The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 21, 2002 -11 WIn flnoc lIt TVOV E tr1SF -' k -S HEATIN & COOL! LTD. (905) 878. Serving Miton & Area for î over 40 years '4 SALES - INSTALLATION -REPAIRS r ihEfcec Furnaces, G Ai Conditioners, Gas Fireplaces NG1 1-4821 103 Stecles Ae., U nit #7, Mhitîîn 1400 k Perorventb t on-ate expr39-17 + S, Suronigaescl Includes FREE Disîntecting toi/ free 1-800-943-3828 & eodorizing _RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL Specializing in Custom Filin! DELREX Ving! Windows and ALMNM LIMITED Entrance Sgstemts Also ni,!Sing, Soffit, Fuel. and Àloff Samiess Aarnnum Trough wali1877-5383 between 9am & 9pm Va. ENt XRIflEN NtRRXNTn ON ItORKMANSIIP 905-878-23-41 EXT 227 itchens Bt nd Beyondnc. . Nsw Showroom Supply Dsign Installation Comlets LnMoFrdu t 1 Thompson Road, Milton (Corner cf ManiThompson) L905-878-6666 www.platinumhomeimprovements.coml Srm. contracting 1M. "RENOVATION SPECIALISTS" Residential & Commercial * Additions * Bathroomns * Roc Roomns * Garages ,Docks Licsncsd 878-8625 References b905-875-4991 »-Mi Garawge Doorsw - Electrir OpeerSff Sales, Service and mnstaiation Wudow, Ensrance Doors, Stonn Doors, Pana Domrs TEL: 519-853-2114 (AcTrON> 4landymen e Odd Jobs Pull> lInsured Io do jour nr * Repairs around the bouse "l.tS1H e Garden work e Panting I UNW e Clean up the garage or shed 905487848751 15 n Ktchen & VanIVy Cabirte -'n RE Arehttuml ati aHte Accessormes 5tore FktUre wth a new ktchen CIJtoVRiMiIkêrk L185 Main . ast, Unit #3 878- Ceramic TUÉS *0liard wood Floorrng Roc Rooms * Stool Studs * Bocks Bathroom Romodois * Orop CoIings (905) 876-4023 Stan THCK & FENE SPEALIST ~4i ~ A- SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Robert Noble Ltd. iao8 ft of hose for crossing lawvns 3 radio dispatched trucks to serve you Do&t ywait for trouble - Pump betore it's toc Iata! (ShoulId pump at least every 3 yearsl Neyer use coloured or double p/y toi/et paper (519) 853-0500 Acton Answering Service 878-6869 OVER 20 VEARS EXPERIENCE! I S A CT!merolfîe rborist u ll Ine, Fee -simI Core's We11 DrillingS Puntp Se-rvice " WeiI Rehabilîtation -WeiI Clean:ng -Fow Rates - Water Treatment - Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Systems - UV Steriîhzation Systema Telephone (905> 878-4515 4Ask for Rod or Jerry) 264 Bronte St. S., Unit 10, Milton ON 1 R0 MREP WINDOW FASHIONS mHorîzortfals e Vertîcals a Shutters * Many Styles Make Vour House.. A Home' ISHADE-O-MATIC (905) 864-9559 Authorzed Dealer Business without advertising is like winking in the dark You know what you're doingw but nohody else does! To advertise lu this section, please eaul Diane at 905-878-2341 Ryon Pender Chris Logon 905 330-7354 lopen geneisi contîîoovg@(hotmil oo Milton, Ontorio EINEIIAL c<>srnACriNGe HOEM MAINTENANCE SERVICES Plumbing & Electrical Repairs Reasonable Rates Over 50 Years Experience Commercial & Residential -HARDIMAN ROOFING CO. LTD. Tel: <905) 876,0958 4252 Henderson Road Res: 905) 878-3447 RAR No. 1, Milton Fax: 905) 876-0936 L9T 2X5 Free #: 1-877-667-4958 1 ý1- -à