30-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday May 21, 2002 flj AOAKIUE 2002 UI HYUNDAI SONNA LEASE , s on mmoionl fnaning2003 eDB OSI*, seect modeIs" 2002 ACCENT ( 2002 EL AN TRA VE ::0.. P o wwIR-ndOAiffrs 2 FROM 2002 bs ?îomdse îîFr MUhIMtlu <Fui mm wW99 Vs. Echo base -Pi.a- SU d smeue fur m50ae îm irn C osa * Oa aff an r O FI tssPeS4dRasOi R1em. eo s 0aro«r5 rtjRiVNGlSBun ViNG .0 VirRntr *More 545505capadi *more sort w e qîs&sOsOser o e5 * caroser * Tacmtorea . trore & regoorod %a * ie4snasb* aie oseoal * ores seai lumbar Se005 MM' a(r U oetesa NM eu .Firset8 . in5 054~ 107 SPE-RSeRAD( MI~ $2995 DOWN E9R MOi 48 MOS.M.148 OS FROM ~ER T E. NL FO 1 EO 48 MOS. LEASE FEIONT AND PUE I.EASE .-1NIG GCS10 2002 enlnite YM MCO M b3l 4VS126) 0s ou E-Pý.d 9s6 DOHC t2 ~ vs. FcSOH nin . -sMore pwer 0v.g 10)sSP 3229 Saet-MoreDtorques(133Cven125e - More lgae (0as 10cM RP$329 oral - More front headrooro & legroor * Wider tees Rear soir rot) bars - Front & rean mud flaps ero rae - Aiag occuanacy senson lactometer * 145 1DOW ,xeeaes - 4eo Frontaseat lumbar support *itear eat dacro r" 'PE' l'48ms 'as MsoorO - Crire codtol Remote retease fuel iller dsor qPRMO48OS oxparq s01 - Powser windows irake fluid wassenalgt LS Wsomw suesp - as pressurized front & rear shocks .B LEASIN Leasino ram s ataile tram in yuassFsasoat seraices iaseet se 2002 accent OS 3 dear, 2002 Eatra VE, 2002 Sarata St, 2002 Ad i0VTirrse, 2002 iSnta Fe and 2002 50300. OtOirper morth tr a 80 masttewatk asa ease. $2t112391$24940229 and $365 toe 40 musa D osas paymeet ai $0/$995/$1995/$23951$295irand $3495, seoari5y depasit $0/$01$2391$249/$2291$249. Fresit and PrE for iAccent, "~ Eata ie axeasa ocesesand $350 sacqu aritio ee extra.20000 km or sage alsaasce ar s ear 500 es. Addnaseskm charge et 0.10. See Hyseda i iaks le fardetaila m~ ru i~HAMILT~NOONTONT LIKE NEW!I 2001 Accent OS HUGE $AVING$, HUGE $AVING$ 1994 CENTURY V6 31 Lr engtne, automatic air conditoning, powe group ose owner trade dean dlean onit! Stk#U2995 "5,600 2000 ACURA 1.6 EL SPORT this model with auto, air, power windows & lscks iS a one owser trade. Absolutely in mini condition! Stk#U2893 '17,500 Reliability, dorabilty and value, ail in one' This is a great choice! Gas save, equipped with reat bold doms seats, huge hatch opening, tadto. AUTOMATIC - POWER STEERING- 1 30 1 BALANCE 0F FACT0RY WARRANTY 6 h artn.0Dwbaloapaxortît19300 orr, admirese, sa &gas nor e olded a[frdlis Restai Ratures 1998 ACCENT 3 Doot. hatchback, 5 speed weuh casseDe. Dont ca t00 long on tihs one! The prîce is ight' crassai vaOre sa S 0 1996 GMC SIERRA SL V8, engine, auto, atr cond, poweer steering and brakes, box lier, excellent shape. Stk#U2967 -'10,900 i9M9 T1BURON SE Woe' Only 53,000km. bease returfn. This beauty bas al he loy, spd. ai, pwr group, Sanroot, allOYgo SPOilet, leathet, CD- Stk#U2858 '15,900 2000 JEEP TJ SPORT One oasner trade, 4.01L V6, 5 speed, two tops, hardly brokeo in setir osy 50,000km. A peassre to shnow! Callars test drive todsy! Stk#U2967 1123.,900 2000 ELANTRAVE Lease returs, black with matchtsg tterior, automatic, air csnditiosing, pousr windows & locko. You ailil all n love with this usd. Stk#U2953 '12990 3.OL V6, automatic, air, pouwandoses & locks. One owner trade, absoiuteiy gorgesus' Stk#U2772 '12,900 Stk#U2915 ~, U es?~a.,- $1995 OOWN PER MAO 48 MOS. j.8ý'FINANCINe 1 IRP $19j9r5 S1895 DOWN PER MO/ 48 MOS. OFINANCINS ,mam in VA aialfl rBlowou ù! 7ÀYWOý/