8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 4, 2002 <-~ <-~ fY4S 7 Laurier Ave. 878-2881 %j . University Women celebrate 4Oth anniversary Milton chapter's main focus is to improve education fr women By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion When Lorraine Gibson joined the Milton chapter of the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) two years ago, she was look- ing for intellectual stimulation. 'Tna retired lawyer and 1 was looking for a mental challenge," the club president cxplained. 1tsamarvelous organîzation to meet interest- ing women and you can get as involvcd as you want 10 locally. provincially. nationally or intemnationally. The advocacy really intcrests me. Founded in 1919, the CFUW is a national organizalion of womnen university graduates committed to the pursuit of knowledge. promo- tion of education, improvement of the status of women and humaa rights. "As long as you're a university graduate you can juin,' she continued. adding some clubs have included associate members (college grad- uates). Each vear. the Milton chapter awards scholar- ships 10 female high school graduates who've been accepted into university for post-secondary education. "We give two to the deaf school (Emest C. Drury) annually and three or four scholarships to graduates at the other high schools. Each schol- arship is $500 and is funded from our annual book sale." Although most women join the organization for the social aspect of the club. others join depending on what their needs are at the lime. "A lot of new people to town want 10 mccl oth- crs and this is a good way 10 do il," Ms Gibson said, adding the 51I club members mneet once a mnonth lrom September through Jonc. Vie brng n difterent speakers Io speak at our mietngs. We's'e lad peoplc spcai Io Lus on L 1ealth iSSules. the toMI'ns des elopmlleni .nld ecduI caion. l'ite imnpi os emleot ot cducoion loi- ss met; s our main tlocuLis." On the nitional les cI. the club regularly atcnds meeting held by the United Nations and pros ides granîs tb Third Woi Id vouriîries, she sai1. "Veere tryvilog 10 impro e Ithe stalus ol ss otiieo andL human rghts. ss hich sse do through our * scholarships. speakers; and ads ocacy ssith the Photo by G3RAHAM PAINE Celebraling the 4th anniversary of the CFUWs Milton chapter are (from lefi) Agnes Ruhi, 40-year mnember; Judy Hincks, past pres- dent; Lorraine Gibson, president; and Margaret Gray, 40-year member. (vminenlt. This Thursday, the local club s Il celebrate ils 401h anniversary ss lb a dinner ai I-laton Hîlîs Place and Banquet Hall on Steeles Avenue. "Milton becamne the organizations I IIth club in 1962," Ms Gibson continucd. I highly rccommcnd this club to anyone look- ing for a mental challenge or 10 make ness To attend the dinner or for more information rcgardîng the organizalion. send an c-mail to Igibson Cccogcco.ca. tisane keepingNOfl Habftlufll -) PM 7upeîoe vwww.cogeCO.ca 63p NORTH I4ALTON STUDIO ~ u5~ Laurier Plaza *' 500 Laurier venae MtnON L9T 4R3 'e p COGECO 14 Programmîng Schedule - June 3rd - lOth, 2002. TuesayJume4thWednsda. Jne 5h Tursdy. une th ulnay. u-n 9thMonay. u&e10t - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a _--1 - _ --11 1 s - - û l-W- ýwW' d %Wqeiýn -Late al huEIm 9lane Pýulgai in'- y WeMes hm 9tiSan Mmuiy Repay 10 iSai Tueiday Rema 10 oor n i 'ge i,-Lete he mu t«pe 5es 1 7 O5ue suisd in' -hady WiCEStan tpe t6pe &7 »m SeneS ShWsies5 lipe K CCRIiei ilte tOr V ro(L) 80pe Mo iteMn(Lm) 8tOpe Satan Hk Cua May 27b Weffieuiay RiMa Pluge in' -Lai e ekEdea kba eek ee Satan tegelCare Maet2901 ýa , 10,a PlUgMiin -Le Wesi tisn M Pluged I' - ate eek Mw pe use 1&7 dpe Mie een5 iaia SeniorsShboias Neqr oluNeNainJu'e 35d 8Oco Keeping North Halton TrndON! 't, siu In -Eay Wee Euro Wrh GuiTee Fuie Ni Isue lu SpytiZONE îui 01 Pl,,rnM In' - ParIv WeM EdÉlon 1- In Il- %Gý*d Iný - Laie Week Ednw gam P[uWeo rý - Lat@ Week Ed" r F-ý-