The Caniadian Champion, Tuesday, May 28, 2002 -23 Triathion at Kelso Sunday l' sonce again ime 10 gel in gear toc the a", aI155t.9'. ai I,o( o ai.tltont \ieî Part of thte Suharti Tr iatîhlontSeries, Milloîts seaso openi g compelîllon will once again include races lor those of- al skill les els. For the heginner. Ihere's a Try-A-Tri Photo by GRAHAM PAINE -'Drury duo serves up success E.C. Drury Spartans Scott Nemeth (let) and Josh Caswell proudly display the Halton cham- pionship medal they won in mens doubles tennis action earlier this month in Burlington. They went undefeated at the regional showcase and punctuated their golden drive with a 2- 0 sweep of a duo from Lester B. Pearson. They'll lead an E.C. Drury contingent thatîIl now test their mettle at the OFSAA championships next Tuesday, June 4 in Newmarket. Jr. B Mavericks push I" their win count to five iI~ By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion When the Jr. B Mas ericks hegin a tome- and-home series ss ith the top-seated Halton Hilîs Bulldogs Thursday il shoîîld be with a newtound sense of purpose. Milton hosted 20(02 Founders Cup hosîs six weeks ago in season-opening play and aI the time, was simply looking 10 rein- troduce local sports tans to lacrosse. A less than impressive effort was dcliv- ered and the end result was a 20-8 pasting for the Mavs. Since then, the upstart juniors have made signiftcant strides- having won a handful of games to ftrmnly plant themselves in the playoff picture- and will no douhî be eager to prove that againsl the OLA Mid- West front-runners starting Thursday ntghit aI John Tonelli Sports Centre. The 5-7 Mavericks wili he coînîng off' their most hectic sseek Io date - one iîn which they came hearthreakingly close to a dlean sweep. Miltoîts îhree-for-three hîd was eventu- alvy quashed in overtime in Six Nations Sunday aflemoon. The vîsitors erased a itumber of eads to force an extra session. where they were one-upped in the goal department and eclipsed 10-9. introduction lealurin- a 375-ilelre swim. 7.5kni run triathiooiiIe 2kni run. 30kmi bîke, 7.5km ruîi duathion. To register, contact Trispoir Pror-notîofls Canada Inc. aI (9(05) 945-6608 or visit their website at Keep ypur ~ ait b rea h e Air Conditioning Checi * Diagnostic performance test * Check beits & hases , Systeinirecharge Service ovailable for botb R 12 & R 134A systemns k-up KFN IN BIA(ktOt7K Kaeen Sherrff led ssîth a hat-tictk ishile laillinissîtwce \sere K yle Goet,. Kyle Hagel and Derek Mess ,hînney. Josh Arnold was betsseen te pipes sshile chip- ping in three assîsîs was Rîck Gallinger. This flilowed a prosperous îwo-game home stand in sshich the Maverîcks bol- steîed their shol ai posl season play with high-scoring vîclories overG(uelph (15-1l) and Nepean ( 12- 10). Paul Pedulla stood oui both nighls particularly agaînsl Guelph Thursday. when he sruck for ive goals and a pair of assists. Two nghts laer againsi Nepean, he capped an eîght-goal week wiîh a late marker 10 help seal the deal. Saturdays winner ta ly was deposited by Sherrill who had mcltî-goal efforts in ail three games last week as is slartlng 10 become a îhreaî bo score at even strenglh as sscI! as shorthanded. Meanss hile, MatI Decaîre- one ol the more promising youngsters ni the local linesîp- enjoyed his hîghest output this season serSLVs Guelph ThUrsday. wîîh two goals and four assîsîs. Thursday's game agaînst Halton Hilîs begins al 8 pirn. The north Halton rivaIs ssrapped up their season sertes ai Gordon Alcoît Memorial Arena Sunday ai 6 p.m. Be sure to catch the Milton Marauders' football debut against Qakville this Saturday at 2 p. m. at Bishop Reding. Il a m