14-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 21, 2002 comfort si0 0ItPedlc COUoP»ON Pocket Coil GrthOsupreme SigeSngle Snlel Mata ed Frame Comiorter 'Percale Set Mault t! 2 st~! 89 25~ pi Cuts L ayaway o Sheets S ~ 2 Set $339 Set $41 9 aù a ilw LclDlvr e 59-«$5 DOUBLE 229 S,4 s DOUBLE 319Rails DUps of St-p DoUjBII49 DOUBLE 539 S' QUEEs 89 (EEN 3196 ý49 Shot Sraps Od Set QUEN ScI 7 QUEN 5, M ..N ... 9 FREE BED IN ABACG ' et1(i YJ(;769 4 24 Moen Futon "ICANADAS MATTRESS SUPERSTORE" 0 Visit Our website at www.sleeplactory.com OPE SUNDAYS! è Financing available e Senior Dscount . Hors: é Over 40 locaions acrass Canada T Mon.*WeM. 109P.M., 0 We cusiomize Satrday M p.m., Doublve F-rimIlqf MAIN ST 9 0 0 à T Irr.l1rf.r QEW SPEERS RD. saML WLwfal Aggressive drivers targeted by OPP Aggi-essive drivers beware. The OPP is focusing on you. Thse annual Aggressive Driving Campaign began over thse long weekend and will continue througri the rest of the month. "We will focus on locations with high numbers of crashes, complaints, or congestion," OPP Traffic Sergeant Chris Whaley said in a press release. "This campaign is important because aggressive drivers don't seu themselves as lthe prob- lem. Ibat's what contributes to themt being aggressîve. They larne everyone else." During thse camnpaign, thse OPP is keeping a sharp eye open for speeding, unsafe latte changes, improper signaling and disobeying traffic controis. Women to hold anniversary bash 7 Calling aIl female universîty graduates! The Canadian Federation of University Women- Milton and District will hold its 40th anniversary Jonc 6 at Halton Hilîs Place and Banquet Hall, 3090 Steeles Ave. The social hour will be from 6:3(0 to 7:30 p.m., followed by din- ner. Former members of the club are welcome to attend the dinner. To reserve a seat, caîl (905) 876-2929. Marian Courtyard full; waiting list 4 Mlton's sole retîrement communitv is now full. The Marian Courtyard Retîremeni Community. a four-store>. 50-suite building besidc Holy Rosary Church on Martin Street, becaine officially full earlier this month. For information regarding waiting ist availability. caîl (905) 878-1951. i .24~ S/N 250 IlTsgSize: 13 Mr xx18 112 Il Crr 80 email: har ropgatlery@hotmail.com I rAý -ý /Former CFL star Jackson featuired guest at car wash Need a car wash? Moffat Autoworks' second annual Celebrity Car Wash will take place June 1 from 9 arn. to 4 p.m. Russ Jackson, CUL Hall of' Fame inducice, will be on hand throughout the entire day. -Last year we raised $7,000," said Mac Moffat. owner of Moliat Autoworks, located at 761 Main St. "Everything raised will go towards McMaster Children's Hospital and Milton District Hospital for the purchase of pediatric equipment." CH TV will report on the upcoming car wash May 29, he added. m 1