The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 14, 2002-11 Are there any famous Murrays? vDoctor recruiter *from JIST on paqe 10 i H Il And what famous person was ever beside my in-laws when he was alive. He lvdo street 1when 1 was ornwingup n 11 ê oJ t )I iditil nained Murray? I can't think of any, except for Murray the K, and he's so fainous 1 don't even know wbat be did. I think he was involved witb the Beatles. Murray je one of those naines doomed to extinction, anyway. I've neyer heard of anybody younger than me witb that naine. 've only known a couple people anywhere witb the saine naine. Oddly, one lived beside me when i was growing up, and the other currently lives on the other side of that saine bouse. Three bad the saine iast naine as me. Nobody mucb ever called me Murray, anyway, eepecialiy when 1 was growing up. It was or je Mur, Merv, Maury, Murdock or Dumb Ase 10 naine a few. Have you ever noticed that people usual- ly will shorten your namne if il's more than one syliable and lengtben it if il's one? Brian for exampie, would be sbortened Io Bri, and Gord would be lengtbened 10 Gordo, even tbougb the long version of Gord is Gordon. I like the naines my ex-wife and I picked wbo also bad two daughters, and named tbem Holiy and Heather. If I were t0 change my naine, I'd go with Tiger. Tiger Townsend. Now, thats a name. Tiger Woods's real firet naine is Eldridge, incidentally, which may help explain why hc doesn't use it. But, 1 guess 1 can live witb the naine, Murray. 1 have ail my life. Well, that along witb Bob, Roy, Maury, and now, Tiger. Physician recruitinent ini Halon recently look a step for- ward with the hiing of a physician recruitinent coordinator. Angela Sugden Praysner began her two-year contrset witil the Region Wednesday. Among ber duties are to work with local committees and hospitals to develop plans bo attrat and retain physicians. "Ms. Sugden Praysner bas many years of experience in community development and recruilment to bring to the table in this important initiative," said Regional CAO Brent Marshall in a press release. For the past nine years, Ms Sugden Praysner bas been an employee of Haton's Business Developrnent Centre. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU BELIEVE! DOES T Don't ail religions lead to the same place? Aren't we ail see- ing the same ultimate reality, just from a different point of view? Don't ail religions lead to the same God anyway? We hear these statements ahl the time. The truth is, it does matter what you believe and there are some pretty big differ- ences among various religions. They radically disagree about what God is like, and what you think God is like will deeply affect how you live. Mother Teresa is a good examn- ple of this. When she saw the poor and dying in Calcutta, she had to do something. She believed in a God who cares 662 .-HR 0 SNt ML - e -1 kiSot o erry Roa- SeirPoe: e905)e87 Ne3ge Children worshlp Youth_ Mr*. mNelle Rouge Mre. Esther Keseler Mr. Tim Stevens about the poor. Jesus spent most of his life healing and teaching and caring for the poor. So Mother Teresa's view of God led her to start a shelter in the shadow of a Temple. She then took in the dying to comfort and love them in their last hours. She embraced those who were considered untouchable by most. Her commitment to a compassionate God who loves the poor led ber te, a very differ- ent response to that of the cul- ture around her, who saw God's judgment upon the sick and the suffering. It does matter what you believe about God. We don't ail end up at the same place. There was neyer a more per- fect expression of God than Jesus. The Bible says that if you have seen Jesus, you have seen the Father. "For God was pleased to have ail his fuliness dwell in him (Jesus)" Col. 1: 19. You will neyer see a cleaner pic- ture of God the Father, than when you study the biblical Son, Jesus. It does matter what you believe about God. Jesus is the key. We don't ahl end up at the same place. If you have any doubts left, September 1 lth demonstrated beyond the shadow of a doubt that what you believe about God is important. On that day, sever- ai people, because of their image of God, planned, pre- pared and perpetrated the mur- der of thousands of innocent victims and terrorized a nation because of who they believed their God to be. What you believe about God is very important. We don't alI take the same path and end up at the samne decision. There is a big difference. Look for the truth. Visit one of Milton's great Christian Churches this weekend! Submitted by Reverend Jin: DeMarsh of Milton Bible Church. SOUTHSIDE COMMUNIT CHRCH MILTON GOSPEL HALL RA A' of The Chnstian & Missïonary Alillie 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 B ________ (formerly kaown as Milton AlianceChurch) LVJIIIf 2850 DERRY RD. 10:00 arn. -The Lord's Supper *Phone 878-5664 - Fax 878-6676 11:45 arn. - Sunday School WEEKLY INFORMAI DISCUSSION Senior Pastor: Greg McCombs 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service "Bahai Faimh and ifs Teachings" Pastor of Youth Ministries: jack Ninaber Wednesday 7:30 pM. Ail Wecome 10-:00 A.M. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHI SERVICE Prayer and Bible StudySEVC INFO: 9015-693-0688 t"ADVENTUREUýND" for Idds 3 - Gr. 6 *Service i oefrmnidi n ihGd ewosre (Nursery care provided up to age 2) For whosoever shall caîl Ie s lovre e gom and ui se if od He thores gh of For more info on our regular weely upon the name of the Lord iis Lord, ftom Baoai Scriprure iinistries, please cali the churcis office. shall be saved. Romans 10. 13 1-800-433-3284 www.bahai.or Grace Anglican Church We welcome you to... -" GAWYCAPITCUH the Church on the Hill ST. PAUL'S Te. 78211Fa 78305 UNI TED CHU RC H 905-878-1629 123 Main St. E., Milton Pastor Walter H. Isaak Rev. Dr. Mark McDersnott SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday Juno 16, 10:15 a.m. 9:50 arn. - Family Bible Hour 8:00 arn - Holy Communion HERITAGE SERVICE in Victoria Park 1:0an onn evc 10:100 arn - Sung Euchanist Ail Welcome! Church School & Coffee Hour Bring lawn chairs & picnic lunch (hot dogs available) 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service THURSDAY Vacation Bible Camp - July 15 - 19, 9-11:30 ar..Tusa 10:00 amn Holy Communion Rev. John Benham & Rev. Gerry Hofstetter Tusa e ~ Judy Hunter, Director of Music 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Wheelchair Aceess Th uh PrkingLotDOOrs Church office: (905) 878-8895 fn reda rcwy rgag ( www.stpauismiltî "You'ti always fn reda rcwy I.. - 9 amn - Early Worship Service 9:30 amn - Sunday School for ail ages 10:-45 am - Second Worship Service Special Gift for Every Dad in A.M. Attendance PP- YOU AMAZE ME! 6:30 p.m. - SUNDAY NIGHT LIVEI FPEE FAMILY CONCEPT W7-H WILLIE WIMF2LE