Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 May 2002, p. 33

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 24, 2002-33 Dateline Uatesrte is a tîee iisirtg .1 c.onng .jven ily. i ilul s available ta local community groups ta assist in promotirtg their future events. OnIy charitable or non-profit community groups may use this service. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity closest to the date of the occurrence although more insertions are possible if demand is 10w. Friday May 24 lî's Survivor Night at the Milton Leisure Centre for youths aged 9 to, 13 years. The event runs from 6:30 t09:30 p.m. Participants should bring a swimsuit and towel. Tickets cost $5 each and are available ai the leisure centre. Saturday May 25 The North Halton branch of the Canadian Red Cross holds a First Aid and CPR course ai 100 Nipissing Rd., unit 5, from 9 ar..10o6 p.m. To register or for information, cati (905) 875-1459. The Milton H-istorical Society holds a book sale and signing of 'Mirs. Meys Memories' ai Percy Meny Public Sehool, 263 Britannia Rd.. rom 10 arn. to 2 p.m. Proceeds go toward the restoraîjon of the Waldie Blacksmith Shop. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds 'Vaudeville Night' with entertainer Mel Collie. Doors open ai 5:30 p.m., followed by a ight dinner and cash bar. Tickets cosi $20. To reserve seats or for information. eall (905) 875-168 1. Percy Merry Sehool. 263 Britannia Rd., holds a Fun Fair and Garage Sale from 10 a.m. 10 2 p.m. Sunday May 26 Bereaved Families of Ontario holds the WaIk to Remember ai Centennial Square, Navy Street and Lakeshore Road in Oakville from 10 a.m. 10 I p.m. For information, cati 1905> 813-0363. Monday May 27 The Halton HuIs Quilters Guild pot luck meeting is held ai John Elliont Cultural Centre Gallery ai 6:3(1 pm. For information. cal! Wendy ai (519) 83-3-0483. The Brampton/Mississauga parent support group for the Toureites Syndrome Foundafion meeîs ai Grace Community Church. 2476 Argentia Rd.. in Mississauga ai 7:301 p.m. For infor- mation, cal! Chantai ai 905) 607-6316. The Oakville Christian Womnen's Club holds a dinner ai the Oakville Golf Club ai 7 p.m. The evenîng features entertainer Roison Hartnett and speaker Eileen Goodman of Thombhill. Also featured is Springridge Farm's ideas for famîly outings, seasonal events, baking and gardening. To reserve a seat or for information, cal (905) 875-6866. Holy Rosary Church. 139 Martin S., holds Milion@Prayer ai 7:30 p.m. Members from ail churches meet t0 pray for the town and its people. Everyone rom aIl relîptous denominations are wel- corn e, 0attend the service. For information. cal 905> 854-021)7. Tuesday May 28 Do you have a ness baby? Calling New Parents, a free prograro for parents and babies aged 6 months and younger. meets 10 dis- cuss parenting and infant care. The group meets ai the Milton Communiiy Resource Centre. 917 Nipissing Rd.. trom 1:311 10 3:301 p.m. For information. cal 9(15)693-4242. ext. 7899) HeIp for Parents, a parent Support group. meets ai Pinclands Preshyterian Cburcli. 5270 Nevs Si.,.in Burlîngion ai 7:310 p. This non-denominational self support group hielps parents of chîl- dren as ho are in trouble ai home, ai selool or as uIt the lac or who are abusive or taking drugs. For information, cal 416) 251-01233 (days) or (1)05) 842-1729 leveninossi Improve communication and leadership skills ws th the Milton Toastmasters. Everyone is ivelcomne to attend the meeting ai the Royal Canadian Legion. 21 Charles St. lupper level), at 7:31) pr. For information. caîl Sue ai 905) 876-2563. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre. 500 Childs Dr.. holds 'Mingle and Chat' from I1:30 to 3:30 p.m. For information, cal (905) 875-1681. Wednesday May 29 Halton Healiheare Services presenîs free seminar. 'New Advances in the Diagnosis and Treaimeni of Osteoporosis' ai 707 Galaxy Banquet Hall in Oakville. The semînar features meta- bolie bone dîsease specialisi Dr. Aliya Khan. To reserve a seat or for information. caîl (905> 338-4379. The Milton Seniors' Acivitv Centre,.50(1 Childs Dr.. holds 'Lunch and Learn'. Lunch is served ai 11:30 a.m.. followed hyaa discussion ssiih speaker Doit Bridges ai 12:45 p.m. Mr. Bridges dîscusses is experience vs îih taîl ships and shares footage. T» reg- isier for the lunch or for informaion. cal9115> 875-I1681. ThursdaY May 30 Tîte Halion,'Harniliton/Niagara chapter of VOICE. a1 suppor1 oroup for parents, t hearing îrnpaired chiildien. nîeet- is 71 -pnoFoi location or îtorma:iiort. cal!> '-1>15',35- 1064 NEservice iNlMLTON cnr À4u+Tu~LL&WTED cnr Specialîziug in.. - FUEL INJECTION *AUTO ELECTRIC & CHARGING AUTO AND TRAILER WIRING SYSTEMS DELCO BATTERIES *TUNE-UP & EMISSION CONTROLS BRAKE SERVICE *AUTO AIR CONDITIONING SAFETY INSPECTIONS 18 Thompson Rd. Unit 12 87&7221 iiifllmuuvEu.,.aJL Cail Steve Boers 706 Main Street, East (g)O ii MlON UI9mI IDve eDZ IeD' Mnetaihwu F~ GodWrnchMilton lpr C [j servioe Car Centre Z SALES IIORS SERICE "uH"oIrS5m 1 -.W Serving Milton For soi us asits t on Fi 551>5 Over 3 Genertin n >' d B ui a" p 85 s# .gol EStibdt tan Sîs Studay ,îm 2toi S7S4Spec ali zng in aitlimport vehîcles RECunAR SGN89 1 Volkswagens- Fuel Injection & Diesels HWY 5 SAT ERR RDMOIL GERHARD & RUDY 583 Main Street E. HW 5S TDRYR. ITN(905) 878-5330 Mlton rSpring-Cleaning Should Include lire and Wheel Cars Wînîer is gîtue and youre ready1 fotr somte greai sprîug drîviugj adventures. Your sehicle is ready( 100. freshly washed and waxed. Butl someting is mîssiug. liet ires and witeels look dulI. beai up. peritaps (rom te harsh winîser iveaiher.1 lu essence. vour veiicles appear- ance bas te effeci cil sornteone wearîîtg a uew suit 'sIt'sorntshoes tai are badly in need of polîshîng. Sci xhat do you doi 10 make ihose ires ain(l]'slie s look as good as the resi ol vîur car. sait. pîckup or spoîrt uIlitix sehicle" Jits> a le's years agît. there'erei*t otalis chîtIces .Yîîu coiilu scrab and srîîb 's It soip and 's ler. speîîcfîîg a loi o> ime aîîd perlî.ps scraiciîg stir s aluable 's ieels iinte pro> ess. Or. s tit cîuld tise oe tif te le's ire tare piodctîics tîta>'sere asail- able, stîîne tof's bici cotsaiied yfAlURO -eLL BFGOOn %--dUEJAL ifs peiroleurntdistillates. whicitlefi a1 glossys sitîe but could crack andi daîmage expensive ires, litiwas iben. -Today. tere are producis avait- able tai are very easy 10 use andi tai are desîgued for specîfîc tire-i and saliel cleauîng needs - says Denis Halion. esecutîve vice presi- dent of Nu loucit. a global leader in vehicle appearance citemîcals. uIite early '90s, uc iuirîtduced tur Origintal Tire Care. 'sicît 'as te fîrsi pat n-sak,' sfor- mula oithlie omarketi--aîd it con- tairied riotipeirtileunit dstilIlaies Sîîtce tes. ,'e e îtirodUced a îîîîîîber ofo>ter prodUcis iliai make t easieî (tir people 10 care lor ilteir selicles 'sîteels aîîd ires. \V liasve Premuîîm Tire Care ftîr a lotîîîger-lastiît,,sîîse and Wei 'N' Pioteci lor popole 'sttio relei a 1876,4788 SENTINEL AUTO MOTIVE Major & Minor Repairs l une Ups - Air Conditioning .Brakes -Engines -Exhausl -4x4 Safely Inspections- Towing- Marine Repairs Emîssion Repaîr & Preîesling -lfi-'Tech Service zvitli Ofd- 'Tashfiooed- Value 342 Bronte St. South, Units 12 & 13, Milton 878-8066 __ daced Winier Tire Care. whîch is specifically designed 10 proleci ires [rom wînîer elements. Al ihese producis hase easy-io-use spray- and-walk-away formulas tai also1 are envîronmenially responsible.1 Tvpically. tiese ire foant producis, 'shicit corne in an acrosol cosling about $4. cîcaît. shitne and prîlleci up 10 40 ires. We also recenily added a Whie Letier Tire Cleaiter 10 our lise.' Wih ihe gro'siig populariix of custom taheels. especially unî St Vs. 's bc cleanîng fias become increasingly imporanit10 ntore peu- pie. and ihere are a îîumber 0f prod- ucis available to do the job well. -dTahe (tifr mstsipeople i, o fidacleauing produci litai is coit veniet Iio use. and 0one bai is com- patible wîîh lite type oI wheels ou "Today, ihere are severai excellent nues available.' lu Ihîs calegory. No Touch offers Deep Purple, which bas a formula ihat is designed to clean even siub- boru brake dusl >and road grime fromn any type of wheel. iititout damage. The producti s purple wheu fîrsi sprayed on witeels. ihen lurns bine afier 3(1 seconds. when ils cleaniug action is complele. Hosiug off witeels or a simple 's p- îng wiîb a spouge completes the process. "Thte importantl îiîg s avoîding te use of brusites. whîcb cas severel> scratcit ivieels.- Halton says. These days. sets of cUsiomn wheels atd Iigit perlorotance ires cas cosi iitousands of dollars. li's importait> 10 proiecittatiuses>,t ment. 555Mai S. E, iltnI95-78Il8 This spot could lie yours

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