I 8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 4, 2002 Ci im gopersofHato Thieves ,takvetrir Hatan Regional Police are investigating a break-in ai Bill McFadden Ltd. on Main Street May 9. The ehain seeuring the gate to the compound had been eut. A triple axie float-type traiter was towed away by another vehiele. Its believed to stjîl have plates on it. The owner of the traiter is empioyed by the eompany and had been soring it in the eompound sinee February 22. The total value of the stolen property is about $5000. If you have any information that leads to an arrest in this or any' voher matter, you mayv be eligihie for a cash reward. You wvilI neyer have ta gi ve your narte or testifv in court. Cal! 1-800-222-TIPS or check us out on the Weh at vt,,tt.linkstohaltoni.com. ýBishop Reding student is one of three new sehool hoardi tri.stees The Haltan Catholie District Sehool Board bas selected uns three student trusteev for the 2002-03 sehoal year. The appaintments were announced t ast month's hourd meeting, t which time they were intraduced ta the elected trustees from acravv the regian. Kristyna Opletal - currently a grade 10 student t Miltons Bivhap Reding Secandary Sehoal, wha will be enralled in grade Il ut Christ the King Secrndary Sehool in Georgetown thîs September wîil represent north Haltoîn. Martina Kunovic a St. lgnatius of' Loyorla Secondary Sehool grade 11l via dent, who bas maintained an A+ average throughout hîgh sehool- will represent Oakville. Jessie 1-ession- a grade Il studeni ai Assumptian Secondary Sehool, wha iv involved in ail aspects of high sehavîl life -will reprevent Burlingtan. As student trustees, they have the same righiv as elected trustees ta participate in bath board and cammittee meetings, but doisi have vîtîng rights nor the rîght ta be preveni ut in camera board sessions. They will. hîrwever, represent the interests ut the approximately 25,00(0 students attendîng lialtons Catholie sehools. The three will replace Peter Debrane and Danielle Visschedyk, student trustees for the 2001-02 term. Kristyna was a 2000 recîpient of the boards Sharing ihe Spirit Student Award of Excellence and nomince for the Ontario Catholie Sehool Trustees' Association Award, as well as a student rep on the Georgetown South Busîng Delegation. She was a volunteer on both the Student Liaison Team and the Selection Team for the new Christ the King Secondary Sehool in Georgetown. A lector at I-oly Cross Church and a delegate ta World Youîh Day this Juiy. Krtiyna is a mature and articu- late public speaker who constantly dtsplays exceptional leadership and interpersanal skills. A recent decision by the board increased student representation from two members ta three, a move that makes the Halton board the only such body in the CiTA ta have more than îwo student representa- tives. The student reps were previouvly select- ed at large anmd for the past two years bath have antended Burlington high sehoals. (During the twa years priar ta that. only one student was appainted and bath trnes they hailed fram Oukville.) The new sys- tem calîs for reps ta now be chosen fram Haltons three major areas, namely Oakville, Burlingtan and north Haltnn. OPEN HOUSE NOTICE 0F AN OPEN HOUSE RURAL STUDY FOR THE TOWN 0F HALTON HILLS Town of Hallon Hilis s in tbe process o andertalking an Officiai Plan Resiew. An important aspect of the Review is lu obtain inpat from the community on the land ase planning poicies that wilt manage change in the commanity for the Seat twenty years. These tends use potîcies are being prepared lv, brrng tfhe Haton H/fs Officiai Plan into conformity with the Provincial Policy Statement, the Regionsot Halton Officiai Plan and the Nagara Escarpment Plan. The Town s in the process of preparîng a number ot background studies on the commercial area, the rural area and the iliver Creek uubwatershed. Anyone with an nterest in the rural area iv învted tote t wo open bouses being heid Tuesday, Jane 11/02 Gymnaslum, Lmehause Public Schoal 11139, 22 S/de Rd. 6:00 p.m. 109:00 p.. Thursday, Jane 13102 Library, Pineaiew Public Schoat 1074, 5 S/de Rd. 6:00 P. 10t9:00 p.. WM NUM W W u. , "Background information and ilustration panals wiil be on dîsptay ait the Open f-ouve prier te the E N U SPink, Purpie, W hite commencement ofithe eoenings program. A brief presentatîva about the Tewn ot Haltue His Officiai Plan Pregram wil ha made, ieiiewed by a presentation un the Rural Study componeni. whîcb iii bu e efocus ofthie evenîng and discussions. The lecus of the presentalion wiii be serthe roe and fonction ofthte rural r- area and the future planning oi tbe Tome s rural Cr CONNON clusters. 403E.W 600-b:30 -Drop in, vewemdispluy paneis 630-7 30 -Ovrviem et Rural Ste/y - 7i3-830 - Question and Answer Pvriod NS R t FiiWtW ~8:30-9:00 -informai Discussion Perîod We value yoar iopul and hope that you can loin us. - Information on tbe Town ot Haton His Officiai Plan -Fr1 -9, s -.Progrum is avalable ai hiip:i/www.i0wn.haiton- hiiis.on.ca (Planning & Devetopment Services Hih a 5,l ,r udyDepariment). rot