Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jun 2002, p. 10

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(--: 9ý Local youngsters making a splash quite early By FANNIE SUNSINE The Champion lis neyer too early to Iearn how I GEORGETOWN CINEMAS j235 GUELPH STREET 873-1999 OSCOOBY Doo00 Daîty 6:45 p.m. &9:00 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 2:00 p.m. '0WINDSTALKERS Day 45pm.&915 pm Sat. &Sun.200 mn OBAD COMPANY A Sat & Sun.200 pm SPIRIT r Sat & Sun.200 pm Lhatr kn a.uable a Rer GOLI) SCISSORS 905-876-2842 25 Commercial St., Milto to swim. Three times a week, parents and their young ones climb int the pool at Carole Murray's Swim Academy for the 30- minute Infant Program. Thec littie ones lcans hovt Io hotd their breath under water.fIip onto thceir backs and swim lrom the inistnsctor 1to hssWail. "The youngest we have in our infant pro- gram is two months." said Ms Murray, who has owned the swim academy tor more than 30 years. "The program goes up to age two. The parents must be in the water with their children during fessons." She said she believes ail children should know how to swim in case of emergency situations. "Il you flu into tOc water and dont knoss how to swim. you're gone. If you have a pool in your hackyard. you deltntteiy need lessons. Whien you swimi yott use ail the muscles in vour body. Its very Worth- whiie." AntI the youngei tise cOuld s vwhen stao' ing lesson. the rnorc tOc iessotss hasvcto keep going. Ms Mtturray etessed. Itsail about the chi (id meissot s. Dont' staO anti "top beciusýe aitet a tCouple ssce kv tihe thiid ssiiiloisc c t'ti and it n il] hc like coing baLk to th egintgOnce a sek s ckmore ItHan ettoussbI. Tise lIfant Posiasc issîx SX Pei es 'l'le svss ns i dcni\ sich i Nopen v day s a sseek, aIso Ifttcrs jersonal îns prograinv Lip anti Aima-cisc. s ilis improse "icrdnsascular iperormsance and nsost Ie toise. aid iil \Seot loits,,andtirel lese xtesAiHRedi( o~les el,, are aVis :a\ ail- able tioi chitici . teetî,iCc N alistI iItlt Pî']\Ite. venis-1i sins îs,îîîsuiss issu chli creni perici asv i andscni si-pnsate (its inti tie chiitreti pert iass) Iesvtitvc ais also e tic aaged. Foriresîîrc niatîiis. eau 90h5 75N 9747. Nbvetrs Prenuptials and WiIIs. A prenuptiai (pre-nuap agreemn et hasiaiiy outlinei s hw set of botO spouses are ttî 0e dîvîded lunte eveut ni divorce tir tr tisaiusas- ter death. Without i you are ai te uîercy otsftansis as. whitchii t efleet says tise grotits of assets durîîsg tise marriage are to 0e spliî equatiy. If you put asîde the quite understaudabie awkwardness lu askîug sour ewly heioved tt sigu a "pre-nuap" hefore tîsere is "trouble ns paraise" it s generaiiy a gond idea. lu noss Provtuces. rensarriage termniates an esîsttug wil.%vichi seaus yoar intentionu 10 bequeatis assets 10 your chistdren front the previous mariage s nouger in elfect. This may mean the chidreu iront your prestous utarriage uiti gel uotliig. Love usay weil be a mauy spieudoured îhug bt 1 shîsuid cautionu titat living commun iaw wiîbout rewriting your wiii may meau your oid wil sitl stauds aud your es spoase wilinheiset your entre king- dom. Agaîn. thîs may not be what you iad luniud. Fînaity, people ofîeu forget to chansge their beneficiaries ou Pensions. RRSP's or life isurauce policies ater mamrage breakdowu or death of a spouse. I arn sure yoa can imagine the conlilci that coald anise froru tit oversight. Prenuptuat agreemeuts, Life ilurauce, Spousai trusts, rewritiug or addîug codicils tn existiug wills, iudeed simply writing a wiil, as sig- uficant namberst of Canadians neglect tn do, are all part and parcel of the finauciai planning pr0Cess. I invite yoa to catI me ai (9051 875 177 i orvstm wbst jolndepass.com" for more information. Just what's in a name, anyway? \Vlsen I1suas ,gro\ssing up ni\ parenst,, sat a hartl tinte rensensbcring nis name. They cailietl me tone tsi iss brottlers miames mosre oten than my issun. I always fountl tlîsdd tîsat they neser cailed one f my brothers by iny name. but l'Il save ihat ttsr nsxtherapisi. suhen I gel one. My father stîli calis me Btob. which is my oidest rothers name. I used to tell iOi On the constantly. i dont even bother correcting him, anymore. i just ealu up and teil him Umpire Clinic lune 22nd 9 -4 Pm OBA Levels 1 & 2 You must be 13 years of age or older For more information cati 905-876-2288 At leasi 1 can say tts ny kitîs thai. "Btb's, your uncie:' sshich sirîkes nse as lunîsy even ilfI1Isave no idea suhat that phsrase means. 1 ssish îssy name was Bob. Il's one sylla- hie. easy to say and apparently easy to rememnber. Todd. Scott. Bift. gond easy isanes. Mutrray is a sîrange name to say. If 1 have to introduce myself l'Il say. -1' m Murray," but you get the two Ms mixing together. Consequentiy, people either think my name s Urray or înnst often, Roy for some rea- son. There are people stili that cail me Roy. and I don't correct them. lits an easier name to say, anyway. Another prohlem with Murray is that it rhymes too easily. I-urry Murray. Funry Murray. Dont wonry Murray. Want some curry, Murray'? I-ardly anybody in movies or on televi- sion is named Murray, unless they're some kind of inconsequential weirdo. There was Murray the policeman on the Odd Couple, and Murray Slaughter on Mary Tyler Moore, and on another show, which I can't remember right now. they esee ARE on page il a. a .'.t ~ .e.. - ~u .uu'. Ô-*.. .'-' ..~ .,J.7.r..;

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