- nirg 3t o 2 and Mark liînny score Kyle Hall Miton Jaic S4 i daspite a raruro Domio pizza 2 White rendan te a srrurg force omtno's Lauren Grant startea the gane ailS a eiped fis tram gick goal on the Jaycees. Megan oars ted the iOheea ussell ot game at are, but il oas short lîed Nance Webb ilS an adaitronal scooed for domino Pîzza to gain he ieaa back. OSe Jeecees came bock otro a gual from Jessica tariey 1he Jaycees oeoe aba ro gain the lead i irS a goal y Asley Cierîci and Megan Souars' g second ut the nghr to end tha game 4 -2 Sbesl. SolS taons 5-Lise SySIROS 3 teanaaurk oSer in OIO ot of ntrans Auto i HOtn2 goal tolloaed by i-Lire Sotenu started ost slrog. 0oa0 by Kets sRunan Gregory Suomhosoar put then out to an earlyiaad. Oîck aw Mcllroo pruaed Paris mode à 2011i the tîrur han, Tim Huetons ad keol the bal g t one bock ailS Jess ahonte. Hîoîng one ron rîrlean Maite 20 ards ouat. Sean Ward mode t 31 Wtt5lt ne, aSile Sions minores letToy Weruzeii scured makîng il 32 Ioda Massel kepl aîeo Les oas slîong on defense as oeil as ne field keepng Ncholas roues Sorh piyed otslardîog oaichlui ndreo JosSsa Shabaga playea greal in goal ing sases ielîing .onpsoo in for the Tim HorioRs 3 greal Onterse b5 Loblaws 3 a O Kyle Sewart CoEan Pauan and Ccrlîng gane oîlO los of action aI Soloenods oopssing ano mou CLobaus oOpeO inIa an eariy ead on 2 goals bi 0100 ris a close Ryao Mîchell Sasîn Charles scotea on a break- aoay pass rain Kennan Wiîans I0ond oe fist ral Ryan Mitchell agaîn scoreanaoly 1inh nd hainuo 0gîco Loblues a43-1 iad lin Hoions con- fiosed tOnsanile sucs uîlh a goal by Keenai 4Wiis Laie in0the ganeric SoOtlîs scoîed for dois close uOth La in Holons to esen the gamo aI 303 Ine eren Harwic mkin a ais ston pefomaneaiias yRoso Nichaisfos Rosetec ona on- Lblas an Erc Feeefor lin ioolons ns and Tyler Siebun e omn o r a 14 MilSon 2 Brastford 2 2 in he0 ed g eof3theliOn i13d.d'5asof tdor t 2 cds uiso conds 400, lion 001Ori 0,a0ýi i k anGvn n' si22000; nul mnd0401 nrw u Sonetle Wikînsor ,otn hn40 uin te aIOn1001 onci mnuotes o lay.40 noeO fil n'h Reror bJOsda dean o a cloar vcieir', oneihelessouocslardîn( *y Hug ne Mcae! pay Se 000o eil nuinono an' WîOn Ban5ioî fColînor ne Bei îeeaoooî sa silîno 000 Mîllon net ohiete 0Mlîn soti deloosîvesud tban' nîai nased s0000 nndeo Banttooî Ds. cutte Onupfloir aioreint ater'1usminutes 'ofpay Mitocon unx ý,)s Keelers Coi n o edbock a ao 4000060mCnuoes ol play ouit s o y Brogyoous ecsîoe goal Or Ptri SiaOok assîsîcO by a nui hi ewl 00 ny'uni ern er0101kck lomnevu ecro o Jonatha Soares 5104e ,forneriy aOuender took dente fotoar spoot and claîned il as Ss oun Ccufier scrng oppoOtunîlîes foiooed by Mark Wl5î - l and Peler Sadek Onu second hal opened watm Brantford goal, soon malcheo by magoîfîcent rui nîng ard a precîseis eaecsled kck SonnerE Milon houaSh Soccer ClobS s ostîntg an in fouse coachino session as a continuation 121the pre-season chiniThme session wiii 5e hando fot) on leatoring instnuction from some of MYSO's eepenîenced coaches, Caches of ail age groaps are weiconne .Ony Coach woa s inteneted, please contact Martie Warner aI (905) 876-5OGO or emaîl eadcoacs@mitonmatlt con N-lTeh Recruters Maksteei Sctta Capital Sharks Fr05 Weeul 0he Toronto Star Precusuono SperOs Lndsay McLaren - Rerr Soan sAuto Repaîr &O La Rose Sakers ScottSalteocSsk Mloune Collsion Lnsey MLaren-RBon Oary Oseen bu -Stage innovation irasstirai Lito& Cectruc 1-- s are 19 to , Alex is to 5 1 Neu Mechanical Loblaus Si-LinSysînins GAMES WINS IE LOSSES GOALS FOR GOALS AGAINOT GOAL IFF. s 3 3 0 O 6 1 C 2 2 O0 6 2 4 s 3 2 1 O 9 10 -1 3 i 2 O 7 7 3 3 I 2 O 5 6 .1 3 3 i 2 0 2 4 -2 3 3 i 2 O 4 7 -3 O nao 2 0 2 O 4 62 BOYS UNDER 13 STANDINGS AS 0F WEEK ENDING JUNE 7, 2002 Flr OSMES WINS lIE LOSSES GOALS FOR GOALS AGAINS GOGAL IFF g TireS3 3 O O 16 412 7 3 2 1 O 15 3 12 a 3 1 1 1 13 9 4 4 3 1 1 1 9 63 4 au 3 1 1 1 12 13 31 3 1 O 2 6 12 -6 3 t O1 0 2 12 202 -10 cInc 3 0 O 2 8 22 -14 BOYS UNDER 16 STANDINGS AS 0F WEEK ENDING JUNE 7, 2002 FIJ GAMES WaNS lIE LOSSES GOALS FOR GOALS AGAINSO GOAL IFF. 6 2 2 O O 12 2 8 3 1t 1 1t810 -2 3 2 1 O 1 5 5 O 3 0 1 2 5 11 6 Look for game reports in Foot Notes in The Canadian Champion every Frîday i throughout the season. Houso beague, Rep and Ai-Star Coaches or deliver to 599 Vanier Drive by Friday of each week. rememer t sendn yor gae wrie-up to: myscfotnoas@s fl.fe ' X 1-~ ~ 1 is miuoot 21044M «gocc4-,4 Cilge4 Phone 905-875-4072. Leave Message www.mlltonmagie.com POINTS 9 6 6 3 3 3 3 0 POINTS 9 7 4 4 4 3 3 0 POINTS 6 4 3 straîgh nto th1e net 5y Mark Wilson. thoOily aler Brent arquharson ninrbiy took the ead lforMltor uith assistance f rom Mark Sargent and Mark Wilson, Sroru ara determîoed aeîensîue pae by Oyan Brgess and Aaron Cauen hel 4 off rhe Brantford soaad o o vtlhîr 51mîntes oflthe tomne's end The entîre Mlon teann layed wîth spîrîl and eoergy The fans hope rOs as eean pleasanr loretaste of oSaI 1e est of 1e seasor holas in store. WaterIoo BO Or a day oSer rhe Worfd4Cap soccer scores con- raîrea onlythe digts "0" or "Itetams voure consistent in mainlaînîng tIarpatero Ofensîueiy the t irsî hait belonged eguaiiy tor Miltn ard Waerioo B. wnîle Waterloo B made eaoes ut scor- ing atemprs inthe bontonhllfof 1e gamne, icldng a grand rotai of ai least 4 direct kcks ar: Mltar goal ostoS saled hgSoser the net. Waterloo'sLgornmng tean ceotaînie boasted its sflare or agile ranners. Who car forger the sîmul- raneous substtior ut 10of the Ligltnirgos players chargîng menacigl onto the field? Unaaontea Mitron thoaoled mari ut the offensiae attacks by the fine biockin9of Aaron Cauen and Rirai Bress Mltor s play oas reîrlorced by the ersîror Ethan OConnar to the feldO and by rendan Whtîng, oil took a couple ot siarpkcks t0 aha sirs bot thon jampea bacS to keep tarcing the bal door ro the Waterao end OSe secard hall broaght is share or gasps otîS goalkeepfee MaOOheoStîranton, stetched in ail directions tb stop rhe bailIana, oSer skii oasn't calird ton, lack aiso presaleO in keapinug Ose bail out or the net Hooeaeî eaen the deS trou ins 5y Ryan Brgess ard strong kcks and passes 5y Jonathan Soares unIe nor enoogh to 00t Mlton orn e onnmog si4e nI tOn scoroboar rOis I ne aroond 0*Undul17 ot Mlton 2i d BramptoO l- Wi ooniy sîcen payn s compare o n rnoon s OS 15Milton lougno haro on corne out icloioos Dr fiona Loon scoîtO loriMilton wuflme Slnobunie meomiian. Jîl Wakei and Sysa King shoued gieat ottens se efots Crolyn Somme uas ginor in net ana ianu Cosme and Soarilso Nedoiskr madoofenesse addefonsise contributions Wa tegoil' h PelSocc ni104000e520050100d 0v the Royal ng Canadrun eomon nuas h030aso star We a0100 for rd ,sart bocth0e0ban' as noornoial Kimn OrSon bc Sophan oSiiekers ond ChariennoFoiny ase een Or 100001 in enuls Ton bonas 4000onbaiance ni i- strîkers 300 etendersawis o have0 a 00404 s so moi of soccr