The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 21, 2002 -23 Jr. B Mavericks give in loss to Mohawks Milton shakes off horrible start to give Elora real challenge By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Beaiing Elora was probably asking a lit- tde too much of the upstart Jr. B Mavenicks. So finishing within five goals of their upper-echelon guesis and maintaining mosi of their fan-base until the bitter end ai John Tonelli Sports Centre Thursday could almosi be looked upon as a victory - albeit of the moral variety. Milton's 13-8 loss was highlighted by an inspiring second peniod. Heading back from intermission with thoughts of a blowout swirling through many spectators heads, the hosis fortified their efforts and presented a genuine chal- lenge to Mohawks. Josh Arnold - yanked aftcr a horrible stat- retumed with much greater effec- tiveness 1tomr aside 17 of 20 shots in peri- od two. 'hat plus two credible penalty kilîs and a handful of goals no doubt won over more than a few fans who were considering going home to cheer for the Maple Leafs. l-owever, Elora would strike twice at the tail-end of the period and then added îhree more goals in the final frame - two in shorthanded fashion, for a total of three on the night- to cernent the win. Scoring shorthanded for the third urne this season was Mavericks assistant captain Kaegen Sherriff. This first-period marker established Milton's only lead of the night -which lasted one minute and nine sec- onds. Paul Pedulla and assistant capiain Bobby MacDonald led the locals with two goals apiece, while singles went to Mati Decaire, Kyle Gortiz and Mark McComb. Milton shut down the visitors for mosi of the second peniod, but had trouble before and after that againsi a rather balanced tcam that- on this night - had nine dif- ferent scorers. The loss droppcd the Mavericks to 2-5. Thcy took on Gloucester Saturday and Orangeville last nighi. Both garnes ran beyond holiday press ime Friday. The Mavcricks are back ai Tonelli Thursday to begin a two-game homestand against Guelph at 8 p.m. Saturday they host Nepean ai 7 p.m. Please fax ail of your team reports and sports story ideas to Steve LeBlanc anytime at (905) 878-4943. Î Tlhe 'hotterpt7 trend in gardeninig today le ponide, ponde and miore ponde! What we enjoy moet about them le the calm, peaceful feeling we get wheni we eit beside them. The sound of moving water ie almoet hypnoizing, forcing ue ta relax and forget about the ret of the world. To keep ponde heaithy we need ta make sure that 65-75% of the waterle surface le covered with plant material. 11119 removec pallutants and helpe the water ta ctay cool, clean and clear making it a safé envronment for fich. Who can reslet addinq a few fleh ta their pond and turtling themn into family pets? A Mod will attract oCher types of wildlife a cuch as, froqs, iae and the odd curous nei@hbourhood cat. A pond can provide us with our own perconal getaway ta help us escape from aur daity ctreccec. LietenT-o G RE E N HOU SES CHAM For Morel 5uritoot Waveraown MilVon Iocated on Hwy. #5 5etween ocated on the corner of oated at Britannia Brant gtot and Guelph Lime Hwy.#b at 5th Cone-egion Et' and Trafaloar 905-332-3222 905-659-1999 905-b76-4000 -,ýMi1ton sailor finishes third at seasoni-opemniig iegati'a By STEVE L.BLANC The Champion Stepbanie Taylor ia gearing up for a buge year of saiing - and geiting better gear is certainly a step in tbe rigbt direction. Testing out lber new masi anti sait esîlier this month at tIse Royal Hamilton Yacht Club, Mlton's Europe class sailior tieliveret a rock-solid season debut at 4 tbe îwo-day Lilac Festival Regatta. Axnong a dozen top competitors, sbe tieti for tbird overail with tram paît- ner Geneviere Gaudreau of Sberbrook, Quebec. "The olti mat was way too stiff. Il was more for somnebotiy about 150 pountis instead of someone hike me _- wbo's 130," saiti 24-year-old Taylor. 'I'm not goingto be overwbelmed in l0-knot wmnds like before. This new gear gives me more mobiliiy anti a bigger range of comfori." S.* That was evitient for mucb of thse hOpSIf« five-race regatta - during wbicb sbe On0P11W grabbeti two thirti-place finiabes anti punctuatedth Ie weekenti witb a second-place effort, wbicb boostet iber final standing a notcb. Sai Taylor, "The races were al sbort anti close. i'here was tons of jockeying for position at tbe endi. In the asat race 1 was in first gomng aroundth te last turu but 1 misseti one shift anti entiet up second. Tbat's bow it goes sometimes. *"Overaii, it was a gooti tari 80 the season. I came away feeling positive." Last weekend's efforts matrk ihe latesi chapter in wbat's been a ratber inspiing comneback story for tbe yotmg sailox; whose career wis tbratened by Crohn's Disease up unil last year. But Taylor went into abnst fnit rermssion from thse iliness in turne to secure a founth-place effort ai the nationals in August. Wbile tIsai wasn't expecteti to get ber t0 tis year's world champi- onships - it turneti out to be just enough 80 quahify. Since Hamilton is Isosting the glob- al sbowcase, Canada bas beefeti up sponsorship for tIs team and decideti to take four participants insteati of tbe usual tbree. -So Taylor's Team Canada status was cementeti - and, to say tbe least, provided newfound motivation. - Tbis was a buge positive (making national team). Mentaity it gives you tbatmucb-needed confidence." le Teyloe Now under thse tutelage of fonmer Wqg »% world and Pan-Anrcan champion or »M $OW Kelly Hanti, Taylor continueti ber drive toward tbe worlds on tIse week- end ait the Toronto Ice Breaker Regatia. Sbe'll aplit ber training timne between Hamilton anti Kingston between now and tIse world chamnpi- onsbips in laie August. Taylor bopes to place in thse top baif of tbe pt'oj- ect 120 Europe-class sailors afier preliminary corn- petition anti tOe sinxply inake a solid showing beyond tbat. "A top-40 finisb would be fantastie," sbe said. Maybe it's time for the home you reatly want. 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