-u The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 28, 2002-21 Bishop Reding duo golden at Halton/GHIAC Three-time champs Butcher and 'r Cargeli lead the wayfor Royals By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Bishop Reding will be sending another healthy contingent to high school track and field's second round. Led by a pair of tripie-Ibreat performers last week in Hamilton, 13 Royals moved on to tomorrow's South Regionals with impressive efforts at the combined Halton/GHAC Championshîps. As expected, midget boys ace Ian Butcher stole the show in both the 40(0 and 800l-metre races- prevailing ssîth finish- es <il 50.81 s and 2:09.34. This marked the second ime thîs sprîng thai he dipped under the 5 I -second mark in the 400m- a promismng sîgn so close Io ()FSAA. Butcher- a genuine provincial medal contender in both the 4(1) and 800m -also set a new sehool record of 23.4s in the 200m and helped Reding's 4x100m relay team secure gold with an overal lime of 48.23s. Meanwhile. BR now bas its legitîmate star in the field with retuming transfer stu- dent Chris Kargel. The well-rounded sen- ior matched Butcher's victory count with Halton/GIIAC triumphs in the javelin, high jump and shot-put. Mis javelin throw of 57.06m establisbed a new benchmark for Bishop Reding. He cleared I1.85m in the higb jump and regis- tered a 14.62m mark in the sbot-put. Among BR's il other qualifiers, three were Halton champions and one was a two-time Haiton/GHAC goid medalist. That latter distinction weni to midget Mike Rubino -wbo aiong witb being part of the winning reiay team tumed back al 100m challengers with a 12.08s finish. Midget Darren Izumi was first in Halton and second in GHAC in the long jump- clearing 5.30m. He was aiso a reiay team member and quaiified in the 200m with a 27.01s effort that was good enough for fifth. Among the girls, midgeî Julie lantomo bested al I-laton long jumpers and took the munner-up spot in GHAC with a ieap of 4.5 lm. She was the busiest of al Royals ast week- advancing in a total of five events inciuding the 200m (4th, 28.94s), 400m (Sth, 65.52s), junior girls 4xl00m relay (4th, 57.12s) and open girls 4x400m relay iSth, 4:44.52). Senior Michelle Doeli looking to make ber third trip to OFSAA in four years -qualiied in the 800m (3rd. 2:38.41), I .500m 4ih. 5:43.07) and open girls 4x400m. Equaliy busy thîs week wiil be junior Megan Burke and midget Mike MeGilI. McGili advanced with a second-place mark in the grueiing 3,000m and a (bird in the 1,500m- stopping the dlock at 10:23.07 and 4:44.18 respectively. i-e was also part of the winning reiay foursome. Burke was a member of botb girls reiay teams and finished fourtb in the 400m with a lime of 1:07.89. Other South Regionai qualifiers include Megan Ames, Mike Camn, Cariy Dueil, Mark Gribbon and Milva Sarpong. Milton District sent jusi a handful of atb- letes to, the Hlaton/GHAC showcase - none of whomn managed to advance. Andrew Basso camne tbe ciosesi witb a sev- enth-piace sbowing in the midget boys long jump. E.C. Drury did not bave a track and field teamn this year. The South Regionais wiil be heid tomor- row and Tbursday ai Hamilton's McMaster University. Top four finishers move on to OFSAA June 6 to 8 in Belleville. .5,. À -- -, BR's Darren Izumi delivers an impressive long jump during Iast weekend's HaltonIGHAC Championships in Hamilton. He was one of 13 Royals to qualify for the next round of track and field competition - this week's South Regianals at McMaster University. Photo by PETER McCUSKER ..... ..... . ..... .5 For omlee dmis 5isi t te lm tMoaw actac9430 Guelph L,,,e. or ail 1-800-732-2230. Mst be 19 year or ge o .de ~~" 'Pay sponàib5.gQnaÉi Gm e rliç 1-888-230-3505. ANVU stergsee raeako anvlCroain ___à a