14-The Canadian Champion, Frday May 24, 2002 WIRELESS ont Un limiteg Local Ca!ling Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Leonard McNeiI shows his Janet Carnochan Award. -McNeil given award for local heritage work Lcsrnarcl McNcil bas a passion foîr local liistsnry. That %Aas imade sIeur May I16 ushen the Milturnian xý as presentecl thce(Ontarior Historical Society's Janet Carnurchan Avard utillugh loster Hall. The auxard s prcsented annually Ioara incividual who bas coItliîbLitcd maray years rîtservice to the beritage csrmmcinity. A teacher and bistorian. Ms Carnosiean uxas the Ionrder ofI the Niagara H istnrical Sorciety in 1895 and ux as the crnxing t'orce bebind the establishment ofl the Niagara Historical Society Museum n 1907. Mr. McNeîl bas been active n preserv- ing Milton's htstory and was responsible lor wrinîng the Constitutionu for tIre Milton Historical Society. He alssi belped establisb the tosu n's Luocal Architectural Conserv ation Advisory Conrmittee. Also, lac belped put up historical plaques ait thc P.L. Robertson Company plant on Bronte Street. Mr. Mcecl prewux P îin the Lindsav/Peterborough area bclorc onîsx o tsi Milton with bis vile Helen in 1958. He had been a member of' the Ontario Hiistorical Society tor several vcars and u as 015(1 president nI thc Durham Country Club ni Toronto. During bis tern. thc club crected a plaque at Courtice in Durham Countv, csrmmemorating the arrivaI ol the parents of the Hon. Robcrt Balduxin in Bowmanvtl le. Mr. Mceil was alssr Milton's Citizn ' î the Year in 1986. NOTICE TO PROPERT IY uWNRS~i WEED CONTROL THE ONTARIO WEED CONTROL ACT AS IT APPLIES TO PERSONS IN POSSESSION 0F LAND WITHIN THE TOWN 0F HALTON HILIS NOTICE IS HEREBY IVEN liai uness naxînas weeds are aesiroyed by June 10, 2002 and as allen as is necessary lhrougrout the seasan ta prevear ihe ripening oft tieir seeds and the dispersai of their pollens. the Twn oi Halaon His may enter prîsare praperty and destrray hese weeds The cosis wiii be clrarged agarasi rhe properly awner and coiiected an ras manner ai municipal ases. Por inormarion ot ail pruperty ceners, rhe laiiawîng are designared as naiaus weeds in the Twn oi Haran Hilis. Bull Thaltle Noddîng Thrstle Canada Thîstie Poison Hemiocli Colts Foot Poison iny Common Barberry Proso Millet, Black-seeded Cypreas Spurge Ragweed Dodder Ruasian Thîsîle European butckthorn Scotch Thiatie Goatas Beard Sow Thialle Johnson Grass Tuberous Velchlîng Knapweed Leafy Sparge Wid CarraI Mlkweed Yeliow Racket Camplaînis regardîng dandelîo and golden roua wil sol 5e accepied as lasse are aur cassiderea nasînos weeds parsuanr la ras Wesd Castrai Acr Ananymausucamplaînis wii nul Se accepted. Camplaînts shauid se drected ta. Cathy Sinclair Weed Inspector (905) 873-2601, ext. 7714 95 1: