Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 May 2002, p. 24

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24-The Canadian Champion, Tuesdav. May 28, 2002 r ampu *SOFAS FOR LESce Sofas, Chairs and Sectianals of Starting From oF=i ci oiUncompromsing Qualîfy and Style. ,qw M Im(agine, Genuine La-Z-Boy ai t ' prces thaï: vil Delight you' UV V 4 1il 1. BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY ENGAGEMENT RETIREMENT SMALL privaîe affices, beautifully appointed. Hwy 25 & 401. 1-905- 277-9347 or 1-905-275- 6834. CALL Redwaad- 1-866- 357-0471 1-yr 4.55, 5-yr 6.25. ARM 1.49. Ase equîly mrtgage pre- grama. regardtessoetin- corne or credîl. 170 APartnMet For Rent 1 ancr .ocdroom apanl, n-îeiti \ýeoly renouated n bm - uildng. -S. i.. i liteS icuai: a- l ir cýie aunes F i i ý-345 905-875- 4.q89 1 Luiom aparimuot for ietNo pets. Frsi aine lasi. S7SOîmonth. Auilable îmmediately PU applicatien Bergs- mas Home Decer, Downtewn or tas 905- 876-2205. 1 bedmeora apartmenl. Avalable JulyIyt. $800/raanth ncluding ulilities. Firt & taxI. 905- 878-9993. Mitonis prestige condo- minium highrise. $1,400. References and application betore view- ing. Caîl Mark Mallalieu, Milpand RealIy Inc. 905-876-0633. 2 bedroom. Newly ena- vaîed. Skylight. deck, slave, fnidge, reserved parking, cenIraI Milles. modemn building. No Pets. References. Firsl/asi. $945 plas hy- dro. 878-8123. ACTON Aparments For Rent 1 bvdroom & 2 bedroom apartmentu for immediale and fune axc.upancy Open7 oays/wmec.s 5,-me tay Approsai Na Dogs -853-4374 MILLSIDE TOWER 1 &2.ùdoimOm. Ait iieiuamBuiding ideai Cia Towrî locaion 2a ueianses Launciryoillîîies Uiîiîiîees iaed Oni-Site Resieni Managers Open 7 days Samne daee ppravai Cait: (905) 87&-1249 Mo renit in the country. Long or short terra available. One-Two bedroora apartmenf wth ktchen, dînîng roam, living roara, free baîbrooras, fis- sbed recreation oom wifh air tigbf waad slave, One-tbree plus bedoora apartmrent with ktchen, dînîng roora, ana-four piece batbroora, large main flear faraly roora with gas trepiace, Lots of parking. Contact Wayne Casson Re/max Bue Sprngs Really f Halool Corp. 905-878- 7777 dayime. 905-854- 4390 evenînge. EXCEPTIONALI Neswy enovatdird u'rom u,.,.rinien iii . L pa. au. bic lioft Qu .1Main iîre*r uidig Ai -iý pauce e rr î&iaitS5 pus oye i, 7 23 Moidsy o Frta1 9-5 GEORGETOWN. one bedmooni api. bight & ciean. 5700 plus hydro 519-853-5080. 519-853- 5352 NICELY decorated i bed- room apartment in quiet neigbbaumhaod. Aalablfe Jaly 1. $850/raanth sn- claies tlities, cable & N/C. Ask for Conrad 905- 639-8777 days, eveninga 905-693-0216. 2 bedroom flouse, main level, on 1 1/2 acres wifh pond. Main Street & James Snow, Milton. Jane 1sf. $1,200/month plus utiliies and ground maintenance. 905-875- 1150. COUNTRY home 10 minutes la Milon and 401. Fumished, 4 bed- raam, 3.5 baîha, 2 ire- places. study, sunroara On 33 acres. Septem- ber 1, for 1 yea. $2500/raonlh plus ulili- ies. 905-854-4156. FOR Rent. Good laca- tion in Mlon suilable for non-omokers wokîng couple ile references No pela. chldien weî- comqe Second uveIl f heus wiO 9 teet oeil- îmgs. 3 bedroom or 2 iith l.ing Avalable June !St, $1100.0 sL Ipls aurifies. Appîy 10 PO Boa 163, Miloni. Olt LYF 4N9 SHARED Accommoda- ions close 10 Downiomn Mlon, female pre- Isrvi. $47750, incui- îng utlîies, Available Juiy ist, 905-693-9753. ALLCIagedAd s I.UMPLE i LT enovaîvu .3 oeoroam îawnnouse, very quiet street, 3 car drîveway, ail appliasces plus gas, $130000 plus utilifies. Perfect for young tarai- y or protessionals. Avalable September 1, 2002. Please caîl (905) 875-5286. ONE year oh Tawnhouse located in Hawthorne Vil- lage. Avalable slartîng July 1. $1 500.00/manth, Cal 905-337-8686. ROOM for Rent an farm. 10 905-873-8017. I.LEAN, non-smokssiig piuiuasiuîiei(maepeeres ta rest 1 large roorain townhause. $450 inc., iraI & ast. ram. 905-876-1216. School's 7th Annuel Craft Sale which will be held on Saturday, November 9, 2002 f rom 10:00 ar.. b 4:00 p.m. Ths is a Junied Show presented by the Actas High School Advisory Council. For more in- formation snd an application form please contact the achool at (519)853-2920. PELOW - Big sister Courtney and big brother Christopher are happy 10 finally introduce their new baby sister 10 the world, lttle Calie-Lyn Theresa arrived on May 16 at 2 ara. and weîghed 7lbs, 1 Soz. Proud parents are Dan and Diane. A special thasks ta Dr Ramanna and the nursing staff at St. Josephs Hospitalfin Hamilton. Margaret Ana Di Benedetto June 23, 1945 - April 24, 2002 Ann's faiiy is nvilîng friendo te rome anrd oliare .n the ceIebration o ciAnu s lie V blugh Fosic-r Hall -.4 Brase iiSrect Mitüî)i ON Saturday. June 1, 2002 at 2 p.m. Vioîiced by ihi ef resiments Jim Strain 190 Ontario St., Milton 878-6522 Monuments Markers - Bronze Markers Cemetery Lettering ci (Gar 01 at Osh Kosh and sa much more... ,hildrens gently used clothing ip, Old Navy, Disney, Nike & more) AWESOME ne Day OnIy Sale~ Safurday, June 1sf From 12 - 3 pm. The Boyne Community Centre South ot Milon 2287 Brifannia Road I (25 & Brifannia) Newborn to youth sizes Cash only I.UNNELLY, uernice reacefully, at Milton District Hospital on Friday, May 24, 2002, Bemice Connelly in her 77th year. She was truly loved and wiIl be forever remembered and misaed. Fniends were received at the J. Scott Early Fanerai Home, 21 James St., Mlton on Sunday. A Mass ot Chrstian Burial was held on Monday, May 271h ram Holy Rosary Roman Catholic Church. Interment followed at Evergreen Cemetery. As expressions ot sympa- thy, donations bo Community Living North Halton or the Canadian Cancer Society would be appre- ciated Iy the family. COWTON, Rick Suddenly at the McMaster University Medical Centre in Hamilton on Saturday, May 25th, 2002. Rick Cowton in his 53rd year. Beloved husband ot Valarie. Loving father of Csyton and Amanda. Sadly missed by is brother and sisters Jimmy and Geraldine Cowton, Olive Rea, Shirtey & Merv White and Deanne Maltby. Predeceased by is parents Fred and Ethel Cowton and brothers Amold and Bobby. Family and frienda visited aI the McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 on Monday. A private fami- y service will be held in the funeral home chapel on Tuesday, May 28th, 2002. Memnorial dona- tions to the McMaster University Medical Centre or the Canadian Liver Foundatios would be appreciated by the family. GLOVER, A. Mildred - Passed away at ber home in Beamaville. peacefully with ber family by ber ide on Saturday May 25, 2002 in ber 84th year. Mildred taught at J.M. Denyes retiring in 1979 and was a former resident of Miltos. Mildred waa deeply loved by ber daughter Barbara Hannah (Cak) and son Donald Glover al of Beamaville. She was adored by ber grand- children. Scoft, Deborah, Stephes, Robyn, Alan, Amanda, Cody and Luke and ber greaf grand- children Madison, Kndra, Jacob and Kennedy. She was a dear ivIer afI Eus (Art) Walker, Willis (Sandra) Johnstone, Wilma (Tom) Moore and the laie Grace (Stan) May. She had a rich lite and louched many and wîll be greafly mssed by ihose who knew her. The funerai serice was held aI the Vnland Chapel of the Talîman Fanerai Homes. 3277 Knîg Si. Vineland on Monday, May 27 ail1:30 p.m Inletment foliowed n Mount Osborne Cemeivry. Beamsville If desireci donations may be made 10 Omagh Bible School. A speî. ai ;hanks to the staff of the Renil. 1alysis Uri iî ,,iHoiel Dieu HospitliSt Catharines On May 2 2002. William John (Jacki) HAWKINS, oI Si. Cath0îînes, husband of Jean, faiher of Bob and Tom, peacefuiiy passed away ai the age of 75. Donations 10 the Canadian Disnet c Society are apprecîated by the famiy "IhNties- -r cnI.udo DAYCARE available in ray home 63Oam - 9pra. Meals provîded. New Mataray developravol. 905-203-7056. RAINBOW Village Day Cane ix 00w acceplîng registration fan Septem- ber Ages 18 menlhs le 5 years. Lîrailed spaces aIse available nom, (905)878-7552. REGISTERED chîld- care provîder has vs- cancies. Cauntry set- tîng. Hot healthy meals, crafts & TL.C. pravided. Contact Karen 905-693- 9554. 1992 Bobaordier Lii Seadoo with new caver and Ezi-Loader trailer $250000 000. For de- laîls visit www.sea- doa .nef/specitica- tionsfisdes.asp or cali 905-877-8664. CARPET I have several 1,000 yrds. of new Sfaînrasfer & 100% ny- lon carnet. Will do living- roam & hall for $349. In- cludes carnet, pad & in- stallation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 DININGROOM suite with 4 chairs, buffet, hufch, and server, ex- cellent condition. $140000 OBO; large entertaisment unit, new cost $200000, ose year-ald asking, $1 200.00; two antique dressera, ose with rair- ror, asking $575/set; end fables $60.00/pair; Ïboakcaseldesk $20.00; amatI humidifier, $2000. 905-877-8664. FOR Sale: Queen size waterbed, mattres style, excellent condi- tion. $100. Must seIl. Glass coffee table $25. 905-878-5987. GARDENING masure triple mix - caw, sheep and goat. Picked up or delivered - bags or yards. Teggart Farma, Steeles Ave., W. af Win- stan Churchill Ble. (905)826-1408 Toîl f ree 1-877-218-2448. For Sale Items are contmnued on thre nest page! ~(Iyour w ~pfwtyto haw a sCd à Christine & Patrick Browm oi Mitton are pteased ta announce the engagement ai their daughter Kerrie-Le. Io Creig, son ai Barb & Andrewv Stevenson oi Bailieboro, ON Wedding Io take place November 2002 in the Bahamas. Allter.30 years of leaching and caaching at Milon ORH.S. VERNE O'NEIL JE RETIRINGI OPEN HO USE Sunday, June 2 2s30-5.00 p.m. Hugli Foser Hall (next la Town Hall) REST WISHES ONLY Drap in and say hello la Vene " and his family a il

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