The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, June 4, 2002-25 tIer s ano ppurt5nity tu loin a dynamic, ast qiuaing ergavizates, te assînt en ils deeelepment and con- tinaed gremt We are wortd leaders in thn manutac- ture et lght-weîght power transmission, conneynr beting, plastic medetar beltîng, and regeire smart and taented peope for the positionseoet Production & Field Service Personnel Seccesofltcandidates ciii pesseso trong interper- ssnai, communrcation and computer skrtte, a techoîcat edecatron ( C.ET or eu 'iesvlenl, Cemmanîty Cllege diptema> and mechanicat aptitude. Ples reply wth resume to: Maity Ahearn Production Manager Habasit Canada limitaid Oakville, Ontaro 1612X8 Fax: 905-825-2612 Email: NO TELEPHONE CAtIS PLESE Mee-mail: f r alent@fanpteins.cOm Cha or te d ontas tated n Mîs-ar sga dsringclipetnThe reaTorndodateawl haWxe ne yo he Wnvdgourcîente Quikth onoing finant, itDan oAdobuarneusa suport tegapensurecotercn tînueckrouenîty. Welofe.fExble arralng il e ient, F-a uqedm woenvrronmenAtrciecmesto.akg Ifyu e grd uates CAor M w eseinc u bli c ccOuntng2 btAn4 eqir:apran.ent part-ligsmeprdm siuaio eamy beprabressivetproessoah rothr ChRtd., cutat oc di Mississauga 5 3A wih ap i fnaep n cial, ax and b,,uO>sis p Oaapis> Cupr o ntaule thr ctne ros oriy Phne: ti5aproah ndane-reel fie3 Email: pronks5rthr. îibfkCO Ifwoïea rwuteeehAn.oCOMA it expriece n pbli acoutng, bt * A V EDA A leader et the einece une beaety indcstry, me strîve te excoed eut clients expeciatrons threegli educa- tien & commîlment te the envrnenefl We are curentty tsskîng fer motioated & tscusxd indroîduats te grec cr10 sur Spa and Educallun eame. We are txeking 15 frî Ire e ltswrng pstions: EsMtsti oI Registerd Massge Thrapsts Plama forward voue resuesata: E. olisas 416-754-248 or E-ai: ehobeve@ciI .cUU Dur Community Needs Bus Driversi Do you enjoy driving? Join oar team of professionats sho provide achoot bas transportation for our achoots. Train now for September. .Free trainingoCompettive Wages+Ftexibility Cali us today 905.877.4448 wm. NEED EXTRA INCOME? Canada's eading samptieg company Ias rmmedîate oppetteniies fer instore Demonstrators We are oeking for otgoing and evergetre people te sampte and promote a arrety et predecis. Usual shitoý 3 dlayslwk, Thats. 11-5, Fri.t2t6,Stor Sun.105. Please cati our National Recrutîog Hollîne 1-888-327-9361 CONTRACT DRI VERS req[re Iodelverournewpapers & t es, Io urcarirs n akile-Wed ,Fri und Sur Mus eaalbebteniumrn2pm Muthva ulszva & coilt psoe' Calt Steve: 905-337-5553 email: scrozier@baltonsearch.COIn TUEOA FIL BEV* HARBOUR BANQUET AND CONFEHENCE CENTRE rie t- r 'r, u' , r,,,, r -,"5 H 1ru1> IMI uuuZlili rer: sous CHEF - LUNE COOKS PAEP WOAKEOOS - ISHWASHERS. SERVERS fr b rarr4o testa[-[!, BANQUET SUPERVISOR & IN HOUSE CUSTODIAN. Apply et th. facifl:ty 50. JOOO202,eO 2340 Ontario Street. Oakoi>I0 ON LOI 0P7 ph. 905_82 7-1315. Fan 905-827-2825 WILLIS COFFEE PUB Reqires Enthusiastic, Energetic Individuals tu ilt the tottuwing positions: " Ktchen Staff partifuiltime> " Customer service (part/full ime) " Supervisons Attend out job fair at: Oakville Recreation Conter 1415 Third Lino, Oakvitto, ON Jure tShum t1i 0it uerte 2 00Dom Pieuse brîne rsueies- nteripwin ir e ne u n cice-or er il e o le te Io905-3,36r-8411or hp e-muit te iruphwu betiiret a KW WHY HAVENT Transportalion YOU CALLED? AZ Drivers YES l'O' 2yrs. Verîiahietexp. Stadert Svvor Wrk $1805 BaselAppt 25 U.S. Rues ScootersPipe avait. Home Weekevds . Fuît traning pîovrded Muet have - Cet cales/service lyr U.S. Eep. eConditions appty Cal Cai Now! 1-888568-6890 Cati 905-842-8045 Ownr peatr ANTED teqsirod te wotk eut et Milton & Waterdown Buringtor arna, -Top puy gusranteed Tank eperieece andt Pourly pies dlean abstracts commission & boes tequired *Fan place 10 msrk Cati Peter 8amn- * Excellent benietits 5pm package - at: 7054768657 j. ard tcense tees - or taxsffl t l Adxaîîued updatisg to: 705-47M j Equipment peovideef i »Nscientele reWlired F/T & /T Positions 1 YU *Flexible Wrk Hous1 ~AS8IIEDS1 Caîl 905-308-61181 -11 A new attm opreiyha enoe Welig 2-3iays (leible)eal -tek piiaru ps)Ùl sibitities will inclede receptien, dicta typing, data and word processieg, maintenance et crperate tecords & genetat oftice admin Were teeking fer aw sffice exp, eagerness te earn, cempatrbitity, stroep otat & written communication ekilis & software adaptability. Please torward resumes by fax 905-337-3272 eornait TEELINt , ,rans ,thrir gmra and Travel n>rds yoa t,> tach Fogliih overscas. Nor >ra4 guaranteeda Calin,w Free nie se'sion, JIn uith, 7 p.m. Holiday Inn, 30t63 Soauth Service Road. Surlington. 1-8004-344-6579 ieachandtra'uel.,am ECLIPSE SALON A tto HalrstllSt EsihatiClanS: rIME FOR A CHIME? Check out Eclipse for the change you are tooking fort 905-637-1041 EXPERIENCED overtiesd d00vinstatier requrrea. Valid drivers licence. tjwn Iand totls. Good cas- tomer retion. Fao resume to0 905-664-0871 or catI 905 664 0870ý SHARON Home Construction is tookrng ton an ex- perevced finsh carpenten. Must have own vehicle, owv toots s an asset. 905-336-6523. ( avvrenty eeking: Licensed Truck/Trailer Mechanica Advanced Apprentices Rurh.-nespenîence weutd te an asses. t)av & Rass> me., is an equat apporsvsny us» pt>ver aftering comperisîve mages and ane excellent huneS> package. David McNeiI, Manager - Saffing Phone: 1-800-561-O013 cxc. 5469 Fax 1-877-329-7677 E-mail: drrecruit( wwwdavrossgroupcom AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS requined for busy Ford deaterahrp. We are seeking two Generai and one Advanced (High-tech) 10 loin our- team. Ford expert- once preferned. Competitive rates and benefits. Please forward resume to: Service Department Terrace Ford Lincoln Sales Inc., 900 Waikers Li, ttunington ON, L7N 2G2 Fax: 905-632-6676 No phone catis please Newspapers have been around for 300 years, beCause newspaper advertising works! Advertise in Eanabian GIFTWtqRE SElLES REP S.West Ont "C'andym' requiers en cemoissiied sales tep loi est terîtuîy Guid, TAG iicluded Fax 905-474-0960 hIrwn@& Tel 905-474-1555 Est. 212 i Bookkeeper/ Accountns WVe are a high-tecn aCcounting ana inaiicai service organizatron based in Msassauga serving clients in the West End and Greater Toronto Area. We are eopanding and requrre permanent and part-lime staff 10 attend at our clients' offices as weIi as our own faciiity. If you are a senior bookkeeper or accounting student experienced with Simply Accounting, M.Y.O.B., Quickbooks, etc., have a car, and really enjoy helping clients meet their goals, please apply to: Box 4609, The Mississauga News, 3145 Wolfedale Rd., Misslssauga, On LSC 3A9 Were Expaniing figaiei Exporsncad BmoIkeperIAcemhltlU Muet prou censîderatiroand attention te dtait and accuracy and bu able 10 work cuitIre peblic. Feperience crth Srmpty acceavtrvg software and per- sonat income tax un asset, We effet fleeîbitity ru hseurs. Remaveration ased on expeience. Please mail or tax resumes te: Jo-Anne Ci no, THE CINO GR0UP 7-185 Plains rd. East, Burllngton, ON Fax: 905-632-4501 Ne phone catis .lease. Whie we thank ail applîcants for their intereot, only those setectod te 5e întervîewed wîlt te contacted. FA5T5SIGNS Inside Sales Representative Es ey ep g people and probtem eelving9 If y'er cas euatuate custemer neeus and prouide solu-I tiomelinorSeaîceinsîde fSt-alesinsu tPrîaroa riestoîe survtem nstPe tactpesî n dut rry a respensîbîtîtres inciede managing exîstîng acceunts and prespectîvg for new custemers The ideal candidate iii Ire enthesîastrc, rganîeed, and hve strong comme- ni atto ki ractive compesteio ncckage us n A ttratiekî cmpruensaesoeperreace.sape Send Resumes to: 4031 Fairview St., Buriogton, ON. L7L 2A4 Fax: 905-631-7471 e-mail: ENTHUSIASTIC? FLEXIBLE? EAGER? MCTIVATED and ENERGETIC SALES REPRESENTATIIVES required for sur OAKVILLE location. Mut Se capable et werkîng PART-TIME Duos, Eoonînge and Weekends as reiie Wîne krrewledge net requîred, Training os prevîded Pieuse drop off resume betore the close ot business June 7th aut ho tollewîvg location. Vinoyards Tha Wine Shoppa (loside) A& P 280 N. Service Rd., Oakville While me Itbank al hoPeo napply, me wîtt only respend te Phose uvOoer censîderatien and ask Puat ne respense se made by phono. >FULL AND PART-TIME FURNITURE SALES We are looking for individuais who are enthusiastic and professional to corne and join our furniture sales team. Sales and/or design experience is preferred, but flot necessary. Candidate must be available to work a weekend shift. Please forward resumne to: Norma Springer g. .06, os& r 09 9Eser v.Aco 1.8313 are Ci e ontinuad inDOMU te 1mat JUNIOR ACCOUNTING CLERK reqoired fr Oakvîle compavy Vecter Marketing is carrently seeking a Junior Acci. Ctetk for a 3-month contraci position te werk in a fast- paced envîrooment. Reqirementsý Min. lyr accounit inglotlrce experrence, accountînglhesiness certîficate or dîptomna. You wit aise be detait oriented and have a great attitude. Duties recluee paproît and A/P pro- cessiog, generat acceotîng & clerîcat deunes. Pless fax your resume Atta: Leigh-Ann Tun. 905-847-503