The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, May 21, 2002-25 Sofas, Chairs and Sectionals of Startrng From ofe Finest us te om Fa rds. a to Imagine, Genuine La-Z-Boy et l m c d ~prces that w Il Delight you! 9" 1Bnrlgton Power Centre a QEW & Brant St. - 905-331-7600 Is somen special in your h/fe getting Engaged? or Married? or having an Anniversary? Announce your special moments in 905-87& SMALL private off ices, beautifully appointed. Hwy 25 & 401. 1-905- 277-9347 or 1-905-275- 6834. ATENTION! Beel home besed business opportunity. Etremely igh income potentiel. su c e ss onli ne - Mr. Reut- er (905)270-7804 (24Hr.) CAIL Redwood- 1-866- 357-0471 1 -yr 4.40, 5-yr 6.15, ARM 1.49. Also equity mortgage pro- gnims, regardless of in- come or credt Fnd our dream home in ~ A na9ian homes classifieds. FFI FE FFIach9pUt LCOME*~ ~JAGON MILSID TOER New in town? 82 Milside Drive, *etn are Mitasn lin 3 months or m i mare? 1 &2 Beravan Apts. *Having a baby? deal aeBlding Establishing a lacation new business? Utlities vncluded PLEASE CALL US 0v-Site Resîdent Commniity Wetcome Managers Linda 905-854-1563 Open 7 days. Doris 905-332-4799 Samne day approvas Elize 905-693-0313 Call:Baby & Bridat (905) 876-1249 Tracy 905-876-4330 Ln 905-854-4100 FOR Rent: iGood location iv Mîton suiitle for non- smokers workîng couple with references. No pets, children welcomne. Second level of bouse wth 9 feet ceîlings, 3 bedroomn or 2 wth dînîng. Available June lat, $110000 plus utlties. Apply to PO. Box 163, Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 ROOM for rent. Walking distance to amenities. Laundry facilities available. Available immediately. $450/month. Womav preferred. Calil 905-875-0865. -wne osefrRn' J/ t /~LL<O June - Minimum 3 beds, 2 1/2 bah, B I . U.2,20 6 S.Fx 0 Cail for details: Milton achool district. a _diisino -2341 or 905-875-3300 Short Terni or Long Term (min. 4 montha) k.Cail Brian 905-876-2498! W asblac k Wl dt _______andread alOeCET ~ ~ a Your adinMNOIL Irbt (anabianD J(bampion classified section, of course! -6 nal t. itn88522 Cal 90"475-3300 today ta place 19 OnaiStMlo 87 anr 2 edoomaost ns r .yu ats led ad! Monuments Markers - Bronze Markers anN eronapr- ECP A ew1jy fax us at 90587638 Cemetery Letteritig mente. Newy renovated in quiet building. 2 ap- pliances, utilities nclud- ed. On site lauvdry. Froni $845. 905-875- 4989 1 bedroomn aparment for rent. No pets. Final and est, $750/month. Availeble immediately. P/U application Berge- nies Home Decor, Downtown or fax 905- 876-2205. ACTON Apartatents For Renit: 1 bedroorn & 2 bedrooni apertnients for immediate and future occupency. Open 7 daswe.Sanie Day Apve.No Doge. 519-8534374 DOWNTOWN Mlton. Ose second floor mod- ern apertment with pri- vate sauna - $725 montbly including heat. No pets. Avilable June 1. Ose cozy second floor bachelor -$560 montbly inctuding heat. No pets. Availeble i- medietely. Caîl 854- 0401 with rentaI deteils. apartmnent with spacious brick lobt. Quiet Main Street building. Al ap- pliances. Frst & aest. $950 plus hydro. 878- 2326, Monday la, Friday 9-5. FOR Rent, 1 bedrooni apartrnent Downtowni location. Non-amoker, vo pets. Suitable for 11 person. Central air. Availabte early June. Fint and last required. i $700/month. Cal 905- 875-8081. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronte Street, Southi, Mton We are now accepting applcatiotns for t bedraam apartmevts. For more Information andior to make an appointirlent, lease cati W986-7-5375 Building Managera Leonard & Penny 12' Springbok alumînuni boat with lObp Honda mo- tor with trailer, gas tank and oars. $1950. Excellent condition. 905-632-0068, Burtingtoni. 1986 Thundercraft Magnum 190- l9ft c/w cuddy cabin/ toilet. 4.3L, V6 cobra oufdrive, new wind- ows/screens (2000. 1995 EZ tow traiter, single axel, like new interior, neyer lefI in water, fish finder/ com- pass, seats 5 adufts. $9000. CatI 905-8764733. e. lais. DEVLIN, Bruce Arthur Peacefully, Friday May 3rd at his home in Pasadena, California. Beloved husband of Lillian. Loving father of Temere and busband Bred Green, Arden and husband Derreil Burstein and Thomas. Much loved grandtather of Arielle, Devlil, Dylan, Harold and Charles. Dearly loved son of Jessie and the lae Edward Devlin of Milton. Twin broth- er Edwin of Vancouver and Janet and her bus- band Norman Flett of Dundas. Lovingly remem- bered by meny nieces, niephews, relatives and friends. A Memorial Service wilI be held on Thursday May 23 et 2pm at the Grace Anglican Church, Milton. Reception to tollow. Memnorial donations f0 the Canadian Cancer Society or the Canadien Diabetic Association woutd be appre- cialed by tfhe family. REMEMBRANCES in the form of donations to The Milton District Hospital Foundation are appreciated n Memoriame in the torm of Sdonations f0 The Canadien Cancer Society are deeply appreciated. REID, Carmitie "Milite" Peacefully et Joseph Brant Hospital, Butington on Fridsy, May 17th, 2002. Millie (nee Pelletterio) of Milton, in ber 87th year. Beloved wite of the late Sami Reid. Loving moîher of Mary Hellin and ber husband Sheldon of Toronto, Dave and is wife Diane of Grimsby, Rick and is wif e Kathy of Burlingon and Ron and is wif e Katby of Milton. Cherished grand- niother of Matthew. Andrew. Sam, Bemadette, Vanessa, John, Michael, Richard and Heather. Survived by sisters; Rose DeMois and Evelyn Oates and brothers; Joe, George and Dave Pelletterto. Friends were received Sunday, May lgth, 2002 at the McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452. The funeral service was beld on Monday, May 201h, 2002 a1 St. Lukes Anglican Church in Palermo. n lieu of flowers, donations 10 the Red Cross, Milton Brancb or the Canadian Diabetes Association would be appreciated. lMeory of LES ATWELL who left us on May 21, 1996. You are still a part of our day by day lIfe. Thanks, MEL. ALCC :)HQLICS ANONYMOUS 24 hr. answering service Phone 1-800-891-4862 1-519-836-1522 m mommmaummu dammummâm»M 1 1 1 Newspapers have been around for 300 years, because newspaper advertising works! Advertise in (catabiani QlUampion! 1