The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, May 28, 2002-25 DR. LEONARD ALBER T LANDRY (1952-2002) Dr Leonard Albert Landry passed away May 22, andi Acton, Ontaro. Ho wll be greatly rnssed by his wfe Rita (oea MacLellan), hs Irea children Lennon, Suif an and Zachary, is parents Atbert and Victoria Landry, is broffiers Gregory,i Michael, and is sister Christine. His nephews, nieces, coieagues and finenda and all wbo knew Len wilf atways rernember hirn for the amazing individual thal he was. A mernorial service wif i be held sf 1:00 P.M. on 5sf. June 1, 2002, as St. Georges Church, Derty Rd. and Guelph Lin, Milton ON (Lowvilfe). Faîber Mark Curtis wilf pre- ide a the mass. Frienda and farnily are wel- corne 10 join us in the celebration of Lens lie. Rereshrnents and fellowship wif I be povided by the omens ausiliary imrnediately followîng the service. In lieu of flowers, donations cas be made 10 "The Community Action Fund In Gare of the Landry Farily' aI al free locations of Prosperify One (forrnally: Halton Cornrunify Credif Union). Locations: Mlfon 44 Main Sf. E. (905)878-4168, Acfon 350 Oseen St. E. (519)854-0911 and Georgetown 187 Guelph Sf. (905)877-6926. LAUGHTON, Francis (Wilbur) Peacetslly, af Milton District Hospital on Saturday, May 25, 2002, in his 93rd year. Predeceased by is tov- ing wite rene. Beloved father and grandfafher of Brent and Carat and their chitdren Nicoe, Natalie and Alana; Elaîne and Don and their cifdren Natasha and Guy; Laurie and Bryan and Laures cildren Andrea, Amber and Scotf; Paul; Stepheni and Cori and their citdren Stephanie, Kristie and Heather and Sharon and Barry. Predeceased by sons Leonard and Randy. Friends were received at the J. Scott Early FaneraI Home, 21 James Sf., Milton on Monday. A FaneraI Service wilt be beld on Tsesday, May 28th (foday( att11:00 AM f rom the Funeral Home Chapel. As expressions af syrnpatfiy. donations f0 the Heart & Stoke Foundation would be apprecialed by the famity. PICKETT-BRINKMAN, Austin Jamnes Beloved son of Lynn Pickett & Robert Brinkmra, paased away May 20, 2002. Grandson of Carotyn & Peter McGovem 0of Georgetown and Rea & Gerry Brinkrnan of Btenheirn. Austins Aunts, Uncles, Cousins & Famity are aaddened to hear is passing. Specialtfhanks 10 Women's Colege Hospitat Birtin Unit for their great care. A Service for Austin wil be beld on Tfursday, May 3Ot, 2002 aI 7prn af the Lee Funerat Home Limiled, 258 Queen Street South, Streetsvitte. Donations in Austins rernory rnay be directed f0 Womens Cotege Hospital, 76 Grenvilte Sf., Toronto, Ont. MSS 132 SHEPPARD, Harvey At the Milon District Hospitat on Satutclay, May 251h, 2002. Harvey Sheppard of Milton in is 83rd year. Lovingf y remembered b y is istera Lomette Mitchelt and Bess Mitchell. Sadty rissed by is rnany frienda. Farnily and friends viited at the McKersie- Kocher Fanerai Home, 114 Main St. Miton 905- 878-4452 on Monday. The funeraf service wiit be betd in the fanerai borne cbapei on Taesday, may 28fb, 2002 aI 1 0:00am. THISSEN, Henk- Peacetutly os Thsrsday, May 23, 2002 aIt an Aderson Hisse, Oakville wifh his amily by his side. Heîk, eooed husband of the late Madha. Loved father if Manin and his wife Lnda, Henry and hîs wfe Anîita and Mary Auna. Dear Opa of Michael, Katelyno, Laura, Nicole, ere and John. Henk is survived y 4 brothers, 5 sisers and prede- ceased y 5 ssters. Fîneral Mass lOam Mînday, May 27. 2002 ai St Andrews Church. 47 Reynolds Street Oakville. Intermeni lpm Tesday. May 281h Mt. Olivith Catholie Cemetery. Piin Speciai thanks to (e Staff o) an Aderson Hoîse for ihoîr cire aid support. Dnais Io s an Anderson Hisse, Oakslle woutd e appreciated y fie am/ly Arrangements entrîsted Io Kîprîva Taylor Fîneral Home, Oakvlle TONELLI, Battista Peacefally, at Mlon District Hospifal on Sunday, May 26, 2002, in is 701h year. Beloved basband of Elizabeth (Beffyl. Loving father of Gail and ber basband Dave Millet, Edns aid ber basband Bruce Barber. Brad, Doniald aid is wife Lorna, Catby and ber basband Bran Masos, Tammy and ber hasband Todd Wiikns, Kenny and is wife Sharon and Darrel and is wfe Robin. Wili be sadiy rnssed by is 22 grandcidren and 3 great-grandcbil- dren. Survived by is istera Norma and ber bus- band Rafpb Serafini, Dena and ber buabasd John DiCesare and brother Joe and is wife Grace. Friends witi be receieed aItIhe J. Scot Earfy Fanerai Home, 21 James St.. Milton on Taesday (today( f rom 3-5 and 7-9 PM, A Fanerai Servce wil be betd on Wedniesday, May 29b a 2:00 PM f rom the Fanerai Home Chapef. A bearffett lhank you 10 Ihe staff of Milon Disrict Hospitat for their speciat care. tn ieu of fowera, donations to the Miton District Hospital Foundation would be appreciated by the famify. JOHN Deere fractor awn mower, 3 years oid, 38" biadea. 13 b.p. maicher, tilt boxatafacbed. Mint con- dition. 905-690-6275. NEED A Compufer... Don't bave cash? The original BM PC, (ast $1 a day. money downol AOL & In- fereaf Free for i year! The Buck s Day Co. 1-800- 772-8617. SOLID wood aval diningroom fable in bleacbed Oak and 4 chaira, fwo removable leavea. Original value $1299. Akîng $900. (905458-6056. SPAS ... Spaa ... Spaa... Broken parfnersbip forces sale. Over 30 apas stilli n wrapper Must be sold at coat or belsw. 905-567-9459. TRADITIONAL cbesterfield and loveseaf in pasfel tapestry design. Oaalify farnifare by Skiaar & Pep- plar. Immacuate condition. scsfcbgaarded. Original value $2,689.00. Aking $1300. (905458-6056. TREES - Cedara - Give me a cati if yoa need a bedge. Sppiy or plant. Cali Fred. (519853-5694. WINTER Tires for VW Gulf, 1 winfer use on rima, wtb baba 14" radiais, $400 000. 905-690-6275. VOLUNTEER Umpres wanfed for Campbeliviiie Yotb Basebail weekday eveninga Jane & Jaly. Vol- anteer or paid posit ion. 905-854-4939. GARAGE SALE Sat Jane 1 Between 8 and 1 pm 2151 Southcott Drive (4tb Lne and 5tb Sideroad) Evetytbtng f rom office tamitare to garden tools and then some. PERENILLANTGESALE Sat. Jne i s Mimst2ai ton BQ;oHeing eri 1etJon hneeetPrRd ta Sg t. Pers ot1o es1 3rd Sideroad, #13 (sarne road as Keso Park) Watcb for Balloon/Signa MULTIPLE FAMILY YARD SALE 11151 First Line Nasaag. (Moffaf) Guelph Lne 10 151h Sdrd. Wesf 10 Frsf Line, North 10 # 11151 Antiques. furnture, amal appi. & good junk. Sat. Jane 1sf o-s YARD SALE & BAKE TABLE 5sf .Jane 1 8 arn - 2 prn St. Slepliens Anglican Church 1480 Steetes Ave. belmeen Wnston Churcbhil Bivd and Trafagar Rd. GARAGE SALE Saf. Jane 1 8 arn 868 Cabot Trail Somefbing for Everyone 2 Romance Printa. MULTI.FAMILY GARAGE SALE Saf Jane 1 8 -12 279, 285, 297 Bell Street Mens bools, cidrenas toys, books and lots more Aso: Changing Hobbies RC Panes, N and HO Trains Must go, fait offers pteaae on these. Cali 875-3163 for mbf on above. 1988 Camero, 160,0OOkrns ceflîtîed. CDI playet, sew floor. $3600, 080. (519) 8562673. FOR Sale. 1989 Mazda MX6, auto, faily loaded. 130,OOkms. E-teafed/safety inspection. Askîsg $2,200.00 O.0. 905-876-0472. Make it RCHARDSO HEROET U To lease or purchase your car or truck Hwy 25 S. at Dery Rd. 878-2393 AUUTOîý SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE -BUY -SELL -LIAS[ LAREST SELECII0 0F USEO VEHICLES IN MILON 875-2277 58 ndsauoaroup.Sot AUTO Ciean Laae-lt reqiresfullilimencun niasi cians and Auto Detailera. Appiy within, 925 Mair Street, 905-878-8595. BUSY leather worksbop in Milton ares requirea FP or P/T worker. Succesaful candidate wiii enoy wot> ing wifh Ibeir banda and be a reliable, setf-motivat ed individual with a wilingnesa 10 learn new akilit Bahr Saddiety. (905)878-8885. BUSY Oskviite downtown salon requires Hairabytis and Estheician. Please cati (cel#) 416-73-7446 noon and midngtshif. cJ im ,r- icr. Ap- GARAGE SALE Saturday, June 1 Colonial Buff et & Htch, a Flo w ig Machine Absolutely no erybrs LAWN & BAKE SALE Sat. June 1 I. 11 Ontario St. N. 8 amn - 1 pm McNAUGHTON COURT SALE (off Cabot Traîl) Several Vendors Lofa of freasores Saturday, June lat 8 am. - Noon MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE 31, 33, & 35 Dawson Coes., Milton Infants clofhing, girs clofhîng sîze 6, ladies & mena clothîng, rnaferity clothing, Fisher Price wind-up swing, foys, lots of household gooda. Somefhîng for eeeryone Saf. June 1 8-2 No early birds please. BLUE HERON WOODWORKS" FURNITURE LAWN SALE RAIN OR SHINE SAT. JUNE 1ST. 9 AM - 3 PM i 11998 Wlnston Churchill Blvd. Georgetown 1 1/2 Miles N. off Mayfild Rd/River or., Georgetown New ready 10 finish handcrafted furnture. Plant stands. pantries, îelly cabinets, book- cases, dressers, night tables, armoires. wardrobes, TV armoire, china cabinet. Ha,- vest table, cottea & end tables, deacon banches. hutch & buffet, corner cabinets, TV vdeo cabinet, sofa tables.jarn cup- board, bianket boxes, desks. dry sink, qudlt racks, curio cabinet, hall mrror cabinet. magazine racks, dressing vanity. mîreors, magazine tables and much much more. Being a truck and take 1l it ih yen! Oruies seleke. AUCTUON SALE SATURDAY LNE 1. 2002 FOR MAI RGARET & THE LATE CLIFFORD WRIGGLESWORTH Sale ta be held ai their praperiy 8188 liernhy Raad. Hoaby, Fast ef Milton Sale conssstiof af complote housetsotd contents: Astique and modern Fumniiurr. Glas',. China. Apptiances, Toots and Mise. Household Items. AUCTIONEERS REMARKS: Te Wniggtesworth's have heen tfelîme residents of Homby. A ver large saieswiuh many îneresting aod unisled items, Plan iii attend. Directions: Froc, Steeles Ave. North on Homhbv Road lai Homhy General Store) Walch for sîgns. DO0HERTYS AUCTION SERVICE 905) 878-98012 1905) 854-3577 AUCTIONEER: PATRICK DOHERTY Detailei Listing ai www.auctionsf înd.com1doherty vole. iane 2 yoa(s ori more cafetera expert- -1 ence. Musf bave own :F transportation, Pleasei fax reaumea f0 905- cc 876-1519. * COOKS reqaired. earn: ap to $l2/br. Appiy at :. Keseys on 171 Speers1E Rd. Oakviile. DOMINOS Pizza now !. birîng part-fime staff. Appiy in person at 17 Wilson Drive (tfthe corner of Main St . and Wilson Drive) affer 4prn FREE training. Drie Us. Scbool Bas Drivera Wanfed. Cail (905) 877- 4448. Laîdiaw la an equa oppartanify Comn- pany. HAIRSTYLIST Fal-fime for a anisexshaop, maie or female. Aak for Nick or Lily 905-844-5113. HELP wanfed at Gat- den Centre andL Nursery MuaI be bard- working and pleasant f0 cuafomera. Harticaffarai knowiedge an asset. Repiy in person af Arbor Garden Centre and Nursery, 6556 Trafagar Rd, or phone/fax 905- 876-1395. MECHANIC-Helper/ Mecbanic Apprentîce/ lire person for mediums aized truck f leet. Ap- prenticeship avaiabie for quaiîied appiicanf. Must bave vaiid driveras tcense and transporta- tion. Wage negotiable. Paid beneffla. Cati for appointmenb ater 2prn. Bruce Witliimson 1- 800-862-1470 est. 5 or (519) 853-5773 ext. 5. SEEKING expeienced home cteaning staff. Mit- ton ares. Futi-time or Part-lime. Top psy. Cati 905-693-9027. L WANTED AZ Drivers, taat bed work for Southi- emn Ontario and Michi- gan. Esperience pre-P ferred. Home wee- kenda. Beniefits. Cal Beat Tranafer 519-853- c 5773 or 1-800-862- a 1470. jYOUTH Worker te- quired. We are fooking for a yoafb worker (20 bouta pet week( 10 be abared among 3 Angli- can Pariabes in tbe Georgetown ares. Fan resamea 10. SI SIe- phono Anglican Cburcb, 905-876-3462. DZ Driver Fer pasomenl ri iareiKiiCon ipaiy 'n Sori nqto[s Slail irnn:ied[alsly Lir i summorei oirsPer accomndationn paiS wheriiftO 0il nn Fax: Resîmne 905-336-876 Mailtol: 1780 Ironstoni Dr L BurlingIon, On 17L 5V3 jSTUDENTS YES YOU'I Summer Work $18.05Bu/Appt e Scbolarsbips avaîl. in eFu training provîded 0 Cuaf railes/service a 0Condtions apply it Cali 905-842-004 as wokosts des scsm/on cft IAIRSTYLIST's I Uphoisterer W ~IT!~ t Wanted Miftan & Waterdown: Occasional Top pay gtsaraonned Part-time iOUil plusfor Furniture Commission & bonkses Manufacturer Fan placets work i nOkit Excellent hOflolits Please Caîl package ~905-465-3136 AdosoceO spdalîng aEquipment prodsd -No clientole required -F/1 &P/T Positions ~ eFleoible Work Houîs Gall 905-308-6118' IFH Are yen asncergeli Pc rvan. Swaning toworcin afs ~I ~ ' correni1y ,icccpling applica- t ions fîîr 1he fiîllowing: P.T. Store P.T. Housekeeping Weekend Days 5pm - 3am Dishwasher Appty in prsn tifth Whc t Tntck Stop 40 Chishntm Drt iltoln Z NOW HIRINO for fol lowing positions: *Restaurant Manager Shift Supervisors - FutI-lime, Part-lime Kitchen Help - Fuît-lime, Part-lime *Experienced Servers. No phono cafta. Appt y direcftly t store, 550 Ontario Street, Milton BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH is now hîrîng fulltimne l2pm - 8am, Sant - 4pm, and parr.sîme 4pm-l2pm The successful applicants must bo flexible, highly morivated and able to work the weokends. Your motîvationat skilts coutd erm you an average hoarty wage of berween '1 0.00 and 'l 6.00/hr with a base puy of '8.00/hr. Please apply ici persan au 40 Chishoîn Drive No phone catis please Counter Person Ths challenging. [ast paced position requies a personable, hard-working, dedicated individual and offrs an encitiof high tempo work environ- ment for someone wîh god communication and orïaniztional slcitîs. Tin candidate should ho ah eo provîde encollent cuseemer relations aod pusses'. srrong teamwork ethics. Rentai Ready Person Peeparation of rental eqoipmenr with minimal supervision with somne heavy lifting involved. Humant Resources Battlefield Equipment Rentais 375 Steeles Ave. East Milton, Ontario L9T 3G6 Fax: 905-878-5750 E-mail address: No Phone Catis Please Bailding soppîy yard reqaîres DZ DRIVERS FORK LIFT OPERATORS GENERAL LABOUR HELPERS Heasy liftinsg 10'.ofse.d Drivers niusi pros de correol drivers lîcerise wsith boom tracts expeti- soce an îsel. We provîde a compeltîtve sîarliog wage aîsd conîpany benetîts. Patene Building Supplies L.ld. 7449 Traflgar Road/ Auburn Road (south of 401), Hornby (905) 875-0279 HALTON FAMILY SERVICE is seeking volunteer board members tramn Burlingion, Halton Hulis, and Milton. Members of diverse communities are encouraged ta apply. Halton tamîly Services is a United Way agency pros viding a wîde speclram of corselliîg servîces Io (ho people of Halbin. We are seeking Naard representa- lion tram Haltaus tsaur manîcipalities, bul in accar- dance wilh the PolîCy Governance mudel, board mem- bers represent ail the people uf Halbin. Familiarity with, or willingness (o learn the Policy Governance modtel ot board goversance is important for buard nernbership. Board ngs eplaeduing h dy Pieus fax jour qipication by Muy 31sf te: 90-45-3537