24-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 17, 2002 See you on the Green! Singles add $500 MON-FRI before ... 8:OOam $ 6 EVERYDAY after .... 3:OOpm4 0 SAT, SUN & HOLIDAY $5û99 before.......... 7:OOam Ut TOURNAMENT DATES AVAILABLE Golf, Cart and Steak from $75. C I L ( t, L B â ï PRICES SUBJECT O CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE File photo by G3RAHAM PAINE Real Desire, trained by Blair Burgess, appears ready ta return after a strong qualifying mile at Mohawk Tuesday. Real Desire appears ready k> make retiirn Top pacer delivers strong qualifying mile Real Desire, last seasons Breeders Crown and Meadowlands Pace champi- onîs one step dloser 10, making his relumn 10 the races after a stellar qualifying mile in less than stellar conditions Tuesday momning aI Campbellville's Mohawk Racetrack. On a rain-soaked surface in which the Onîtario Racing Commission judges allowed îwo extra seconds for the track condition, the four-year-old son of Life Sign floated ouI of the starling gale sec- ond, and then eased to, the front for train- er Blair Burgess long before the haîf in :59. Real Desire's pace then quickened as he spun off a back haîf of :56.1 10 leave the resl of his rivais 26 lengths behind hy the lime he tripped the teletimer in 1:55.1. "Hie seemed good. Hie was al by him- self and il was jusI like a training mile for him.- said Burgess, who surprised some hackstretch followers by qualifying in the ramn. 'He's defilely (quaiifying) again. The reason I went today was that il gives me the option of going again nexl Tuesday or takmng the extra three days and gomng on the Friday.' Afler a number of sensalional battles wilh arch-rival Bentors Delighl Ihrough the grseling lhree-year-old evenîs last season, the winter of rest has done won- ders physically for Real Dehire. "He's definilely gained a lot of weight,' said Burgess. 'Fies longer and taller." Owned by Campbellville's Rohert Burgess and Miltonian Karin Olsson Burgess. - along with American partners Bnitsany Farms and Perretti Farms - Real Desire will enter his four-year-old campaign wilh career eamingi. of $2.,100,024. Environmental Review Tribunal Tribunal de l'environnement Ontarto Nt) VU F. (Il Ill HU Ill FOR Il%[ ION si ( a', \o- 1::-224 01-233 fll-236 (11-237 01-240 I1R11ý1%lV, M IIFARINC %N app-I, th, Il, Mun-pahi, t -n 1. 'lm), 'd M.., 1. 1 Hl, f, l'il, ný, bel 1 ,, 'i' I-nal R', -, 1 ,b al u i '- non P i., th, 0wa-, H- 1, 1. 1 -Il, pet lo ( of -IIA th, th, %11 "f Ille 1 no,:,ýo,1L ý2 (Il, t. id-il, 111, ti-IVO ý 11, -non, I, Il il, I-o "f ILIIIq, Ihý 1,1, J'il 'Il lit 1,- wd m K 1 'q 1). 1 on, 11,11, 1- , "I'l'o, lit 1 L'It , - 'Il, H-' Ih, loi- il (),,k, 11, ,, IW 111,, t lo- i'd al ()il or l Il c', Il f( or il ýý'7 Morinipah, l ILIIo Il Iý 1--on 7 'n'l Walk- 1 in, %ý,II 1 1 oi 1 M'Ilo I-, Re'o'nil il, 1 1 1 il, 0 Applo, ýiI Illotl, Ille ý ILl". f a ai il onfil IoO, 5 1) Il P-d'on \V'Il 1 npl I,ý 1 Il 1"". il II.Illon oi lkillon. Ontair, ( 'd #;Ix'I ý7DKNI', 1 Il, i't il,, 1 il, lier Ifip, 0,!""," Uaf, , R, "q', c, 1. ', n- 1, pal -ro, , bc Pn-o- (111, j;ýirp ... e of [Ill, h- ring i, il, 'nilh], [lie Inhonill lo (]et, hth,, il hail zIli,, I - ok, 1h, , il, -1, or App'o-1 toi the lie, not'd abo', Public Information Meeting; h, ond', to i'd"s', th, pli hh, oi il', h- p,,,,,,. the 1 1, In, iM R-- 1 nkinal -ndo, Plibil, iII % ro, n' lo's't'on, C1,11 il,, A et th, -il-iburial', taft -Il -liduci a Public Inioririation Pýlccting on Monda.v. jurne 10, 2002 at 7:00 p.in. In Ille ( ; 1 hy/Dakota Roorn, Ill, Rportal Mirn-palu, et lialton, Il 5 1 lir-ont, Road, Oak,11, Ontan, Ihe purpo- of th,, Puhh, 1,11111al, "Il Me long -Il be In, pr-d' o, nàii(lualý -th Inforniainni on the ficaring proc- and the dilfereni -y% Ill l'hl,,, ttýcIlla. carticipale in the Ilcaring; no donfifN glOUPI 01 Indl-11.111 1110 -h b, prIrcipate in the IIearing-ý tri pri-de lit opporiunit> for th-e -th 'inular In[e-(ý Lo the,, ne, an,] oncems aniongýI ilictiielvc% lo - il air uiilhrclla group pr- nie- and il, an-e, an> othr th, public rita> h-, AI (hi, -,oit, Wt -Il noi h- àm and a,, noi ni, niake deciions or riiiiiigý related to the -- ot the ciec PrelimInarv Hcarfine, A PreIiirnTiarý Ilearoig (vihich -11 torin part et the lieiiriiigi -11 bc beld 'Iiiesdat. June Il, 2(*2 ai 9:.M) a.m. Ill the Roorw 'Ille Rginil Mun-pahi, il [talion, 115 1 Bnwbi Roild. 0A,11, Onlaru, and -Il h, ci) luivitid bý il I (il the Ti-ibunid Flic pullir- of th, -Il K, il, fi-ovil, gro.p, and infi, lilial, ho i: r, -Ling Pal-1% Paul 'latn, and 1, .le th-, ni Idcold, 111, 1-onc, Il, F, ai th, uan, prie ýý blili the proccs, 1 illonnallon and docunieni -frine,ý of Kal- and thon And tl-LilllIC.11 rýI)re le il 1:111, 11oping 'l pli ning "I (lie 11111111 1 leiill[IL, L I, 'Ical - th am other iiititers lhal in.v, bc ra--d hý and Parl- ,Iýbhh diticý bir Ille inairi Ilearni L ind Iii l'Ille Pro-dulal Ir-ilon, 1 lie Iriburnal hi., ý'o Id ht, formed tri rMteýent their cornirion njtetý ai th, Iiearingý lo a l"i et pot-ind Pirrini, IliI,1,ci,ýIt, and ,elrled il ternirai location fi., conductirlg peliniiniir.% hein ings for ýeeral appea ur eiieral iirea: li(Imeer, the main hearing liill he bel(] in the rnunicipaIit.ý mhert Ille %%;lier ý)rký is lýwated. Nou Can ParleChaate: 11, 1, Infi, dud, ýnlllltld il Il th, 11,non, I, pr- 11- th- th, I thl- ill'blll olt- Il ifi, 1 111AI Il "il Io1'oIW'ý \ P.1,11111pani oýI1 InA l ýl 10 III1ý r opro I, ih, liýý.["" 'n'd .(I'nd "I'. \ on, lo da, '0 th, IL, . ..... \ Pao, th, lod ol tio, id 111 'l ifi, Il l . ..... h, or il, Ih, li't'l'oal fi'l I'LIlIý ýIIId l'IlI111111ý,ýýl il, ii- litir týiý(enemlii) %%iýhestl)1);trticil)iite tri the lle:jririg ýheIijl(l atterri the Publi( finfoririation %leetittu and lire Preliminn- lir-aring. Injü(prtanIý Ari, p- on I- il, Il Ill, a il liiirli, illant iiiut n,,IiIý Ille 1 ribon.d ni ý riting (or I h\ 4:011) p..i. on %la 31. 2002. ( ý,n';r" 1 il b, al loi lIithr & LIIII dhoUt Ille 1 'ounal "Ini 11, pn, Il li'd 11 on, th, 11 hi ili 1-, -Il bc ,,, ow,( -r- ino, &d b, the Fribunal tor the hearing, Il Partie, con-lei (liai iheý relaire a trýIncrpt ot ih, il- nia, ,th il, 1 ohlan, 'l"Ir ,,, II. , ailh'n, >.il -J'n- Il ou ,qu- th, ot il 1 1,-Il languay, 111 ilnN offill pii- ad, ,, il,, 1 -on Il %,Il] receoie lit, floirce. Ind [lie 1 ijhuI'l1 1111 L'ile.Ilpi to ýorn ri- 1, 1 . AKE NO'l ICF illai Il- hein- L dile , p"ernpI(Irý to all Partie, Il -u do 11111 Ilit-Il Lit 111" I-Ir g 1 nkiiiiit, ou-Il to ribulial. Ille 1 il% ir(,tiiiieilial ke\ - 1 ribunal nlaý ploceed in ý oor thýcrice and %on liiiiN not 11- 1%1 notr' 1 111 DAVED ai 'TORONTO, th,, Qth (]il, ol Ma.N. 2002. Susan E. Dunn Tribunal Sýretýtr.N Infonnainni C'lnut (colieli -111 ,u,,,,uuRe,,,, Iihîuualt Ii itau,. iî, \1u 41' Il4 (-l ,1h, 314- 450( i tff t4Ib, il-tauÇ.IR . -'Neely's sponsorship boosted for 2002 CAS CAR season Miltonian Rob Neely will have some more horse power for 2002. The CASCAR veleran - who begins the new season îomnorrow ai Delaware Speedway - bas recently added Holiner Pîumbmng 10 his list of spon- sors. And that means Neely Motorsporls wiil be able 10 compete in al 12 Castrol Super Series events this year. "We are reaily excited 10 have Holinar Plumbing on the car Iis year," said Neely, who began his tac- ing career on the go-kart circuits aI the tender age of 10, "Tbey have been involved in CASCAR for a couple of years and know wbat our team has 10 offer."1 Holmar Plumbing joins retumning sponsors Dodge/Chrysler and Tbompson Mechanical on Neely's #97 Intrepid. Neely Motorsports ran a im- ited scbedule in the 2001 CASCAR Super Series when a lack of funding forced the teain tb sit ouI several events. Remarked Neely. "The car was competitive whenever we ran, but we bati a imited budget. Witb thse support of ail our sponsors, l'in looking forward 10 even more competition Ibis year." The Milton driver wiIl look 10 erase thse memory of last year's Delaware Speedway event, wben two fiat tires cosi bim a top- 10 finish. He'll also look 10 rediacover thse consistency Ibal restslted in a second-place finish in CASCAR's Super Series points race in 1999. Pepi Lavec prevails at Mohawk Last year's queen of the freshman trotting division earned ber first îhree-year-old crown with a victory in hier (Jold Elîmînalion ai Mohawk Racetrack Monday nighl. Pepi Lavec survived a îough trip 10 capture the sec- ond of three Golil Eliminations by îhree quarters of a lenglh in 2:01.2. Leaviiîg the local oval from poRt seven, the Mr. Lavcc daughter and driver Paul MacDonell landed third on the outside inl the early going and rarely saw tne pylons lhroughoui ihe remainder oft11e mile. Up and driving before the three-quarler mark. Pepi Lavec îook over the lead Ihrough the final tomn and hung on gamely l'or thc wîn over lmnosuckyhaby and Trenna Seelster. "She raced big lonight, righl hack bo where she was lasI year," said traîner ion Bax. who hares ownership on the winner of $307.726 wiîh Campbelîvilles Glengate Farîns. The Peterborough native also trained Nalashas Kiss 10 a Ihird-place finish in the first Elimination and Gramolas Image 10 a fourth in the lasI of three Gold conlehîs. Pepi Lavec and Natashas Kiss are guaranleed spots in Monday's $130000 Gold Final and Gramolas Image could advance if bier nane is drawn from among the fourth-pîaced contestants. The other îwo Ontario Sires Stakes trophies wenî home with brothers Paul and Larry Walker. Paul opened the Waîker show when is Early Secret dcliv- ered an upsel victory in the second race. The Earl daughter. wbo was lasI seasons Grassrooîs champion and finished second 10 Pepi Lavec in the Hoof Beat I** ANRA INDE Canadian Breeders Championship. wcnî directly t0 the front from post eight and neyer needed 10 glance back -coasting home 10 a 2:01.4 triumph. Dietrich ftnished one length hehind Early Secret and Natahhas Kihi. wah another length and three quarlers back for third. Paul Watker trains Early Secret foi Malcolm MacPhail of Dover Centre and breedet William Loyens of London. and Keiîh Oliver piloted her 10 Monday night's win. Larry Walker followed hit. broîhers footsteps to the winner's circle afler race six with favourite Taste Test. who scored an easy two-and-a-half length victory in her Ontario Sires Stakes debut. The Mr. Lavec filly stopped the dlock in 2:02.1 te score her second win in just three lifetime starts. Give Me Samoa and Smoky Sunset rounded ouI the top three. Walker trains Taste Test for Spring Eternal Stable of Sutton West, which has already banked $38.198 during ils filly's brief career.. The top three fillies from each Gold Elimination and one fourth-placed finisher wilI make a reîum appear- ance aI Mohawk Racetrack Monday for their $130.000 Gold Series Final.