A 8-The Canadian Champion, Tueaiday, May 14, 2002 M74 87 Laurier Ave. 878-2881q- te 4 Commuity iving Month aied at bringing more attention to the developmentally disabled Local support network has been arvund for almost haif a cen tury By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion S nce 1955, Comiunlty Living North Halton bas serviced persons liigwith developmnental disabili- ies. ourîrgaee/.ataon prosies supportlandi s l' oar people whdes eloprrieantal Llsailiaacs andLa.llowaI thcin tee take thear place an thaiengaginty san 55hatevsir 55 ay they can. 'saad Johin F1-edeli. execueas'directair aof Community Living Norah Haltani hch includes Milton, Georgetown and Acton. May is Commeanity Living Month. In recognitioen, Community Living North Haiton held a ike-a-thon an Georgetown earier this month and wii take the group to a Toronto Blue Jays gamne. I dont think people realie ntellectually disahled people are lonely'- he continued. -Event il'a iew people have ai btter understandang of wbat i's lake forr îhem, the btter.- Nlanv services available The organalation ofers a varîiy ni services, nclud- îng aduit resîdentiai assistance and recreational activi- ties witb an empbasis on community ntegratiian. It aiso provides resource consul tants to prc-scbool chiidren waîb speciai needs and their familles anad empioyment opportunities. "For our residentiai services, we seek no more ta five people whenever possible," Mr. Bedeil said, adding the organi/Dition prefers the termn developmentai disabiiity opposed to montai retardalion as the late tends 10 label people. Alîhough most people he's run int have no knowi- cdge of wbat Community Living North Haiton is, hc saîd the namne better refleets the services offered. J "The name is noi weil known hut hopeluliy people will come to know il. Somne people îbink it bas to do 'A with bousing, seniors or physicaliy disabled people." Mr. Bedeil said ho believes misconceptions people bave about persons witb developmentai disabilitios are due to "fear of the unknnwn" "If you dont know, you're teartul. ils a fear factorPoo.y"RHM AN Haiton services or volunteer opportuaitics, eaul (905) Angie McGilvery (left) and David Hill of ComiTiunity Living North Halton keep busy assembling car wash psul kits, which is onle 878-2337, ext. 23. of the many activities at the Main Street support services facility COGECO 14 Programming Schedule - May l3th - 2Oth, 2002. S 9 00am Pigged in' n9oas plueIn,- 9 003M i PNuged In, - 9 as Pgged i -9am 10 item piugmen, e VICTORIA DAY HOLIDAY Le Wee fioNiaie aîy uea ek lon alyWeek Edione ady eees Ediiýo 12ilOpm ,aie WeekE NOtion No PSogane 'g 1 0n uda p 10 Oauti Monaay Rpiay i0 0aiii OieSday Repiay 10 00ae Wedflesday eptae 5m Non& 7 0pm i Pivaged n K pn ohHhntr dEay WeekEdifion N . pm 730pmPiblug I' pm. 6:00& 7 »mPivged In - pe pooN7tuipee PuaiedI'-LeWk it , - ) 53 d odTseEd ekEiinEany eeek Edition Laie uleek Ediese 3pt money uleeti Mo~ge oc 63p nep em e 3 N eirsowcse 530pm KeaiCeeecion 5 30m Mneey Week 6NOpr SenisShonase 7 I0pm he Issu IN N.3pm Swap Taik(Lvei NOpet Negbuito Netghboa 7 00p Te Issue Is NORTH4 HALTON STUDIO p t4L'8Atpe SpedoNE Lie 630 empluisTingo NeLe> a8inan Auo Npes (ve) 8tinu ition egor oui Laurier Plaza aeesaM l tlpii Halp ine NNNCujei 9 p eeeto >NaetMoNay th02 i DYne Neighinai no Neghtsoî 500 Laurier Avenue I eLlw MaMLls~'Ny 61i02? EeoieeoeHDNtAeards 9NONne eebraun oiNitudeni Mlton, ON L9T 4R3 ExcJts .1n epn N rhH lo T re N aeence' NONONards 9058789306 K eigN rhH io u e N ýE