Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 May 2002, p. 11

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The Canadian Champion, Frday, May 31, 2002-11 This criticismn thing isn't always barrel of laughs C) ch Nottt nr (oRi - noîlsî t V df1' r om tirni cu t "r Ikl hcw150, h oin" tm in Thre Chanririoti triIrra tI ' what s'.as letters to the Champion- but hce dueso't think family members of cancer victime shonld, either. 1 have nu idea how he came to the conclusion that 1 was mnsulting those peuple, since 'm une myself. And as far as the statistics I questioned, it wasn't a malter of their accuracy, it was a ques- tion of their perception. I any event, if you're going lu attack some- body, even if it's in jest, you can expect them to respond in kind, and not in jest. I pretty much got what 1 shoold have expected and maybe what 1 deserved. But 1 don't want to play that game anymore. It's not much fun. And I can certainly see things such as myseit makes fun of hîm. Part of your job as a politician is that you leave yourself open to criticism, the same as a writer. At least we have it better than hockey referees, who are criticized even when peuple know they're right. 1 like criticism, when its fair, and sometimes even when it isn't. 1 used lu write a sports col- nmn several times a week in the Financial Post, when it was an entity on its own. Once I made fun of the figure skating exhibition they put on after the competition is over, suggesting that hockey players don't return to the ice after the game is fmnished and put on another show for the 01 ----ith URRA TO audience. Fromn that, a reader deduceî homophobie, and called me every ai head you can think of, none of them1 that was funny. Another time, many muons ago, 1 1 suggested would bc cdited ont was cheerlead- ing, meaning stof like -Way to go, boys!," although 1 didn't give an example. TeMlo n the District High School cheerleading squad thought J that when I said, "No cheerleading," I was tatk- tOose img about themn and took issue with me about it. Except tn that instance, most of the time if peu- Spie don't see Ihmngs the way I want them to, then 1 consider it my fault for not writing clearly. But, d that 1 was if they don't get the jokes, that's their fault. djectîve for Everybody's different, though, when it comes kind. Now, t, being criticized in everyday life, at work and by teachers, coaches and parents. Some peuple srote a col- e see SOME on page 24 Thank God for June! 1 think 1 speak for most Canadians, when I say that we rejoice in the month of June. The world of nature is borsling with vigoor and beanly, and oor arduoos gar- denmng in previoos years is beginning to show some resolts. With the milder weather and longer days we begin lu enjoy life's many social blessings, and backyard gatherings become commun. It is also a popular month for weddings, and the dressing op for those occasions seems tu, add that final ounch of elegance. Much of the appeal of Jone, however, lies nul only in the delîghî t has tn tself BAHAI WEEKLY INFORMAI. DISCUSSION All Wecome INFO: 905-693-0688 GRANDEUR 'Dovst nfot y0urserer ofthrie Robe o grandrJ einer sote your ieorits e deprved of remeltoerrllg youriLord, ir o r er cf ieorkeeirg unto the sweet meodrer of H r wonrous Her ruba1me, Hs ali ompeli.ng Hs c sao ocOmot eoqueri Voce rom BtniarScrpt..re Senior1 2 kS uho f .. Dan Ro adu Children Mis. Ntelle Roago Worship M*. Esthler Kastler Vouth Mr. TIm Savons 9 amn - Early Worship Service 9:30 arn - Sunday Schoo/ for ail ages 10:-45 amn - Second Worship Service Pastor Dan Rogge's Society ai Risk Sermon Series MAKING A IIFFEPENCE ',IN YOUK WOPLU' S6:30 p.m. - SUNDAY NIGHT UVEI L9ONT L05E HEART! Supervised Nursery & ynamic Chldren's but in the promise of the sommer which is coming. The appearing of crops hints at the bounîy of the harvest. The slower pace of homan life tantalizes os wiîh the reminder that holidays are coming soun, and there will be visits lu beloved haunîs or lu new fascinating places. We shal rennite with old friends or meet new com- panions who will share unr inleresîs. June opens up a range of delightfnl possibili- lies jost osier the horizon. 1 want lu snggesl thal the month of June is a guod symbol of the Christian life. Now in the present we enjuy God's bless- GRACEWAY '-BAPTIST CHURCH 103 Martin Street ,,U! 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak 9:50 a.m. - Family Bible Hour 11:00 a.m. - Morning Service 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Sîndy & Prayer "You'll always find a friend at Graceway" SOUIBSIBE COMMUN1T CHUlICH of The Chritan& Nissîonary Allance (formerly known as Miton Aliance Clierch) 2850 DEB11Y RD. *Phone 878-5664 - Fax 878-6676 Senior Pastor: Greg McCombs Pastor of Youth Ministries: jack Ninaber 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY MOR.NING WORSIIH SERVICE &"ADVENTUREIXND" for kids 3 - Gr. 6 (Nursery care provided up to age 2) For more info on our regular weeldy ministries, please cail the church office. Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St.E., Milton the Chu rch on the Hlli Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 www.gracechurchmilton.coni Rev. Dr. Mark MeDermott SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 kaiti- Hols (Ctommnnion 10:0(0 am - Su ing Encharist Clatrch Seîsiol & Ciiffee Heour THURSDAY 10:00 anm Holv Commnuion Sv Wheelchair Access Trough Parking Lot Doors ings, family, friends, and the beauty of nature. Many of these blessings are the resoît of previous generations, who have made the present world for us, and we are grateful for their labours which now are bearing fruit. But at the sanie lime we look forward with expectation to the life which will happen when this present life bas finished. There ail the joy of earthly holidays will be experienced and su moch more, as we enter intc, the glorions new creation that God the Father bas promised to us throngh His Son, Jesus Christ. As the puet once said, "'Me best is yet to be." Just as June with ail it's many blessings moves on 10 somelhing greater, the beau- ty and spiendour of sommer su this life with alI its joys is a foretaste of God's Kingdum. And une final note: We know that our preparations and plans in Jone affect the sommer months. May we be good stew- ards in this present life, using its blessings and oppurtunities tu prepare for the beau- ty and abondance of etemnal life. 'Me only person who can stop yoo from becoming what Gud intends you lu become is you! Du not neglect Gud's principles for highly effective living as laid ont in the Bible. Visit a local chnrch this week and benefit from the challenge, inspiration and practical assistance that il bas to offer yoo in yoor qnest of becummng ahl that yoo cao be! Service times and locations are pnblished in the directory below. Submitted by Reverend Mark McDermott of Grace Anglican Church. ?2~ooIr Pe ÇtO e /J O5-ele e, - ta/ MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 10:00 a.m. - The Lords Sopper il1:45 a.m. - Snnday Scbool 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Storvice Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Sîndy For the Son of man is corne 10 seek and to save thal which was lost. Luke 19.10 We welcome you to. ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH 123 Main St. E., Milton Sunday June 2 - PENTECOST 2 Worship (Alernative)- 9 ar. Worship supported with music by The St. Pauls Worship Band Worship - 10:30 arm. Transfer Sunday Nursery & Chureh Sehool @ 10:-3Oam Service Rev. John Benhamn & Rev. Gerry Hofslelter S judy Hunier, Diredtor of Music Church office: (905) 878-8895 www.spauismiltoii.ffl tri Nassagaweya Preshyteriafl Church 3097 1 Sth Sideroad. just east of Guelph Une (905) 854-Is 1055 Aso 1teMnser - Sean Hloward Sunday Worshlp Service. Sunday School and Nursery Care - 9:30 a.nî. Annual Chicken Barbecue Sal. June 1 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. Tickets $10 Advance $12 ai the door 1661h Anniversary Service Sun. June 9 Guest Speaker Helen Smith from Evangel Hall, a Presbylerian Mission in duwntown Toronto Ail welcone to worship with us In the hlstoulc country church on the bill. i 1 1 1 ' 1

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