14-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 17, 2002 Maybe we should wipe out hoo7'f rnd hbgd novieso ,,too -a m 4.-p 1 was distrcssed on '1uesday $o rcad the letters sec- tion ol The Champion and sec 303$ one ieter condemn- ing Councilior Rick Maibocuf' and his smoking cru- sode. and no letter irom hini defending Iiiniseli'. This bas provided me sseeks of' eitertailnlciot and somge good lessons in spin doc$oring. i even go o the letters section now before the sports. I covered a Town Hall meceing f'or Tihe Choamupioon which people were aliowed $o voice their opinions $0 the Smoking Byiaw Review Committee, which wsas cbaired by Mr. Maibocul'. i lound bim to be reason- able, intelligent, articuiate and certainiy likabie. He seemied qui$e different whcn I w0tcbed hlm on Cabie 14 at a counicil meeting wben they were having their vote on the recommendation of the commi$tee. Ail o' a sudden anybody who didn't agree with him was an idiot. He trotted out bis statisties, which are questionabie to some. and at the very ieast subject to interpretation. I suppose if you want to get things donc there. tbat's wbat you do, i don't know. My personai take on the whoie matter is that ban- ning smoking is just fie, but dont put our ossn busi- nesses at a disadivantage. In other words. wait untii ail the surrounding areas have banned it. so that our bars aren't the ones iosing business. 1 don't understand why we'd want to do that to protect people trom a barm tbey'rc perfectiy aware of and cao avoid if they choose to. The oniy councilior wbo questioned and tried to, make sense of the numbers was Ron Furik, but Mr. Malboeuf bad no time for hlm or anybody else. He 2002_Nissan Sentra 2002 Carquide *Best Buy"' On the & loose wih URA e WNE svas going $0 save Milton, and ilhey werc getng in his way. i have $03 say 1 appreciate a sas tour. mnuch like i would Spidermnan, Baman. or Superman. 1 îhînk we al d (o, ai$hough i'vc neser been a hig I'an oi Aquaman. 1 say te, Mr. Maiboeul, let's no$ stop now. i agree $hat smoking is harmfui, and $ha$ nowý, people who go to bars won'$ have $0 worry about$ t in Milton, probahiy because they'li be sorneoshere eise. i have some other suggestiorns to make hie better in Milton and save us irom ourseives. For exampie, i have some $ight underwear that i'm not fond of but wear because they're clean. If he couid heip han tigh$ underwcar, I'd have no ehoice hut $0 purchase properiy-ii$fg ones. Now, the underwear is probabiy $00 tight because I'm $00 fat. Wbat if we passed a byiaw to ban excess fat'? We wouid ail be much beaithier for it, and best of al we wouidn't have to look at other fat people, who cao make digestion difficuit. Better digestion wouid be 9see CARS on page 21 (Lease Sentra XE WMl VALUE OPTON PACKAGE nl1199f«4 ots Only S-1.298 down. Orchose* *8Ftnancing. Wimiu ".126-HP 1.8-litre DOHO engine * Air condiiioning " AM/FMV with CD audio sy$iem with 4 speakers ".14"1 steel wheeis * Fu wheei covers " 8-way manual drivers Seat - 60/40 split ioldng seat " Centre console armrest -And much, much more... 0 f and Financing NORTH END Lt1LL . LD. e Selsae 610 MARTIN STREET, MILTON 905-878-4137 DRIVEN. Smi epeawy ra le nnlAd he iayealheirseai bts Oeslale fr lmte lmead0 yc ang ihouotiace on new 2002 Senla XE s ed manuea wilh Vaue Opion Package t1 f' .pulchacelllallCing oi 3 onths aalbeo etaOhrfnnrtsaaile 011n ottll mdels F iansoexempes $20000 ailS' ,.pa r nu equals $579 86 per ,eoth for3 mnta.hsCOSis $87507 foranaaobliitota l f$20.85 *8mn aso na68.37 ý/58', 58' .AUR 011apaymeeo îequaaenll ade o $1,298 Leases basa0 0on a imaxiemm of78.000km w101111ass citaîgied ai $0 10/611Ail Gcllnîs ae 0OAC. ando excluda desaioand ai) eoeSenlla $068)1$350 iase adinistra- tiotlee for SeafýL icence, nsanaceaxlaes and ohelaleishipcharges ae extaanld mustbepad ali thlimelSoflatanaton Seeoyour Nissan DealeiOlp for etaitsOllCil cAnn01 be ombiIe ith aely other aOits. Ohiesflot eactyas showfl 0RIVEN ad the NissalIoo ae tademarks oNssaCaada 11c NORI-T",'Hý', END ENJOY THE SAVINGS EVENT GIVES YOU MORE TO SMILE ABOUT. NO PAYMENTS FOR 90 DAYSM -1