6 - The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, May 21, 2002 .COMMENT A<V r- New cash won't go PUMISERACPY AND TAxPAYERFUNDEIDRRP lot far when divvied UpSM5R( Pardon us for not doîng cartwheels ovei the iec.ent announicement of' a $350 million provincial injection for Ontario's puhlically-tunded school boards. Certainly this bit of news is a positive shift toward trying to rebuild education in this province, but it could hardly be characterized as a monumental leap forward. According to a February gathering of the Ontario Public School Boards' Association, there's a $ 1. 1-billion funding gap between what the province's 72 publically-funded school boards need for day-to-day school operations and what the province provides. The same gathering concluded an additional $6.8 billion wîlI be needed in the next five years to address school maintenance, renovations and expansions across the province. Suddenly $350 million doesn't sound lîke so much money. And it doesn't take a mathematîcal genius to figure out that this lat- est cash infusion won't go far when spread among the six dozen school boards that qualify for a slice ot the provincial fundîng pie. Lots more work still needs to be done. 2 O UR READERS WRJTE There's nowhere for 'pack animal' teens to go in this town, says woman Dear Editor: Sommer is almost upon us - ime Io let that most feared of beasts, the teenager, out of ils cage. And then whai is il 10 do? The teenager is a pack animal. It likes Io travel in groups and in Milton theres nowhere for il 10 go. 1 think il's about ime our Town gave a thought 10 these particular citizens and pro- vided some facilities or enteflainment for them. Otherwise, we'll gel yei another set of complaints from local residents about them hanging around the streets and making a nuisance of themselves. I 'm the proud owner of one of these feared animais, and 'd like to tbink theres somewbere she could go for a summer evening and bang oui with ber friends in a safe envîronment- just having f'un. Now I know Milton can't suddeniy con- jure up a bowling alley or movie theatre before the end of Jonc, but we do bave some places in town that could be put to use. Charlie Fitzwiskey's is currently sitting empty. Charlies was always a favourite hang-out of tbe younger crowd because of its decor, space and atmospbere. Only they could neyer tay too long or too ]ate because iî served alcohol. Couldo't the owner or landiord of tbe building work out something wbere it Il Main St. E.. The Canadian Champion, pubished every Tuesday and Friday at 191 4 9 Main St.tE_ Mlton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (tox 248), s one nfiThe Metnland ýnI L9T4N Prining, Pubishing & Ostrtuting Ltd0 grsup ut suburban conmparues wucs S icludes: Aja/Pickiering News Adertser, dlilston Herald/Courier Barrie F8-2341 Advance, Barrys Bay Tis Week, Boter I nterpise, Bramnpton Guardian, iurlington Post, tuntînglon Shopping Newu, City Paent, City ot Yods Guardian, Coliigwood/Wasaga Connection, tat York Mrror, EInn tx. 905878-4943 Addocate/Country Routes, Etotrîcoke Guardian, Flamorough Post, Forever Young, Georgetown IndependenitlActon Free Pess, Haton BusinesTimes, ix: 905-876-2364 Huronia BusinesTimes, Kingston Ths Week, Lindsay This Week, Makham d:9585300 Econnmist & Sun, Mdand/Pentanguishenie Mirrnr, Mton Shopping News, d: 95-87-33 Mssissauga Business Times, Missssauga Sews, Napanue Guide, in: 905-878-5947 Nassagaueya New, NwnarketlAuroa Era-Banner, Northumnberland Nws, iblisher Hockey ews, Or;ila Today shana/hitby/Clariflgton/Port Prry Tirs Woek, Peterborough Ths Woek, Pîcton Cnunty Guide, Richmond A.soeate Publinher Hitt/ThonOiIINaughan Lberal, Scarbonough Mineur, Stouffvitie/Uxbridge Editor ro.Chief Titiune. Advedîising is accepted onethe condition that, ru the event ut a type- Edrnor gaphical errer, that portion ot thn adedîisîng space occupied Sp the erre- Adu'eroisnng Manager nenus item, togehen atS a reasonable altwaunce tor signature,.ainet Ps charged to, but the balance ofthte adedtisement wiSli e paîd tor t the appli- - reulation Manager cabe rate The publistier reserues the iglt te categorine adedîisemets on nf,,M nvr declne. Tire Mloen Canadian Champion in a Reepsiabie Product could open ats doors and give our young people a place Io go listen to music, play pool and jusi chilI together. I know it would take a lot ot organiza- lion. There would bave 10 be strict rules. strong administration and a lot of 'polic- ing'. Tbere would bave to be zero tolerance of alcohol. drugs and fighting, but most of our kids are good kids and would abide by tbese rules if only given the chance. t's possible with the right approach. 0f course a smali membership or entrance fee of say $5 10 $ 10 a night would bave to be applied, but surely even this is better tban the building sitting empty- making no money at ail. Or couldn't the Town contribute finan- cially somehow 10 this projeet in conjune- tion with the landlord from its overflowing coffer gleamned at the casino. Ninety per cent of our teenagers are good kids and would love Ibis opportunity. If il wasn't feasible and problems did arise, it could be stopped - but should il not ai leasi be given a chance. Or what about Yahooz? A teenager's dream of a hangout. Could t flot give even one night a sreek 10 the 15 to 19-year-old age group during the sum- mer. lhey have the facilities; they have the staff. If îhey charged $ 10 per head and got 1001 kids, they'd sîjîl make $1000 for the evening. plus sales of soft drinks and snacks. Other towns have dance clubs that make Ibis arrangement for their young residents. I've been in the bar/restaurant business in Milton for nearly 20 years and l'mt aware tbat most revenue is made front booze and tbat pop and chips sales just don't pay the bills. But if the town could help out financial- ly and we could find a willing, compas- sionate and, yes, fearless owner or land- lord this could be achieved. Our beasts could be îamed and tbe resi- dents of Milton could rest peacefully in their beds. I 'd be willing to get involved personally with Ibis projeet and l'mt sure other parents would 100. Pauline Smith Childs Drive Ha,-ve your say with a letter to the edîtor. Please fax ait your letters to us,- (905) 878- 4943. Pud by Steve Nease +THE CAADL4ÏV CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Milton, On (905) 871 Editonal Fax Adveriising Fax Classified Circulation [n OIiverPuL lar Neil Oliver Jill Davis Karen Smith Wendy McNab Steve Crozier Teri Casas Tim Cotes Prodiution Manrager