The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 17, 2002-17 ¶=hrFrîT r, ~A~YV~ i ai ~ÏA~ kÀiiik2 A~i~JALL~ I Planting Instructions You have purchased a healthy living plant. Keep it that way by taking the fol- lowing steps: 1. Upon your arrivaI at home, place the plant in the shade and keep moist until planted. 2. Dig a hole, minimum 30-40 cm larger that the pot, bail or root spread. 3. Rough the ides and bottom of the hole to help drainage and root penetra- tion. 4. Clay soil: Plant minimum 10- 15 cm above the surrounding soul. Backfill with a mixture of topsoil, manure and peat moss. 5. Sandy soul: Backfill with a good gardening mix. 6. Before backfilling: Ahl restraints must be cut away from the trunk. (wire, burlap, plastic containers). Fibre pots should be cut off. Unless plant is rooted, then remove rim and severely cut pot. Root bound plants should have the root- ball cut lengthwise. 7. Trees should be staked and tied. 8. Spread mulch or compost around the base to keep plants moist. Feed twice yearly at the surface. 9. Roses should be planted with the bud (bump on stem), 2" below the sur- face. 10. Water as needed 2-3 times weekly during I st year. step IMto the &wt Pir**gac.* à~4 HeatI&Cooflng Ltd. Scrvin Milton & Area For Over 40 Years. eW Take Pride In Our Work" umII'rY(95)8784821 'rIsuAv '~~' VISIT OUR SHOWROOM TOUA Y! MOi-FRI:8:30-5:00 xnrseries anid garden centre SPECIAL CLEARACE. 20+ SELECTED EVERGREEN SPECIES (good sizes) Prices from $500 - $2500 CUWG RMbEDOSES yrit ~' PiEs, SPRUCES9 WIHTE CEDAR, WEEPING NOOTI<A CYPRESS 8ft 15ftîn wîre baskets 2 5 %OFF reg. prices HEDGE CEDR 3ft 4ft 5ft 6f 10 + 100% OFFre.pis 25 + 20%1/ OFF reg. prices 100 + 30% OFF reg. prices LARGE SELECTION 1 Mixed Hanging Baskets & Plantera \.Annuals - Vegetables, Herbeea ~rjO a *i~~j I M,~ ith the aur héi Visit Our Showroom Today! Ktchens, Baths and Beyond Inc. 18 Tompaon Road, Milton (Corner of MainlThompson) 905-878-6666 Mon.-Fni 9-6, Sat: Closed for Victoria Day Weekend _ V7.I IY LL0-1-e=g7--t7n 8" Basiei Faucet with your next Bathroorri Derry Rd. a Bdtannia L