0 -- ~-Imm 8-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, May 21, 2002 teY487 Laurier Ave. 878-2881 ,Much happening behind scenes at Allendale, says Wolfson, the facili*ty's new admi*nistrator By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion Having recently taken over the reins of seniors' services with Halton Region, Miltonian Sheldon Wolfson is heading up a growîng departmnent. I1 happen to be based at Allendale (Long- Term-Care Facility), but it's much broader than Allendale - it's the whole region," the newly- appointed director of services for seniors said of hie responsibilities. Is really a continuum of care (operated by the Region). Our goal je to ensure that people are doing what they want to, that they are maintain- ing a quality and dignity in their ives." In addition to overseeing management of Allendale, Mr. Wolfson is in charge of support- ive housing services and aduit day-care pro- grains. Managers of new long-tenn care facili- ties opening in Oakville and Burlington will also report to him. "'Mat (development of the two southemn facil- ities) certainly has been the focus of my tasks 50 far," he explained. "Construction is expected to begin in the next few months in Oakville and we'll then proceed fairly quickly in Burlington as well." When it comes to visible changes at Allendale, there isn't much in the works just yet. the direc- tor added. However, theres much happening behind the scenes. "We need to address the ever-increasing needs of our resident population at Allendale. There are more behavioral issues; we're seeing increases in dementia and we're seeing people corne into the system who are older and more frail," Mr. Wolfson said. "There's really a need to continue to develop our system to meet this increase in needs.- The changing resident needs are in great part due to the other services offered in the commu- nity, the director continued. Prograins such as supportive housing (which offers homemaking assistance> and aduit day-care (allowing seniors to participate in recreational activities at Allendale during the day and retum home at night) are designed to help seniors stay in their homes longer. "Our whole philosophy is to recognize the varying facets, the varying needs and being able to approach ail of their needs," Mr. Wolfson said of the services in the community. "When you look at admission to a Iong-term care facility, it (services) becomes even broader because it does inctude sprntual, nutritional, nursing care." Allendale staff and management are alno in the procens of conducting an internai survey of poli- cies and programe. The survey is part of an accreditation process from the Canadian Council on Health Services (CCHS). CCHS representatives are also scheduled to survey the facility next year as part of the same accreditation procens. "This is a voluntary procens that we've been domng for several years now. We're already an accredited facility," pointed out Mr. Wolfson. I think that really denotes our desire, (regional) council's desire to ensure that wenre providing quality services." _____ _____ _____COGECO 14 Programming Schedule - May 2Oth - 27th, 2002. VW À Joda My 0t ueda %ay21stWen.dy.Ma 2n. hrsa. My23,Stna. fy2t ody a 7 5wam PI iuge f - 9 5um Plugguin - 19 00M puggouIw - 1gmin1, lie, = 1oln- an Ee5ee EEdy We8EftnnEay WeekEMonn 1233pm LiWeEdn Ue&EMM 10 n lion yR ~ 1io8m TueenuparseAu iOan we y Relan Aîun an SnaRpa k o ngM i1Haltn tiintd VICTORIA DAY n. ei 5 6 73i3~n PkigeIn' - S1pm,6mIl 7ai n r edn -WEdmnn n p&On Pigon- No Programnming n wEa d eo rt CeS Lin EdOOn 530p Mney Ceek Earty Anek EdSeSon www.cogeCO.C8 0m Seu hwas :0m KdCooneubon 5-10,n, ney WC s G0m eno s eouae 53SOnn 955 Gond ai 5 n ne<She po s Swa Tak(Le) 630pmn Neghbof IoN i OaiTsîW!e 3 Wn enyCCie NORTH FMALTON STUDIO 530p OmT Bi e) 1 Cip %on Cuni Brn Caî1in7:»mnOUI0Thsrnauh 6 ipm haul Laurier Plaza 8STpe nenge- Hocaey Cnoes*6np egbuiNehof 70p sws 500 Lurer Avenue ~ ,.iJef ~Hennaeçuunnil Ad 8»mn SponusZ(NE Lue Milton, ON L9T 4R3 ~4a Keeping North Halton Tumed ON! 4kP 77 ........... ........ ........