26-The Canadian Champion, Fiday May 17, 2002 PEWTRESS, Hate Peacvfoliy at the Mitron laie iMedlûrl! rewres. Lovng mhiiiu(iC Kathleen and ber hunband Don Green aof( Hepworth, Margaret of Drights Grave and Susan I and ber husbn Dni Gefun of Milton. Deur ( sister af Et la Patterson and Ruby Jackson. I Hrenry eacock ah nobertAnthroeuck Predeceaaed by ber son Robenthurinebrothe Httie witi be missed by ber 9 grundchildren and 9 great grandchiidren. Famiiy and frienda visited L t the McKersie-Kocher Funerul Home 114 Main St. Milton an Thursday. The Funeral Service wiii be held today, Friday, May 1 71h 2002 t 1:00 pm tram the funerul home chupet. Inferment ta fol- low t the Milton Evegreen Cemetery. In lieu afI ftowers, memorial donatians ta Omugh C Preabyferian Church or the Cunadian Cancer i Society wouid be appreciufed bp te fumrly. l Betty BRADING n oving memory of aur very apecial Mam wha passed away May 19,1998. Forever in aur thoughts and laved frever Love Peter and Lee BRADING, Betty n loving memory of a cherished and very special sister who paased away on May 19,1998. Farever oved, deeply missed and atwaya remembered, Brian, David and Sharyn. Joan Wilon wishes to thank ail the Çseniors, friends, and relatives in -Canada, England and Australia, for the uronderful cards, gifts & best wishes for her 8th birthday. The i party was such a fabulous surprise, I was so overcome. I love you al. Joan ALCOHOLIOS ANONYMOUS 24 hr. answering service Phone 1-800-891-4862 1-519-836-1522 DAVCARE avait able in My home 6:3Oum 9m Mela provided. New Matamy deveiopment. 905- 203-7056. DAYCARE aviluble. Positions open in a home based daycure. Lots of tops, crafta and ouldoor pay. Frt Aid/CPR. Dorset Park (905)876-3768. NEEDED for one/fwa haurs aller schoof. Preferabiy Percy W. Merry bus route drop off. Culit 905-878- 3627 or leave message. RELIABLE Daycre uvaluble. Wilson & Woodward area Peuse cuit 905-876-4978. r i 'Il RIDING Instruction. Esperienced instructor wili coach youaut your facility on pour borne. Cusfom- zed ta y ur needa and goals. Engfisb/fyestern, ail evels. E!veninga/Weekenda. 905-873-2930. BUY/SELL staîr liftta wheeldhar lifts, hospîtal beda, 6 scooters, etc. Cail Silver Croas 905-847-5504 CARPET i have severai 1,000 yrds. of new Stain- aster & 100% nylon carpef. Will do iivingroam & hall for $349. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yarda) Steve, 905-639-2902 CHICKERING upright piano, excellent condition, $1100. Vivitar 356 colour eniarger and dark room equipmenf, $200. Cati 905-876-1032. DIAMONO ring, ladies, l8kt white gold, solitaire wlbaguefles total 1.5 carats. Hardiy worn. Apprainai $15.000. Beat offer. Cuil 905-975-3680. FOR Sale: Utiliiy traiter compiete wif h spare rire. $500. Rototilier in good working condition, $300. 905-878-9610. FOR Sale: Wanhîng Machine and Electrîc Dryer. Full suze. Goad condition. $100 each. Tel. (905) 693-0096. GARDEN1NG masure triple mix- cow. nheep and g00f. Picked up or delivered - bagn or yards. Teg- gant Furmn. Steeles Ave- W. of Wînntan Churchill Olnd. (905826-1408 Tail f ree 1877-218-2448. NEED A Computer ..Don't have cash? The original IBM PC. tant $1 a day.. no money domni AOL & In- terent Free for 1 year' The Buck a Day Ca. 1-800- 772-8617, wwwbuckaday.com PIANO Sale. May 23rd-25th. Over 100 new and used piano's. For appaintment or information cuill - 800-281-7172. PIONEER Home Theater recoîver. VSX464S. 1995 modet. Excellent condition. $250 or bent 001er. 905- 878-5959. SPAS ... Spas ... Spas... Broken partnership farces suie. Oser 30 span stîli in wrupper. Must be nold ut coat or beiow. 905-567-9459. TRACTOR ail purpone 2600 Ford with front end loader. Like nem, $11.000 or beat offer. 905-878- 1408. TREES - Cedurs - Give me a cal if you need a hedge. Suppiy or plant. Cati Fred. (519)853-5694. TREES for Sale. White Pîne 3'-5', Colorado Spruoe 3'4', White & Norway Spruce 3'4. For neuf 2 weeks. Cedars for hedges fi freeze up. Cail Janice Newman 905-877-0366. EARLY BIRD SPECIAL l6x300D. KayA Pools with d cl sI and fence, limited quantiy, from $4,995.00,8 25 year warTanty. f 416-798-7509 1-800-66&-7564j ww .ml oalancampoflCO ver, Crystul. newîng mu- chnea..Douitan. Moor- croft, Ouilla, Glass, Watchen, camera/ audio equîpment. dalla. paint- ings. colectibles, es- fates. John/ Tracy 905- 331-2477 ESTATE GARAGE SALE Tools - Furnture - Misc. office supplies Computer - Equpment CB Chains - Fares Golf Clubs - Batîs Off Guelph Line, Nassagaweya Between 20 and 25 Sideroad (4th Line) Ennisclare Estates, 4205 Ennisclare Dr. Saf. 10 -3 Sun. 10 -3 LGARAGE SALE Safurday May 18 8:00 - Noan 811 Cedarbrae Avenue Misc. items Priced ta sel Somefhing for Everyone GARAGE SALE Safurday May 18, 2002 8am - lpm 340 Klngslelgh Cr. Lofa & lof 0ffu PERENNIAL PLANT SALE Saf. May 18f h 9 AM - 11 AM or while fhey last! M69 App leby Line (Appleby & 401) Seedtings & Divisions Greaf Pricesi 77t Yar ageASaler ~.7 Alen ~wn1 ____DA__#_____ EeecraoAd ,ý Mondayat 1 lam for Tuesday Thursday at 11am for Frîday IFOR MOORCROFT ROYALI oia ekns UDOvLTON, RSisfckI Hlia reen rurniture. One item or for Tuesday the whole estate. [îles Trm Pleure nole -81en puyîrg by ces/t ard pieme relude the rnlmer nô0e îpii dote lIn [0v! ol,: snap s 3aîe Laigasi Sale Oet The Tuai! MONDAY. MAY 20 -1 PM VIEWING 12:30 SALE DAY Fabulsus ast af thîs wsrid turnishings include part contents af fuiare staff, 4 estates, + other ire quaiity turnîshînga, alan antiques & calleclîbles. Spectacular 11pc. avec. Chippendale diningroom su- te, bail & ciaw chairs w/large breaktront, banquet table & 8 bail & ciaw chairs, 11pc. French Chippen- date dîning suite, beautitul 9pc. Oueer Anse dining rosm suite, breathtakîsg 6pc. Chippendale Goversar Withrsp poster bdrm. suite. Spectacular 6-pc. Oseen ize bedset + ather dîning & bedraam tarai- ture. Beautital mah. babygrand piano, excellent candi- tian. 3-pce. salas suite, Verusa martin corner cabinet & commode, Daveapont desk, vitrene, palar lurnitare, Dutch china cabinet, rg. French Chippendale curis cabinet, dynasty dîaplay cabiset, caria cabinets, cam- modes w/înlay, armais & marbie tops, dnli maria chairs, French Chippendale curias, ndd china cabi- nets, buffets, dressera, cedar cheat, fotnt tala, vani- tien, large selectian at sdd tables, decaratar style, Chippendale library table, Victorian Camea sounge, decoratar & caraed parlar chairs sncia/e tapentry, east- lake & Victoriani styles, niant tront denk, marbie top plantera, TV, armoire, large collection of grop f 7 ail paistinga, tea wagon. French carved inlaid buffet, antique gar/en planter, lrg. selection ut china & glass- ware, E/war/ias server, gramophone w/large bras harn, 3pc. dock set, vesetian mîrror, Persias ruga. Pr. suborna lampa, Dragon fly lump, lily & large selectian ut Tiffasy style lampa mnci tîsar lump, Satauma collec- ias, matai baka & truck, royal vivra compote. îewai boa, umbrelia s1usd, weather aune, feu & chacalate sets sigse/. Many ther items. Auctiaseer. Chester, If you are about tn lurnsh your huma, dont misa Iis sale. Tenus: cash, visa, débit Interac or13% dlsc. for cash dollars ouly. Dllvry Avallable Four Points Sheratnn, 5444 Dxie Rd.. Minnssauga (Hwy 401 exit@ Dixie South) 1990 Chrynler Dyniasty LE, low kma, good condi- tion. $2.500 an la or bent off er. Cail Anigela ut 905- 876-3567. 1996 Grand Pria, 125,OOOkms. Very gaad condition. Cou 905 -878-8201. l- GARAGE & PLANT SALE - HOSTAS Sat, May 18 8AM -12PM 357 Kingslemgh Court Fridge, Air Condi faner, Clathes, j tnis etc. and lots of plants + Hantas jGARAGE SALE 759 Banting Court Safurday, May 18 8am -2pm GARAGE SALE Saturday May 18 7 arn Sunday May 19 8am Loads af great large and amaît househotd items. Northwest corner of 15 Sideroad and Second LUne, Campbellville Fotlow signa tram Guetph Line and 15 Sideraad PERENNIAL PLANT SALE This Sat., Sun & Mon. 9am - 4pm 10097 Regional Road 25 Apprax. 5km. North of Hwy401 Large Selectian, Escellent Oualtiy, Greaf Prices YARD SALE Hockey equipment, household items, aid dishes & glassware. lnferesting items Homemade Cookies & Fudge 246 Fay Court Sat. May 18 7:30 am - 2:30 pm Software, hardware, lu- loring. Any ime. Cali 905-878-4805. INTERHOP, Instant Diat Acceas. 3,000 popas, Canada/USA web solu- tions. 24 hour support. 1-877-688-8126, or www. inlerhop.niet FREE Dog f0 a good home, 8 yr aid maie, neutered Hua- key/Shepherd mix. Very trîendly, loves chldren. Cati 519-853-0036. FREE: Energetîc dog needs raom la run. 905- 693-1818. fil 1/111 I?ý 1\1 . ...........99 , 5-7 4,-3 1 1 smcill a