Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jun 2002, p. 6

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The issue of bullying has bit disturbingly close to home with news that a Kilbride brother and sister have filed a suit against the Halton District School Board alleging they were bullied for years at their school. While the lawsuit may seem somewhat unusual, sadly the issue it represents is far too common. A recently-released study by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health found that while violence among youths is on the decline, roughly one if four students is being bullied at school. The survey of more than 4,200 Ontario students in grade 7 to OAC concluded that 25 per cent had been bullied since the start of the school year. Another 33 per cent admitted to having bullied someone ai school that year. These disconcerting figures suggest that as much as haîf of a school's population may be involved in either bullying or being victimized by a bully. Certainly such destructive behaviour can't be condoned, but it's like- ly to take a concerted effort by those at school and at home to put an end to this anti-social ugliness. I Dear Editor: i would appreciate the opportuni- ty to vence my disgust ai some peo- pie wbo tbink baby wildlife bas huen .tbanduincd and léed the need 10 intervene. Tbhey nmay think thcy're belping but tbcy'rc flot. The majority of imes. tbe mother is out looking tor food for the young and isn't tuoo far off. They be pîckced up. If people tbink they're abandoned or tnjurcd. tbey sbould go 10 the proper authorities and tbey wîll look after that. There arc people ai Hilton Fails wbo deal wîtb this kind ot ting. 1 love wîldlifc and any other ani- mal as well as the nexi person, but let's help Bbc wildlife live. Leave thcm wberc they belong, in think theres something wrong. l'm personally. looking after a baby rabbit due 10 someone taking hini away from bis mother and I*m happy 10 say hes stili alive and bopping. but some cases arent like that. So. please belp conserve our wildlife. Don't pick îhcm up. Tammy Vona Former Miltonian Woman thanks ladies who helped her at post office Dear Editor: 1 didn't get their namnes, but 1 sure appreciated Please convey my heartfelt thanks ta the two them just being there to aid me. young ladies who helped me ai the post office lasi FroeaB.at-Straln Sunday (May 26). Klngsway Plâce jThree hours isn't a lot of time for street parking Three hours isn't very much time a al. But1 tbat's ail the time you have if you're parked oni the street in Milton.1 With the exception of the downtown area, thisi ime lim-it must be extended to at least six hoursi in corne areas and 12 hours in others. Many Milton families have multiple vehicles, which leaves litle room in the driveway (cluB- tered garage or flot) for anyone to visit. Now 've been accused of wearioog out my wel- corne several times in the past, but rarely within three hours. This week town councillors looked at making a few changes to the on-street parking bylaw, before sending the issue back to Town staff for further consideration. It appears none of the sug- gested alterationir were acceptable to them. Nor were they acceptable 10 me. 'Me staff-recommeflded approach was to aliow residents t0 petition to have the three-hour limit remnoved from their street. In order to do su, 70 per cent of street residents must approve of the idea, as well as piîcb in to coliecc $250 for sig- nage. Such a move would allow 24-bour parking in exempted arcas - at Ieast for most of the year. The biggest obstacle in revamping the bylaw s that parking isn't permnitted on any streets within the town from 210o 7 a.m. between November and Apnîl. TMis is for snow-plowing reasons. To skirt this problem, i borrow an idea brougbt forward by a speaker to the Milton community services committee Monday. Altemate parking from side to side, depending on wbetber it's an even-numbercd day or an odd-numbered day. By altemating sides of the road, road mainte- nance vebicles wili stili have accesir. The trick t0 ail of this, of course, is 10o frsi study g From my perspective which roads in town can accommodate the extended and atemating parking. Restrictions in some areas should be fully expected, as emer- gency vehicles must always have access. Now i know there are people in town wbo are Iooking to on-street parking changes 10 ease their difficulties in finding an ovemight spot. My sug- gestion won't make their problems go away, as available. Unless those individuals were mislead by ither their landiord or real-estate agent, tbey knew what the parking situation was before they moved. Parking difficulties should have been anticipated. To these people 1 recommend something i bave pcrsonaily donc in the pasi when parking was in short supply. Look around your neighbourhood for bouses that dont use their entire driveway and offer the owner/tenant a cmali amnount of money to use that leftover space. It does work. For the most part, renting drive- way space is cheap and doesn't cause an incon- venience to cither party - provided the driveway is within a couple minutes' walk of the renter's homne. 6-The Canadian Champion, Frday June 7, 2002 SCOMMENT THE 'A NADIAN CAMPIoN Box 248.,t191 Main St. E.. The Canadiein Champion publshed every Tesriay and Fniay ai 191 Milton Ont. 91'4N9 Main Si.E1, Milton, Ont., 91 4N9 (Box 248), iS one ni The Metrolaid Mîlin. nt.L9T4N9 Prntng, Pnblishinig & Distributing Ltd grnup nf soburban companues wrich ~ 341 includes: AjaxiPickernnq Nevis Advertîser. Alliston ileraldiCorrer Barrie (905)878 -234 Adance, 3arys Bay This Week, Boireir Enerrrise, Brampton Guardian Brirgofn Post, Burlnginei Shopping News. Ciy Parent. Ciy ot York Guardian Cntingwnnd/Wasaga Connnectiini.EastYorkr Mirrnr, erin Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advcate/Connitry Rutes, Erocoke Guardian, Famrnogth Pot Forever Yong, Georgeonn rdepenident/Acto Fee Press, -laton Business Times, Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Bonera Business limes. Knston This Week, Lndsay Thin Weeli Marlham Ciasiied 95-85-30 Econnmînst & Sun. MdandPnetargishenle Murer Mton Shrnpprng News, Classfied:905-85-33 Mssîsauga Bsness Trmes, Msinnariga News, Napane Gide. Circulation: 905-878-5947 Nunagawnya News. NewmaketiAuoua Era-Banner Nortombeland News Northr i rMror, Sakolie Baoer, Sakuilie Shopping News. Sîdtimers Ian Oliver Publisher Hockey News ,Onîho TTdy, OshawaAShitbyClaringtof/Por PeryThis Neil Oliver Asooiate Puhlishet HilttfttnhiiiNugttto Liera. Scarboouh MMrrrr, Stnutiile/Uubidge Tribune. Jili IDavis E-dio-n-Chief Adunrsîi s accepteS on ihe conditioin tiain ihe neni ot a typo- Karen Smith Edia, grapiicai ettot. tOt portionn nirie arlerirsrg space occupied by lire erro- necus item. ingeiher wtb a reasonabie alowance toi signature wîlIlnt Se Wendy McNab AuJertîiri Manager chaged ftnt but tire balance ni île aduertisunent virl be parS tnt at the appli- Steve Crozier Crotuluuiomn Manager cablenrtae The pbisir resetons thn tîght no categorize advetisements ne of ecline Teri Casas O/ie' Manlager. Tim Coles Produciens Manuuge' The Mion Caadin Chmpon is a Reicbe Produci * Lawsuit unusual, but bullying too common 1 1 OUR READERS WRITE Baby wîIdlIfe sometîmes appears abandoned but really hasn 't been; mother not far away

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