24-The Canadian Champion, Frîday May 31, 2002 Some things are just too personal from THIS on page il gel down about it, while others are determnined tb show the person that they're wrong. In iny experience. as a father or coach, you bave Io leave the per- son witb a positive feeling if you're going to criticize themn. They're doing something well, but they have 10 work ai something else to get better. something they cao surely do. Even Mhen some- body is an abject failure ai something, the positive is that they - fi..ii eou in selected auea's tried. l'ni a big believer in thai, especially with kids who arie oottr 100 tiind 10 try new things. Sornctîres, though. you just criticize ont ofI anger. When suîmebrrdy culs you (rflinO the car, y(tu donti pariculariy care il they leel good about themselves. You cal] them nasty names and show ihem one particular linger. Some things are 100 personal for people to criticize. For exam- pie. parenting skilis. Norbody takes thai criticism kindly. especial- ly when il cornes from another parent. Nobody bas that skill down 10 an exact science, and we al make mistakes. 1 think that some successtui people often have an arrogant atti- tude about criticism. "You're criticizing me'? 1 know better than you. anyway.' Other successful people isten caret uiiy t criticism and think about making changes to improve. When you think about il, though, non-successful people do the samne thing. l'm my own worst critie when it cornes to writing or anything for that malter. i criticize myseif more often in this space than I've ever criticized others. If I was going t0 criticize this coiumn, for exampie. I'd say that il wasn'î amusing, even though il wasn't meant to be. i shouid have found a way, anyway. In fact. i was going to try and rectity it with a joke about how many politicians it takes 10 change a lighî buib. But I couidn't think of a good punch fine. That in itseit deserves criticism. vw îHave You SAlways I>.1Wanted to kNEnhance Vour L .a1Appearance? Now ia the perfect ime. ISe offer teaiment for: *Spider Veins toton for trinkeoW Flacial eins Ae & BrownnSpots *Birthmarks . attio temnoil F acial pigmentation iSars *Siirgeiv for \ari(ore Seins tnjection Suterotherapt *Ofragi irkin (are 'roducts for Saricose Seins t*or a free cconsultation coll: Dr. A. V.ik.ri ceos( .el.asr Vin'acuarCetr Public meeting 011poiicy Julie iu t ramn TOWN on page 12 want il and therefore I'm against i,- lhe toid The Champion. Policy revisions further propose bringing distance require- ments in line with thre Milton officiai plan- stating group homes must be at least 500 metres apart. The current policy distance is 300 metres. Thre group home policy review was originally inspired by Victoria Street reaidents concemed about a then-proposed group home for trpubled youth on their street. Notification of the land purchaser's intent 10, construct a group home wasn't given until after the property sale was completed. Reactmng t te residents' concemrs, a proposai to, town counicil was made in November 80 restrict thre location of group homes, requiring site-specific zoning amendments to permit the homes - wbieb would require a public proeess. But afler Irearing significant opposition from local group home operators, thre issue was sent to Town staff t0 review and compare with other municipalities. lt's from Ibis work tIratIrhe currently proposals are baseri. Proposeri group home policy revisions will Ire diseusseil June 10 during a public meeting aI Town Hall at 7:30 p.m. GEORGETOWN z CINEMAS /j235 GUELPH STREET 8731999 0 Star Wars Episode il1Ê Daily 6:45 p.m. & 9:15 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 2:00 p.m. 0 Spidermian Daily 6:45 p.m. & 9:00 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 2:00 p.m. C)j ySpirit Diy6:45 p.m. & 8:30 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 2:00 p.m. Theatre Parking Avalable at Rear Discover how uplifting a solid investment strategy can be. In a world of fluctuating markets, finding an mnvestment approach that wil S keep your portfolio soaring cao be a rather daunting task. For more than 30 years, multi-national conspanies, pension funds and govemments have depended on Frank Russell Comnpany t0 research professionai money man- agers and create invesîment strategies that increase weaith whiie minimiz- 'Y ng nisk. 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